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    1. My First Lucid Dream... I Hate It!!!

      by , 02-03-2011 at 02:00 PM
      This is my first Lucid Dream... Nightmare more like it! :I started in a room I never saw before. I then fell of the bed and looked around. I started telepathically playing with the old Cheerios (Cereal) on the bar of the bed. I stopped doing that after 2 minutes and yelled,"Metal Worm!," even though there was nothing there. I ran into the living room and sat on the chair. I did a nose RC and very quietly said,"Oh... CRUD!" I saw the shadow of metal worm in the room I was just in. I closed my eyes because I was scared. About a minute later I opened then and saw that I was in my bed with my cat: Kali. after that I did a million Reality Checks! Wow! Thanks a lot, Subconscious! putting me Lucid in a Nightmare like that! Screw You!!! The End
      lucid , nightmare
    2. Batteries

      by , 01-30-2011 at 09:04 AM
      Hello, everyone! My nightmare starts here: Me and my brother, Killian, were going to our grandmas house to get new batteries for our Game Cube controller. We get there and our grandma gives us some batteries and we go home but on the way there, unsuspected maintenance is needed on the road. So we ride our bicycles down this eerie forest. We go over this big hill and I fall of my Bicycle. The batteries fell out of the controller and suddenly Killian yelled,"Run MrPWNGE, Run!"(Not my actual name, lol)
      I look up and see the grudge but she was a he and he had a knife!
      i was stubbed and woke up insistently. Thank God!!! lol
      The End
    3. My Epic Nightmare

      by , 01-30-2011 at 07:25 AM
      Hello, everyone! This is my epic nightmare: I woke up in bed (Dream, also non-lucid) and I noticed one of my big stuffed animals (Lion) were gone. I go outside my room and into the kitchen and see him sleeping in the laundry room. I slowly walk to my parents room and I don't see them anywhere. I walk back out and trip on something and hear a growl. Take a wild guess what that is. I don't even have to look around, it is clearly my stuffed animal lion. I do a back flip and the dream go's into 3rd person view, also it becomes slow-mode. It then zooms at the lions mouth and my finger, nearly a inch away from biting it off. right before the back flip ends, I do a back-wards kick so I can kick the door open. Kind of a matrix nightmare, isn't it?
      After I kick the door open, I close it as fast as possible. I then go to the back of the room to open the closet so I can hide in it. apparently, my family had the intention to do the same! I found everyone, my two brothers, my mom and dad, everyone. They were all just hiding there. About 6/7 seconds later I woke up scared to death! (Hey, give me credit! I was 4 or 5 when this happened! You my think it's funny but to me it was no laughing matter, lol) I was scared to sleep after that but I eventually got over it. One more thing: Read this again with Inception music (cough Mind Heist) and see how epic it is!!!
      The End