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    1. Aquinas (Night of Tues, July 28th)

      by , 07-29-2010 at 02:59 AM
      Dream 1:

      I am with my mom and brother in a van in a hotel parking lot, and it's raining. We drive around the hotel along a circular road and come back to the hotel. We park and my mom gets out. She steals two purses (completely unlike her) from the back of a truck and we go into the hotel. We are in this huge hotel room for a couple of minute just hanging around. (I wake up)

      Dream 2:

      I come into a room with stairs leading down to a dark body of water (looks like a river but the water is still). A man is on the stairs and tosses me an alka seltzer (he calls it a different name - i forget what he called it). I tell him "no thank you" and toss it back. He drops it, so I bend down and pick it up. I again toss it to him, he misses, and it falls down into the water. I try hard to grab it but cannot seem to grasp it. It starts floating out further into the water - I feel bad I will have lost his alka seltzer and get in the water to retrieve it. I suddenly become frightened like I've been tricked. Just as this feeling comes a man pops out of the water and I know he is there to harm me. (I wake up)