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    1. 02-01-11 LD #2- "Visiting Dad"

      by , 01-27-2011 at 05:50 AM
      I'm lying on a mattress on the floor. My sister is sleeping next to me. As I stare up at a red balloon which is resting in the branches of a small tree (potted plant next to the bed) I'm wondering how to make sure I have a lucid dream when I next sleep. I decide that every time i see something that can fly I will do a reality check. Now I'm walking across the room, following my sister (she seems distant and unconnected to me). I pass a table covered in small metal disks (like coins but smaller). As I wave my hand over them they all move as if I have some magnetic pull. Finally I realise that this is a dream.
      So as not to get over excited and lose the dream like last time, I stare down at my hands, taking in every detail to stay grounded in the dream. As I do so, my hands start to grow and warp. I watch this happen and it seems to be working a little. However, still feeling dangerously close to waking, I remember what Stephen La Berge recommends and start spinning around on the spot. As I do this, I lose the dream scene and find myself in a gray void, still lucid. I'm annoyed that I've lost my sister and ask myself "what now?". I decide I want to see my deceased father and shout/intend to do so. I start flying around the dream space while giant rolls of wallpaper appear. I zoom around the folds until they become a long white corridor which I fly along until I'm walking out of the end and meeting my dad in some kind of laboratory. He's young, maybe 40, he looks slim and healthy. He says "I'm glad you could make it". We hug and walk off so he can show me his work. As we walk, I'm explaining how I decided to see him in my lucid dream and I remember that I should be asking the dream about healing mjy wrist. The dream fades.