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    Soup, delicious soup. Also my dream journal...

    Miscelanious non-dream gobbly-gook

    1. First entry WOO

      by , 06-27-2010 at 10:30 AM (Soup, delicious soup. Also my dream journal...)
      This was my first intentional lucid dream:

      I have no idea how this started off!lol. I was walking up a flight of stairs, the walls were purple with very thin, vertical, yellow stripes. This seemed very strange to me Out of habit I grabbed my nose and tried to breath. "Success," I thought to myself. I almost got too excited and lost it, but kept my cool. I looked at my hands and said firmly, "Stabalize lucidity now!" I was skeptical, but it worked. Everything was much sharper. I stepped down the stairs,into a very small livingroom/dining room.(it had a big table and a couch)I stepped outside, into my own front yard. I gathered myself mentally, focused and took to the skys! I was on a mission to find a specific person, to do things I won't mention.I searched, with no avail, then doubled back to the house I started in. I sat in the yard(it was about twilight) admiring the detailed sky. A few cars drove by and I flagged down one of the drivers. I told, NOT ASKED, him to give me a ride to Pizza Pipeline. On the way there, in the back seat, I discovered I could make small torches of fire with my hands.There was no one in the passenger seat, I have no idea why I sat in the back.During the car ride I apeared to be in a NewYork-ish city. As I got out of the car I noticed it was now about mid-day. I walked inside, and without ordering, began eating my delicious dream pizza. I closed my eyes in delight as I ate this miraculous concoction of my mind and when I opened them up, I was in my bed. I checked to see if it was false awakening (it wasn't), then went to bed.

      My first LD and my first DJ! Hope you guys like it!