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    1. Top-Down RPG Dream

      by , 07-19-2014 at 06:01 PM
      This dream was in a top down view with an old JRPG/Medieval style setting, non-lucid. I had just entered into the attic, my movement was restricted to: up, down, left or right and "use object". I started in the lower left corner of the room and since there were plenty of bad flooring I had to navigate around those spots to continue, by the mid right wall I found a book which I then selected, there was a message mid-screen saying "Spell Book: Duplicate Money. YES/NO", I did not see a problem with this and picked -YES, another message popped up "Warning, this spell is illegal to use and and a bounty will be placed on you if you continue. Do you wish to continue? YES/NO". -YES, a new message "A bounty of 200 Gold has been placed on your head by (City name)". I went over to a chest by the mid left wall where I got the message "Place money? YES/NO", I remembered how the family of the mansion I were in needed of money because the daughter was sick or something along those lines, -YES. By the top wall I found a large pile of stuff and after the 'Use object' command I was prompted to choose between three events and their only real explanation was a single picture for each. I only remember the second picture, it was of me being chased by guards out of the town. I must have spent at least half a minute trying to decide which one to pick and their prospective consequences, I didn't even consider I might be dreaming -_- . I picked the second option, I was then prompted to select between another two pictures that would determine my actions during the event, the first picture was of me running down the street holding unto many large pieces of bread-rolls while chased by guards, the second was of me running down the street carrying lots of money also while being chased by guards. I picked the bread. "Warning: You have not yet met (name of a woman), this will affect your future game. Continue? YES/NO" -NO, I then went back down into the mansion and started searching for the woman, I wanted a good ending after all. I found her in the kitchen making out with the husband of the family and I concluded they were having an affair, they threw bread at me and sent me out the front door, I was spotted by guards who probably thought that I was stealing the bread and started chasing me down the street, I managed to escape through the gate towards the forest without being caught. The scene ended and went dark, then I woke up. My first thought after waking up was "But I selected -No!!"

      Updated 07-19-2014 at 06:07 PM by 70078
