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    My strange adventures into the unknown world of the subconscious...

    1. 9/22/2012 - Cartoon Reminiscent

      by , 09-22-2012 at 02:07 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      I am finally getting my sleep schedule back to where I want it. Hopefully I can keep it this way. Had a fairly successful night of recall and focused on two mantras while falling asleep. Those are "I wake up after every dream." And "I remember my dreams." I have read that avoiding the word 'will' in mantras are more effective.

      I have recalled two dreams:
      The first one was a bit foggy. I was at work again helping get rid of a huge cardboard display that was left in the rain overnight. I remember it being quite a drudgery.
      The second dream I was in my house watching TV. For some reason a cartoon I watched as a child was on. It was an episode of Ed Edd n' Eddy that seemed to be mostly the main characters looking back on their past. I recall it was quite entertaining. Later the cartoon changed a bit and turned into a mixture of DBZ and other shows I used to watch.
    2. 9/11/2012 - Hodgepodge Scavenger Hunt

      by , 09-12-2012 at 07:15 AM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      I had several dreams last night, but only one seemed to make enough sense to write down. I forgot to write down the time, but as usual it was very early morning. I would guess around 04:00 to 06:00.

      I was once again in an area that seemed to resemble where I work. Only this time the building I was currently in was absolutely huge and convoluted. It seemed to have multiple buildings put into one. There was a Wal-Mart, movie theater, hospital, and a school all in one package. The strange thing is that some parts felt like they came from past dreams; it was one big hodgepodge. Anyway, I was talking with a manager about another employee who was asked to get a few things. We will refer to this coworker as 'M'. M had come back with nothing and made no further attempt to retrieve the items in question. Being a friend however, I did not really get mad, but I was asked to find the things myself. I am pretty sure I was given a list of things with a map of some sort, but I cannot seem to remember what was on it. Walking around, I come across the different parts of the building. My first stop being a back room type area for the hospital wing. For some reason there were a lot of cramped halls, even in the actual main hallways. For some reason, I had to sneak around and act as if I work in that area to get by without raising alarm. Eventually I make my way to the theater, completely forgetting about the 'scavenger hunt'. The theater was large and had two podium like platforms on either side of where the audience sits. I was not sure what was playing, but I recall sitting in the podium and watching the film. The dream then ends shortly afterwards. Looking back, the main color I remember seeing are shades of red.

      Now that I look back at these dreams, a recurring setting seems to be where I work. Maybe I will try to incorporate more RC's and practice ADA while working.
      Tags: non-lucid, vivid
    3. 9/7/2012 - A Ticket for Nothing

      by , 09-07-2012 at 04:18 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      I was walking over to my neighbor's house to collect the mail that was incorrectly mailed to them. It was about mid day I think. Walking over, a policeman stopped his car nearby. He said that there has been some sort of outbreak (I am assuming some sort of sickness) and warns me to stay inside. I then head to my neighbor's house to quickly get the mail. Upon getting the mail, I notice that one is for me. But it is a ticket... That doesn't tell me what I did. Strange thing is though, is that it looks like an oversized raffle ticket with different colors. It almost looks like a prank. Later, I head to the store to meet my mother. Not too much happens and the dream finally collapses. I am in my bed at roughly 03:30ish.

      Updated 09-07-2012 at 04:21 PM by 12715

      Tags: non lucid, vivid
    4. 9/6/2012 - They Forgot Us

      by , 09-06-2012 at 04:56 PM (The Medium)
      Waking Thoughts/Dream/Lucid

      Before bed, I really concentrated on a mantra, " I will wake up after every dream, and remember it with clarity." This has worked well in the past when I first started to try lucid dreaming, and seems to have worked again. I remember I did wake up more than twice, but did not write down anything other than two vivid dreams.

      There was a timer. Quietly counting down day by day. Anybody who came across it really did not know what it means. For as long as they can remember, or so a random dream character told me, this terraformed moon is all they have known. I look up into the sky and can see Earth. But it looks strange. Almost dead. The dream character was telling me that this was an old government project. Sending people to the moon to terraform it that is. As to why they needed it livable was beyond me, but I have a feeling that something bad happened. Looking out at the horizon, I can see a brilliant fiery sunset. The dream begins to fade as I wake up in my bed around 03:42. I quickly jot down what I have seen and heard. That dream was fairly short, but extremely vivid.

      I go back to sleep and wake up around 07:40ish. Another quick, pointless work dream. Nothing really exciting to post here, but I need to post as much as possible.
      My bro and I are at work. We are headed out to where our manager needs us. It's outside by a bunch of makeshift storage areas. Things do look a bit bigger though. Like higher stacked shelves and a almost two story building. The only thing remarkable is a song I was letting my brother listen to. Can't remember what it was though.
      Tags: non-lucid, vivid