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    Sailing the Noosphere

    1. MGM Kissing Booth and Fragments for June 12-13 2011

      by , 06-14-2011 at 04:02 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. My family visits MGM studios at Disney World. One of the main attractions seems to be a large kissing booth with "famous people," but all one can see of these people is a pair of lips. There are text descriptions of each person under their lips, from Einstein to Disney himself and more. I explore for a bit, then head to the exit area, where a friendly Disney employee offers Purell hand sanitizer and a station for making PB&J sandwiches. As I exit into a garden, I look up at the sky and see two missiles streaking down towards the ground. I remark to myself how much the missiles look like breasts, then run to the impact site. My dad is nearby, pissed off, because the missiles were aimed at his bicycle as punishment for trying to enter an attraction through a forbidden doorway. He mentions he might not have been on best terms with Disney, as they caught him littering before.

      2. Some sort of four-color version of the webcomic Cyanide and Happiness. The characters are attacked by a shark while on an ocean raft, and they hold it off. The dream ends when the characters start to peel layers off of themselves, revealing different shirts.

      3. Vague account of bounding like a dog through a streetlight night...