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    1. Vidya Fragments: A Goofy Game and King Kong

      by , 10-02-2011 at 04:21 PM
      1) Sequel to A Goofy Movie (woot)
      It's a stupid video game gimmick
      Sequel is inside the original movie, kinda breaking the fourth wall

      Playing vidya with wil
      Dark background
      Fireball chain
      Monkeys of varying sizes
      Wil Frustrated
      Climb up crane, monkeys attacked
      Wil has to shoot them
      Monkeys keep getting bigger
      Finally king kong
      Wil Brings helicopter and tries to shoot it with it.

      Will elaborate on these later when I have time.

      EDIT: Wow, OK. Well, I thought I'd still remember them or that the notes would jog my memory. Turns out they don't at all. Sorry. This now makes no sense to me. I'll make a point of writing my dreams out completely from now on.

      Updated 10-03-2011 at 01:13 AM by 49985

      Tags: video games
    2. Fragments, Some Lucid?

      by , 09-29-2011 at 06:37 PM
      Had a series of bizzare semi-lucid dreams during a nap. I say semi-lucid since I kept waking up and falling back to sleep, so it's difficult to say what of it was actually lucid and what was just my conscious imagination. I normally wouldn't even write this down, but I've been having a dry spell lately, so whatever.

      The first fragment I remember is being on a road trip of some sort. That's literally all I remember. It wasn't lucid at all.

      The second fragment is I was "in" Resident Evil 4. I was playing the re-release last night, so that's not particularly surprising. In the dream, the sort of "intel" woman that's on the radio tells me that I'm dreaming. The conversation took place in the normal game HUD that you see when having a radio conversation In any case, I'm not particularly surprised by this revelation. I ask her to keep reminding me, and if I'm ever dreaming again, to tell me.

      I woke up then, and went back to sleep. In this one I was at a cafeteria, and a overhear a father talking to his son (I think the dad was John Goodman. Now -that's- unexpected). He's telling his son that the Binding of Isaac is an awful game and that is sacrilegious (true, I guess?) and encourages bullying (what?). Again, not surprising since I was playing that game literally 2 minutes before I went to sleep. This fragment wasn't lucid to my knowledge.
      Tags: video games
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid