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    Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer

    These are my dream adventures: LUCID,NON LUCID,SIDE-COMMENTS

    1. Lucid Week Pays Off: On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate:

      by , 03-14-2011 at 04:13 PM (Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer)
      Lucid-Comments-other dialogue-Inner thoughts

      This week I've been trying to have a lucid waking life by staying aware of the present, the now, that way I don't have to physically reality check all the time. I've also been treating my life like a dream.

      Flying mission:

      Some business woman had recruited a bunch of apprentices to help her beat up her boss and I was one of them, for some reason everyone could fly so instead of using the door, we were instructed to fly towards the nearest skyscraper and get in through the window, which was her office apparently.
      Flying is one of my dream-signs so. I became lucid and decided to part company with the flying crew. I was already relaxed and extremely aware so I just flew around for a bit upside down until I was satisfied...

      On the street:

      But after a while I decided to interact with some characters so I landed on the street and realised I was in Korea (never been to Korea). I seemed to have a lot of time and didn't feel like the dream would end any-time soon so... I took a time out and looked around at all the characters seemingly going about their daily lives oblivious of the situation..hhmmm..what do do.., then I saw a beautiful girl across the street looking at me with an odd expression on her face, I couldn't be bothered to walk so I used my telekinesis and drew her to me. She seemed amused by my little trick.

      "Hi, so um do you want to have sex or something?"

      she though it over.

      A part of me kept thinking ( "this is a dream remember?, you can do whatever you want"

      "yeah but if she doesn't want to, I'm not going to make her".

      "but shes not real!".

      " whatever"

      So I turned and started to hover...

      "wait, I'll have sex with you if you change your hair".

      "huh, what's wrong with my hair?" as I reached up to feel it..

      " I mean sure its not combed but considering I'm"... ( I didn't want to tell her it was a dream)

      So I fixed it with my hand. and started taking off her clothes.

      "wait, right here on the street?" she protested.

      "yup" I replied.

      "but I don't feel comfortable with all these people watching"

      I took another time out..

      ("listen man, aren't you going to ridiculous lengths? she's just a dream character remember?")
      " just make her do whatever you want")
      "I'm not falling for this"
      "ok lets find a hotel" I said to her

      During this exchange of words, I hadnt realised that I had turned into this guy...

      After finding a hotel. We finally had sex no need to bore you with the details but it was worth it( take that subconscious).
      As we lay in bed holding each other, she turns to me and says.

      "I know why you did all of that".

      "Did all of what?"

      "searching for intimacy", "you don't need it".

      I smiled got out of bed and handed her a towel, at this point I knew the dream was ending. This how my mind works.

      "get up its time for you to go".

      She protested " why, what did I say?"

      "Nothing its just time for you to go"

      Her: Will I see you again?
      Me: I start laughing.."its doubtful"

      I wake up with a smile on my face.

      Updated 03-14-2011 at 04:18 PM by 40241

      lucid , memorable