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    1. Three Dreams

      by , 04-20-2012 at 09:06 PM
      April 15, 12. 9:45pm - 2:15am

      I was trying to remember my licence plate number and I asked Robert to go look, when he came back he tolled me, "6 2 4 N S U". I needed it because I was ordering music from BMG music club. I was laying on the floor looking through one of the magazines and wishing I could find some of the metal I listen to on Pandora radio. -End dream-

      I had a second dream, but I focused so much on my first dream I forgot everything, but "a bean bag chair".

      3:00am - 6:39am

      I was at work and Robert came with me. Carrie (my boss) asked Robert to fix the roof. It was Sams week; the teachers try to get fathers, brothers... so on and so fourth, to volunteer and do work or play with the kids. I don't know what teacher I was with this morning, but all seventeen kids were there.Robert and I were talking as we headed outside. I was thinking,"I wonder if Corey is going to be here today". Just then, i turned and there he was setting in the grass, smiling at me. My heart jumped, as it always does when I see that smile. Then I looked over at Robert, He was bent over the roof having a having a hard time getting up on the roof. I watched for a moment, to stare at that sexy butt. I laughed, and helped him up. Robert gave me a kiss and thanked me for the help, he had the sexiest look in his eyes. I smiled and thought,"man I wish he was like this all the time."I climbed down and all the kids were playing, Corey was just setting in the grass. "Corey needs to get out there and play with the kids," I thought. So I went a grabbed a box of balls and took the purple and green one before all the kids ran off with all of them. I put the ball on the ground and kicked it towards Corey and yelled,"come on Corey, lets play." Corey looked at me with that smile again and Corey's son kicked the ball. I ran over to it and kicked it towards Corey again, he got up to kick it, but his son got it first. Corey and I laughed, then all three of us began to play for a while. Corey's son got bored and went off to play with other kids. Corey and I started to talk about our past. We were way in the back of the play ground. Corey told me, "you know. i have really missed you". "i missed you too, i'm so glad to see you with a better life", I replied. "That's not what i mean, I should not have let you go," he said. "well, I guess it's to late now i'm married, and you have a kid," I said. Oh and a wife or girlfriend, what is she anyway?" I asked. "My girlfriend," he said as he put his arms around me. The playground was empty now, all but Corey and I. I'm not sure were Robert was. "What are you doing Corey, Robert is on the roof!" I whispered. "do you want him to see us?" I added. "I don't care about him Jessi, I just want to hold you in my arms again," he said, with love in his voice. He almost had tears in his eyes. Corey was on top of me now, holding me with love. "But Corey, what about your girlfriend, don't you love her?" I asked. "No, i'm just with her because i love my son," He replied. Corey ran his finger tips through my hair and kissed my forehead. i didn't want to move as we stared into each others eyes. I had i brief thought about Robert, but it was gone as fast as I thought it. Just as i was going to ask Corey if he loves me there was an explosion right behind us. pieces of fence flew by us and the rest of the fence fell in flames. Corey and I jumped to our feet and Robert came out of nowhere and put his arm around me in a side hug. I hoped he had not seen Corey and I earlier. The smoke cleared, there were hundreds of armored men on horses.(they looked like the daedra off skyrim) The leader looked at us and declared that we are to be his prisoners. Before any of us could speak we were tied up and on the backs of horses galloping through fire. I heard screams and seen women running half naked away from the armored men. Tree armored men were taring a woman's clothes off and rapping her. Some how we arrived at a swamp, the armored men through us around a tree branch, tied us there and left. I looked around, there was me, Corey, Robert, Corey's son and a little girl i didn't know. A boomerang flew over us, cutting the ropes. We fell to the ground, I stood up dusting myself off. As I looked around, I wondered who the little girl was. All the scenery got sucked up. -End Dream-


      Booyah! i finally remembered a whole dream. It's weird how feelings can really come out in dreams.