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    1. That School, that very odd school

      by , 01-17-2012 at 06:44 AM
      I wouldn't call it much of a nightmare, but it wasn't the nicest setting. I was at an old school, but I've never gone to this school, all I know is that my friends are there. Friends from a longer time ago, like middle school, there isn't much going on. I wander the halls, seeing people I know. Not talking to them, and not being talked too. The greatest memory/high point of this dream is I was standing in a hall way. Looking down, I was at a door, much like an office in the main office itself. The hall leading to the reception desk maybe, and to my right an open door. That's about all I can remember. But it is a fragment, for I've had several other dreams like this, all in different settings, but I have no idea what they mean.