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    1. Lost belongings

      by , 12-24-2014 at 04:31 AM
      I fall asleep and have a dream about playing videogames with some friends. I wake up, go to the toilet and back to bed.

      This dream I remember being in class, I see my friends and this girl I like. I talk to her and she goes away. When going home I get distracted talking to some classmates and I realize I forgot my backpack and my car. Going back I discover my car has been stolen and my things with it. The rest of the dream was me feeling awful while trying to find my stuff.
    2. Angry farmers and flooded building

      by , 10-26-2014 at 07:48 AM
      - I'm sitting in someone else's dining room, my sister and a bunch of other people are there. The door to the yard is open and i can see is night-time and bugs are flying around. We go outside and suddenly we hear screams: a farmer is beating an old man. We go to aid the old man and tell the other guy to stop, but he claims the man stole chickens and threatened his family, so he has to pay.

      - It felt like a videogame, I was in a building that resembled the university i go to, but it was completely flooded and had to swim around. Some people were around, but they were calm about it.
    3. College argument

      by , 10-20-2014 at 05:46 AM
      So i'm at the university, talking to some classmates next to a table, and they want me to do a speech for the dean.
      After i talk to her about what the students are going through she decides to leave in a hurry. Then i get pissed and start ranting for a while about stupid people.
      After that i go somewhere like a store of sorts, and i find myself looking at those 500 pieces puzzles. I notice they are all pictures of the same house in different angles, and they were priced $119,087
    4. 12/09/2014 Library party, Walking down the street, Home business

      by , 09-13-2014 at 01:32 AM
      - I'm outside my university and i notice my classmates. My friend is with them but he's not using his walking aid (he has a muscular problem). I greet them and follow him as he limps to the library. Inside we make some kind of party, one of my classmates asks me for a bottle of beer. I open my backpack to see i have beer and a bottle of coke. After a while a cute girl appears, stares at me and kisses my cheek.

      - I'm in my neighbourhood, walking on the sidewalk, when i notice 2 guys sitting by the side. After i walk past them, i turn around to see if they change (was i a bit lucid??), and i think i saw something different but i got distracted and then i found myself inside some house playing a Sonic videogame with a boy and his bigger brother. After winning i continue my walk home when i see two suspicious looking individuals, so i do a little sprint and cross the street. There are some people and some old guy comes out yelling, he is really mad because apparently a goblin gave him a fake coin.

      - I'm in my house, the doorbell rings so i go to the door. It is a magician, he wants to buy a special coin from my dad. I let him inside and go to my room. I sit in the floor and notice a black beetle with orange details. I touch it and step back a bit. The doorbell rings again, this time is a familiar looking woman in a robe. I take her to my dad and he gives her what she was looking for: a gold coin with a frog pattern.