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    1. My best lucid yet 5/12/2012 PLUS my experience with stabilizing awareness +++ dream from 5/14

      by , 05-18-2012 at 12:47 PM
      =D I just noticed, but this is almost exactally 1 year from my last post!

      So, I have this guy I have been trying to contact in my dreams. BUT we are on completely opposite sides of the world, so finding a time to sleep when he is asleep too is really difficult. My question to everybody before I get into de good stuffs. Do you think he can feel me calling to him even when he is awake? He's spiritually aware like me sort of.

      THE DREAM 5/12
      I may have had a dream or two before this one, but I can't remember them at all. From the first moment the dream formed, I was lucid.

      ~In real life, I had had a VERY stressful week with school AP testing and all that jazz. I had just finished my last test on Friday, and it had a lot of issues.. Luckily I turned it in on time ^^ and from then on I was just drained. So, I have learned that lucid dreams are more common [to me] just after releasing a lot of stress!


      So, first thing I notice is that I'm in my home. Difference is, it was illuminated like golden sepia tone-ish. I immediately freaked out a little, thinking "ohmigosh, I need to stabilize like what the internets said.. I tried looking down at my hands. It didn't work out well. My hands looked like triple vision, and they felt like it too. Just looking at them made me dizzy and unfocused. That itself made me freak out even more, so I tried out another technique, spinning. That didn't work either. Spinning made me tip a bit like when you lose your footing in a deep pool. For a few seconds I just stood still. It helped a bit, and my vision cleared. The best way from my experience, was to just walk. I didn't really think it into being, but feeling something like gravity keep me on the ground while I walked stabilized my focus a whole lot.

      From then on, I just stayed in my house, experimenting. I grew different body parts ;D and made my dog appear, played with him for a while. I ended up getting bored. I wanted to try out different scenery.

      So, I walk outside, and I see my neighborhood. Its night, and police cars and fire engines crowd the streets over on the right. "Uh uh, no way" I say! The worst thing I could imagine would be experiencing a nightmare while I'm 'awake' so to speak. Especially when I don't know the first thing I'm doing. So, I keep walking straight ahead, ignoring the scene. As I walk, he night seems to melt away. I don't pay much attention to the world around me, but the ground looked like a meadow in the early morning light.

      I tried calling to that guy I mentioned above. {Im mentioning this guy a lot in this post, so from now on I will call him Gach} At first I just tried calling his name, seeing if he would just appear from my saying it That didn't work, so I tried making him appear from my visual memory of him. The ground bulged a bit, but it didn't work. So, I tried one last time. That time, I reached out my hand, remembering the last time I held his face. I willed everything in me to just focus on that feeling. I had a little boom go off inside of me, and his face appeared right where my hand held it. His face was filled with love [hard to describe] and I felt that he missed something. That vision only lasted a second..

      Anyway, walking on worked ^^ and I end up in an icy cliff place. I remember talking with some guy there. I think he was a climber. From then on, I can't remember.

      THE NEXT DREAM 5/13

      I can only remember a few things that happened in this one. I was lucid, but I didn't try to control anything. I went along with everything that happened and explored a bit.

      I'm in some sort of laundry shop. I was somewhere else before that, doing who knows what, but I can't remember right now. SO, who else would be behind the counter than Gach? Immediately, I am overcome with doubt. "Okay, I'll just get my clothes and leave. He won't notice me." I talk to him a bit, order my stuff. All the while, I can see/sense him looking up at me every couple of seconds. I tried something crazy out though. Dream characters are from myself, but I did it anyways. I tried reading his mind. His mind didn't feel like my own. His thoughts were completely independent of my own. I was surprised for a moment, but we talked a bit, and I realized it really was him. We had a lot of fun, fell in love all over again. AND THEN.. ALIENS! A giant spaceship comes out of the sky. FEAR fills me to the brim, and yet I feel invigorated all at the same time. Oh, and I am back outside in front of my house for some reason while this happens. A huge monster truck-looking yellow and red space ship pops out of the big one and starts blasting waves of 'sound?' Waves ripple through the ground, bouncing me up and down. Everyone else runs away or in the house. 'course I'd be the only fool left out their thinking 'oh cool' while being tossed about by galactica surround-sound.. Another copy of that booming space ship pops out of the big one and does the same thing. The booms feel like their injecting awesomeness powers into me, but I still try bouncing on my butt right before the ripple hits, just in case the aliens are doing some freaky experiment or something. ~END
    2. Monday Morning 5/16/11

      by , 05-16-2011 at 11:40 AM
      I'm Jasmine from Aladdin. And, I'm with another guy. We're going through some rooms trying to make our way through the zombies. It's kind of dark, and I don't have a gun so I'm following the dude with the rifle and we get to a doorway (one without a door attached), and a zombie tries grabbing me. The guy shoots it and I escape. Then, I lose the guy and the dream cuts a bit. Now I am with a different guy in a haunted house type thing.. he tells me all about what not to do there so I don't get sprayed by blood. There was this alter in a long dark tunnel where a medusa head and some hands were. He said don't touch the medusa hand. Now I cut back to the zombie dream. Daphne (yep, from Scooby Doo) is hiding in the pantry and her cell rings for some advertisement. I see the zombie rounding the corner, trying to follow the sound. Somehow she just appears next to me and we try to escape. I tell her we should go find the dude with the rifle,whatever way he went. But, she says no and leads me down to the basement. I remember something about going down there before and there were orphans there, but not what happened. Then it got creepy The stairs to the basement were blocked, and two orphans were waiting on the flight of stairs under the barricade. Me and Daphne talked to them, telling them everything was going to be alright. The little boy with the weird cleft lip said something like 'yes, ;et us be one with them' (the zombies). Daphne said they didn't need to and she and I multiplied our bodies and told them they could eat our copies. The kids got a creepy look on their faces and agreed as they made their way downstairs. All the while, I had a creepy feeling, like the orphans were going to end up ambushing us.. But Daphne, why'd I trust Daphne anyways lol.
    3. Sunday mornin 5/8/2011

      by , 05-08-2011 at 04:17 PM
      This one actually happened a few days ago, but.. its the coolest one I've had this week.

      I am me, in an apocalyptic zombie world > (i mean it's like real life, but w/zombies everywhere. In case you thought i meant an alien type zombie land..). There are a few other people around, I think a man and some others. We're in a car dealership type place, but instead of cars on the bottom floor with the glass windows, there are tools like in a mechanics. Everything gets hazy about then, but somehow the zombies end up finding out we're in the car dealership and they start busting through the windows on the first floor. The others and I go through a door on the next floor and come out on a place outside the building. Like, it was the roof, but not the top roof.. uhm, so like the, dang i dunno what it's called.. But anyway, we get to the outside of the roof of the second floor, and a few zombies come out the door. We shoot them and I turn around and look at the ground over the ledge. Then it gets fuzzy again. I can't remember if I jumped down or if I went through the building and down the stairs to the outside. So, I'm outside and I see a car in a lot over to the far right. I run over and open the driver door. There is a woman and a girl in it, but the were dead so i dumped them out (a little hesitantly of course ^^') and I drive the car over to the car dealership building we started in. The other survivors got in and I drove them straight through the dirt and grass. Then I made a sort of left through the same dirt and tall grasses towards a long building. There are more survivors in there, and we get in after talking with an (army?) dude that tells us to be quiet so the zombies won't know we're there. The dream skips a bit from there since I don;t remember, but I ended up talking to my dad and some other people there and I go on 'scavenging duty.' But it's weird because we are scavenging for furniture lol, and the outside isn't an empty expanse of dirt anymore. We were in a British town and the long flat building I came out of turned out to be a big campus-like building. That's it, I think. But later I did get caught in a zombie rush.
    4. Thursday morning 5/4/2011

      by , 05-06-2011 at 02:10 AM
      somethin about zombies.. omg, I have no recall of this dream what-so-ever . I know it was good though. I ended up hiding out in Britain in a campus with some other survivors. Then something freaky deeky happened, but I'll leave that to the imagination :'D