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    Sailing the Noosphere

    1. Fragments for June 21 2011

      by , 06-23-2011 at 05:27 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. Playing D&D, which transitions from a traditional fantasy universe to a Western, and then into a LARP Western. I walk into a bar, where I meet a girl named Alice Smith, who's crying over some form that requires the sheriff's signature. I take up her case, and as I converse with her I read through a book of frontier law (failed RC). I eventually go get the sheriff's signature, but as I'm coming back to give her the form, I see a wanted poster for Alice as a Canadian spy. Disgusted, I leave, and meet up with the rest of my party in a nearby arcade. I notice a bunch of college friends at a restaurant table close to the arcade, but I don't go to meet them.

      2. I come across two very attractive women on the porch swing at the front of my old house. They are disdainful of me, but after a bit James Bond falls from the roof onto the porch in front of them, completely naked. They start cooing over his manliness, and this is so ridiculous I sort of wake up. I almost manage a semi-lucidity and insert myself into James Bond's body, but this is more of vivid daydream level of reality instead of true lucid sensation. I can't honestly count it as lucid, especially with poor recall as to subsequent events.

      Updated 06-23-2011 at 06:15 PM by 32914

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Fetish Fuel

      by , 08-07-2010 at 12:31 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I am a girl, and have gone to visit my mom's friend V at her house. The house is rather dark, and seems to be crowded wall-to-wall with pool tables and people smoking around them. I walk around and find a secluded corner as I hold my breasts. They have recently expanded, and I'm somewhat clinically analyzing the tropes of breast expansion fiction as they do or don't apply. I seem to be moodier and hornier than usual, for example. As I do this, my breasts start expanding again. With great pleasure I start to stroke them, and soon I orgasm hard, spurting milk. I run past the pool tables to find a bathroom where I can clean myself off, and the crowd laughs scathingly.
    3. Low-Res DDR and Mom's Affair Fragment

      by , 07-14-2010 at 12:05 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm completely out of money at a mall, so I get my dad to give me some quarters. I then take these to go play DDR at an arcade. I'm able to find a freestyle hands-and-feet mode (menu is in text, so failed RC) and happily punch in to play. I am disappointed, though, since the interface isn't the clean shining one I know and love. The whole thing is grainy, and there are no arrows, only solid streams of pixels for notes. I enjoy the techno nonetheless, performing for my parents and some random guy, and I get a high score. As I enter my name in all caps into the machine, my dad makes a wisecrack about how freestyle should be "horse behind the ass" style.

      2. Mom is having an affair with some man in New England. She hides it for a while, but eventually she's found out to be pregnant and everything turns to shit.
    4. First Lucid of the Journal and a Fragment

      by , 06-30-2010 at 08:45 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm walking on the halls of the research station, and I see V coming back from a lover's tryst. As she climbs the stairs, her low-cut shirt reveals her cleavage, and I am overcome with jealousy. I then catch a glimpse of MB, living in a different room, and my vision zooms in on her computer, where she's texting a new interest.

      2. V and I are playing D&D on the overpass of a local highway. Each of us pulls out a D20 and rolls, heedless of the cars streaking past us. I'm low to the ground, and as the dice stops, I notice the cursive 11 on its side slowly morphing into a 7. I PASS this reality check, and realizing I'm lucid, I manage to resolve the scene around me into waking-like focus and feeling. The pavement feels grainy and coarse, the sun is mildly hot, and I feel in perfect control of my arms and legs. Suddenly, she tells me to run for a football pass, and as she does I feel the ground beneath my legs and run. I feel the impact of the ball in my hands, and somewhat inspired by this, I do the turn-summon to place her in a cheerleader's outfit. It's blue and gold (colors with no particular importance) and very revealing. Confidently I stride up to her, and we engage in a passionate kiss. It feels just like waking life but when I try to turn things towards actual intercourse, I lose lucidity and fall out of the dream.
    5. Old House Fragment

      by , 06-21-2010 at 12:46 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      I false awaken into my bedroom in my old house. I know one of my friends is taking me to a concert later in the day, but it's really early, and my first instinct is to jack off and kill some time. I grab a porn story printout from my bedstand and go to my basement, but I can't focus due to all the the noises and creaks down there. I spend the rest of the dream trying to stop those noises, turning various switches on and off to silence the washer, dryer, and buzzing fluorescent lights. Here are about ten consecutive failed RCs, as I realize these switches seem to take random effects on the machinery.
    6. Two Types of Sexual Frustration

      by , 06-17-2010 at 07:19 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      V and I are attending a movie, a biology documentary about wetland habitats. The screen is huge and very high-definition; underwater photography, alligators, and birds are all shown in stunning detail. After watching for a while, we move closer and closer, and finally close to kiss. The ensuing makeout is full of energy and passion, and I vividly feel both tongues writhing. There's so much energy, in fact, that she knocks out the filling from my front tooth. Its texture, hard and ugly, now enters the dream, and my brain pulls me out presumably to avoid that feeling.

      I wake up (IRL, not a false awakening, thanks to RCs and my own dream journal), but when I go back to bed the dream has continued with a shift of scenes. We're now in the bathroom of the movie theatre, preparing to have sex. I try to hurry up and begin to piss... and I keep pissing. I notice, too late, that the urinal I chose has someone's shit blocking the drain, and soon the water starts to overflow. I have no choice but to continue, but as V knocks on the door to check on me the urinal breaks out of the ground! Water, piss, and shit start flowing everywhere, and she steps in the refuse with her heavy boots. The mood is, to say the least, ruined. I stumble out of the toilet trying to clean myself up and salvage the night, but another student from the research station, S, is crying to herself and washing glassware in the sink. I have no peace and wake up very frustrated.
    7. Research Station Fragments

      by , 06-10-2010 at 09:02 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I go to visit my friend P, who is living at the rural research station I currently live it IRL. We talk of nerdy things and eat cake in the library, nothing outrageous or illegal, and then my mom comes to pick me up. Out of the blue, P asks where we should do weed next time; I fear for my mom ever letting me visit the kid again, but he seems nonchalant.

      2. While talking with P in the library about applications of force, I find a rocket launcher and use it to bring down a nuclear-armed helicopter. I go back in, then realize another chopper is on the way. This time the rocket fails, and I see the chopper fly up to drop its nuke. Not wanting to die alone, I tell P I have to go do something, and climb the steps to seek out a crush from the research station named V. She's walking to her car as I climb up, and from the stairs I call out for her to wait. When I get down, I explain the situation, and she agrees to let me not die a virgin. There is some confusion as to where we'll do it, but the dream ends before anything,

      Updated 06-17-2010 at 07:21 PM by 32914
