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    The Medium

    My strange adventures into the unknown world of the subconscious...

    1. First Entry- Strange Fragmentations

      by , 08-29-2011 at 10:19 PM (The Medium)
      Been out of the loop for a long time, decided to try my hand at lucid dreaming again. Maybe this will help me have lucid dreams? I will copy and paste entries from Liquid Dream III here from now on. Last night/ this morning I had several dreams that I don't think were connected, maybe they were, but they seemed like fragments. This is my first major post, so here's hoping my strange subconscious will be accepted here.

      The first one the setting was at some sort of old, one story building, pretty cramped, and was jam-packed with computers. I am not sure what their function or purpose was, but I remember it being important. One of the things that stuck out was a flight simulator, that to be honest, was sort of out of place. Perhaps it was employee stress relief? The building was divided into many rooms separated by glass walls with automatic sliding doors. A recurring color I recall seeing was beige and black. I do not remember too much more as I either woke up or the dream faded into the next one.

      The second fragment was the strangest. It seemed to have an important atmosphere and seemed a bit darker, both atmosphere and the hue of the dream. I don't remember too much as there is heavy fragmentation. The important thing is I had a computer running a strange program. Either life support for a strange creature I was trying to keep alive or some other purpose. I can't remember. I do, however, recall being very diligent and keeping an eye on it almost constantly. Later, after events I cannot recall, I returned to where this was running. And found the creature, who was this giant (ancient?) spider like creature that was slightly humanoid, in what seemed suspended in a huge void. Everything was black except the monster. It was as if the room that held the equipment had been transported into another dimension. I remember it had an important role, and did not fear it. I remember it saying that it had grown to great stature, as I recall I was only a speck compared to it, however it saying that I was just as powerful as it somehow. Maybe talking about the fact that I can do anything in a dream? I am not sure what it's purpose was, maybe I will try to seek it again once I am able to accomplish lucid dreaming.

      The third dream I had was strange as well, as it involved some sort of video game and me trying to find the name of this really cool video. In the video game section, I had to destroy the 'core' of some sort of mechanism. I think I have seen it somewhere in waking life, but I cannot remember. I was shooting at various exposed pillars decorated with strange writing that was multicolored. Although at some point I think I stopped playing for some reason. Probably to find that video. I don't think anything else happened afterwards.

      Now, another fragment I recall working at some place that had become overrun by human like machines (cyborgs?). And the only way to avoid capture was blending in with some sort of bio-mechanisms that produce energy or something. I cant recall too much except later I was riveting a box together. That held some other equipment. This is about as far as I got when I woke up.