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    1. Talking and playing backgammon with a mate (In W.L. concerned about him)

      by , 06-01-2012 at 08:03 PM
      {Curly brace & blue} .... Relevent waking life details before entry, if appropriate

      Black .... Dream body/narative text

      (Standard braces & dark green, bold) .... Dream notes, lucidity, time. method etc

      ************************************************** ***********************************

      {This one is from last night.... (31 may 2012)
      Waking life I've had some worries over a close friend for quite a while...
      We normally share quite a lot, but I can tell there is something going on, that he's not sharing at the moment
      I'd like him to open up on what ever is going on, because I'm worried about him}


      I’m walking around a large glass topped 'observation deck' on top of a tall tower.
      It has a glass floor as well, so I can see the city down below.
      There are tables and chairs in the observation deck,

      Theres a set of ornate (presumably lift) doors in a solid bit in the middle of the observation deck.. (the tower)
      ... My mate walks through the doors, and comes towards me purposefully..
      ... We give each other a big embracing hug
      (I woudn't do that in waking life, even for a close friend...)
      ... He tells me "everything's going to be alright, and he needs to sort a few things out by himself"
      ... We go and take a seat at one of the tables, which I didn't notice before had a felt lined backgammon board in the table top
      ... We start playing backgammon (Don't know how to play waking life.. so must have made up the rules in my dream)
      ... While playing, we talk for a while about random/meaningless and irelevent/mundane stuff
      ..... Part way through the 'random' conversation he tells me how spending time together with a mate is what he needs right now
      ... We carry on chatting any playing