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    1. Outbreak

      by , 08-06-2010 at 11:17 AM
      The whole thing starts with me and 2 of my colleagues from school taking refuge in a shelter. It had 3 rows of doors closed one after another and the final one had some sort of combination, not like a seif one. On the right side of the door there were some numbers placed in shapes, mostly triangles but they we're hard to see. You had to figure out 1 of the combinations to close a lock. it had several. After i did 3 of those i quited and went to lay down on a bed. There was a room with 2 beds, just like those found in hospitals. They were nicely done and the chamber looked all nice. There was another door which i suppose it was a bathroom.Now for some details about the plague. It spreads by touch. If you touch anybody infected you turn into one.They looked like some big zombies, walking around trying to spread the disease. They weren't the most intelligent zombies I've seen. They were kinda dumb but they weren't the only ones who transmitted the disease.There were other humans, particularly a young women, 25 years or so. After we lock ourselves in the chamber i lay down on a bed and think of what is happening outside.After 1 minute or so passes i get out of the bunker and head into a small building. It had only one room, and 2 windows. A small one which could be easily opened and a big one which seemed to be just a piece of glas on the wall. Inside there was the woman i talked about.She comes towards me and i just ask her to give me a little time to just say goodbye. She agrees and when she does a man walks past us. She chases him outside and i run to the bunker. After i enter we were to close the doors but she was coming for us. She was pushing the door. All 3 of us tried to close the door but her hand slipped through and was trying to infect us all.I pull back a friend and get touched myself. We close the door and when they( my friends) were coming to me i make a leap backwards and yell " Stop, she touched me!!". After she walks away from the door i walk out in search for a cure. The symptoms were beginning to show . On my hand i had some marks , as if the flesh began to rot. After some walking around i get a bright idea(well it was a dream after all)- Mixing the virus with the blood of a woman immune to the disease and passing it through a series of filters we would get the cure.I head towards her but when i try to get a sample of her blood nothing comes out. I try again and this time i aim for the biggest vein i could see. I finally get some blood and make the cure. I treat myself then start organizing a resistance. I get all of my friends, colleagues, everyone i ever knew and headed to a chamber down the hall.The door is opened by a tall women, 30 years or so and she starts to spread out weapons and drinks. When i get there she only gives me a bottle of vodka and said you'll find enough weapons laying around. I have none left. I take a mouthful of vodka and go on a killing spree. The first guy that shows up ends up on the floor after a series of punches and kicks.I grab a weapon from the floor and hide after a concrete pillar. 2 zombies go to a chamber nearby. I decide to test my weapon. It was pretty useless for ranged combat. It shotted 3 balls of light that moved slowly through the air.I missed. I get noticed and one of them heads towards me. I shoot him and his leg flies away filled with blood.I kill some more of these freaks and the dream ends. It was one of the best dreams i had for a long time