• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    The D-Log

    I have really long detailed dreams that are either super boring or super crazy.

    Few people you need to know before you read. (Mostly people I know in real life. Names obviously fake. Details scarce as possible.)

    Osezo: Pops up in my dreams probably the most out of all my irl friends. Male. Tall. Long hair.

    Gatgang: Osezo's younger brother. Almost frequently appears in dreams. Tall. Curly Hair.

    Setaron: Irl friend. Pops up from time to time. Male. Slightly tall. Short Hair.

    Meagan: One of my ex-girlfriends. Invades my dreams occasionally. Average height. Medium hair length.

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    1. Quick Entry #2

      by , 08-01-2012 at 10:25 PM (The D-Log)
      So I haven't been keeping a dream journal all month. Mostly because I mainly wanted to use this site but my internet connection was being unreliable. Luckily I can remember a few cool dreams.

      July 25th

      Mostly non-lucid. Had a very severe nightmare. A terrifying beast with long dirty hair and dead eyes was tormenting. Could talk. Had a horrible woman's voice. Would not let me wake up. Multiple false awakenings. Was in weird sleep paralysis state.

      July 27th

      Completely non-lucid. Had a dream involving Osezo, Setaron, a girl I had just met that day that we'll call Ace and several of Osezo's friends that I only barely know. At first, we were all in an odd circular house. Just hanging out. Then Ace and I were wondering in a city that resembled New York City. We found a building with a huge door. Had a big colorful neon sign. We went in and then were selling a bunch of Japanese food products. Ace said that Osezo and Setaron were trying to find us and that we should hide from them. We went out the back and were in this chain-link fenced area.We went under the fence and were out in a road. Ace had disappeared. I walked on the street a little and found a blood splatter. The dream then had a very "noir" vibe. Woke up shortly after this.

      July 28th

      Non-lucid. Somehow Batman related. Remember running across rooftops and fighting people. Very excited feeling dream.
    2. Quick Entry #1

      by , 07-06-2012 at 02:40 AM (The D-Log)
      I will label entries as Quick Entry when I'm feeling too lazy to write a full entry or I missed a couple nights.

      July 4th, 2012

      I was non-lucid for the majority of the dream but towards the end I became lucid.

      I was in my junior high. Some kid was being a bully so I said I would fight him. He said to meet him after school. Wandered around the school and peeked in classes. Went outside and ended up on a roof with some other students somehow. We were falling off when I realized I was dreaming. Looked over at a girl and said don't worry, this is only a dream. Began flying around. Landed in front of the trailer I used to live in. Bully kid was there beat the crap out of him. Woke up.

      July 5th, 2012

      Completely non-lucid dream.

      Was in my old trailer. Hanging out with lesbian couple on a couch. They keep tickling me to the point that it makes us all uncomfortable. Walk into hallway. Dream scene shifts. Hanging out outside. Suddenly alien spaceship is in the sky. Everyone freaks out. Ship starts sucking up the entire Earth. Bits and pieces of Earth left. Ask aliens why they'd do this. They say the same thing happened to them so they go from planet to planet hoping to destroy the world of whoever did it to their planet. Tell them that it's unfair of them to do that and they've become what they hate. They realize their mistakes. Tell me to find the last survivors and board them on ht e ship. Do so. Ship finds a runway and blasts into the sky. Wake up.