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    The Medium

    My strange adventures into the unknown world of the subconscious...

    1. 9/22/2012 - Cartoon Reminiscent

      by , 09-22-2012 at 02:07 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      I am finally getting my sleep schedule back to where I want it. Hopefully I can keep it this way. Had a fairly successful night of recall and focused on two mantras while falling asleep. Those are "I wake up after every dream." And "I remember my dreams." I have read that avoiding the word 'will' in mantras are more effective.

      I have recalled two dreams:
      The first one was a bit foggy. I was at work again helping get rid of a huge cardboard display that was left in the rain overnight. I remember it being quite a drudgery.
      The second dream I was in my house watching TV. For some reason a cartoon I watched as a child was on. It was an episode of Ed Edd n' Eddy that seemed to be mostly the main characters looking back on their past. I recall it was quite entertaining. Later the cartoon changed a bit and turned into a mixture of DBZ and other shows I used to watch.