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    The Medium

    My strange adventures into the unknown world of the subconscious...

    1. 9/24/2012 - Analysis

      by , 09-24-2012 at 04:23 PM (The Medium)
      Okay, so I have gotten to the point where I can dedicate a night or two and be able to have good recall. The past few nights however, I have stayed up too late. ( Mostly alpha testing a video game set to launch open beta on 12/12/2012.) Yesterday I recalled a couple dreams, but had to hurry to work and failed to write anything down. D'oh! The next month, my main goal is to increase my awareness during the day while doing more reality checks. Hopefully it will become habit.
      Tags: notes, plans
      side notes
    2. 9/5/2012 - No Cars Here

      by , 09-05-2012 at 09:17 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/ Lucid

      So it's another off day for me. I sorta stayed up too late and threw off my sleep schedule a bit. Not a lot recalled and got a bit lazy this morning and did not write much down. I'll fix that tomorrow.

      I am in some sort of car lot with a few empty car shops scattered about. Not too sure what happened, but I recall complaining that we were not selling something... All I managed to write down last night at about 04:40 was: "Car lot and not sell cars?" Yeah, not a lot to go off of.

      Later in the morning I am at a horse stable. Which in of itself is strange since I NEVER see any horses. I recall getting on one and riding it around for a little bit before waking up. Yeah, not the most eventful dreams. Tomorrow should be better since I will get back on my regular sleep schedule. Since I have been working on my recall, I was thinking it's about time to work on getting lucid. Will type more later.