• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Non-lucid dreams will be in the default color, lucids in green, false awakenings in red, and commentary in navy.

    1. Gambling Dean and a Corgi - Remote Viewing an RC airplane.

      by , 04-12-2012 at 04:49 AM
      This should have clued me win that I was dreaming, but it didn't. I was watching an episode of Supernatural during the morning. It was one I hadn't seen before, so I was confused as to why I was seeing it at this time (as new ones always run on the the network during prime time, and not on syndication.) For a small time, I seemed a part of the episode. Dean had a bunch of cash, and I think he might have been gambling. There was this creature who took the form of a corgi. We shooed it off, but at the end of that episode it was revealed that the corgi was actually the key to defeating the main boss creature.

      Another dream was where I was to be some sort of donor or host to a vampire couple. Something to do with that I had not consumed blood or what not, and I guess that made me viable. I was then riding an ATV to this town. My group and I found this healer, and she was going to teach me to remote view. She attached this blue stone to an RC airplane and told me to tell her where it went. My first shot didn't work that well; I said it flew into some power lines. Later, as the sun was setting, it was a beautiful sunset with all sorts of colors. A rainbow assortment of clouds. I asked the lady about my piece of orgonite that I had, and I don't think she approved highly of it. I got the feeling she preferred crystals. The orgonite mentioned is one I actually have.