• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Whatsup world!
    Well, I officially had my very first lucid(s) on the night of June 13 2011,
    After TONS of research and practice, and since then, I am determined to have more!

    I'm still learning, and I'm not that good at it, yet. But I'll get there!
    Please go ahead and read through my entries, I'd love ANY feedback!

    [ ] Improve my vision in dreams (Its almost always unclear and unfocused)
    [X] Fly!
    [X] Have a dream battle
    [X] Meet my dream guide
    [ ] Learn more about my dream guide
    [ ] Play a guitar in a dream!

    I've seen AMAZING things in dream journals around Dreamviews,
    They're what keep me going, and what I Dream of achieving(get it?)

    1. My 2nd LD.. Finding DG + ToTM ?!

      by , 06-15-2011 at 06:42 PM
      Nondream - Lucid - Nonlucid

      How I pulled off Another LD, I will never know. This is the second LD in a row.
      Somehow.. It was another WILD + 2DEILD Chain(another 3 dreams).. Same as last night(which I do recommend you read :D),
      Although I did use the same technique as last night, even at the exact same time.
      I'm very surprised I remembered about ToTM in this dream,
      Not that it went so well..

      I'm starting to get why everyone says recall is so important for LDing,
      I've been kinda unfocused on it lately,
      which is why I forgot tons of this dream.

      I wake up at 5am as usual(note i do not use an alarm, I always naturally wake up at this time)
      I couldn't remember if I had any dreams at all.
      My stupid recall sucks.
      I try to do the same thing I did last night(which you can read about in my first DJ post :D)
      But without the counting and straight to the visualization.
      I was on my side, but my nose was really really bothering me,
      After a bit I rolled over on my back,
      WAM. LD.

      I enter the dream lucid,
      but I dont really remember this part of my dream..
      This part was actually pretty long,
      All I remember is the very end of it.
      I'm at some house, possibly my house,
      I remember wondering about what I'll do in this dream
      I run out of my garage onto the street, its pretty sunny.
      "DREAM GUIDE!!" (I've been very very interested in finding my DG)

      I get too excited, the dream fades out,
      Everything is blank, I feel my bed,
      though my vision is engulfed in white.
      I try holding onto the feeling of flying,
      I can feel it in my stomach, as if im still flying through the air.
      At one point I see myself in third person,
      but I dont remember if I was flying or just lying down.
      The backround of my vision remains white the whole time.
      I feel a dream coming, and i re-enter(DEILD#1)

      I zoom into a darker scene,
      I'm in some broken down basement, its pretty dark.
      I see broken down furnace in front of me(the kind with open slits in front, where you have to shovel charcoal into it)
      There are broken pipes everywhere,
      the floors pretty nasty too.
      I immediately make myself float through the ceiling,
      I don't want to stay in the basement.
      It takes a while to float up, I still haven't even mastered flying yet,
      It takes a while to get my whole body to ground level.

      It looks like the house wasnt even completed yet,
      Like it was either still being constructed, or it was broken down pretty bad.
      It had no walls, only the wooden pillars that hold a house up,
      but you could see completely outside.
      I float above the house for a little, looking around,
      its night, the landscape's very hilly,
      Its covered in some kind of pink/reddish flower.

      I land and start walking around.
      I see some kind of village,
      It was made up of wooden huts, and I think there was a fire in the middle.
      I approached it.
      As i got closer I see the village is inhabited by some kind of monster,
      They're each probably around 10 feet tall.
      They have arms, legs and a body,
      but their bodies were super buff.
      I think they were grayish, might've had fur,
      And I think I remember stripes on them too, red i think.
      They have huge horns on their heads,
      the horns grow out, and then curve up.
      I dont remember what their faces looked like.

      One of them sees me, and charges at me,
      Shiz. I start running as fast as i can.
      I yell "DREAM GUIDE!!"
      "Im here" Its a woman's voice
      I can hear her but I cant see her.
      Luckily it looks like I lost that monster thing,
      I yell out again "Where are you??!"
      "Im right here" she says
      I still cant see her, but i follow the voice.

      I come up to another village,
      its setup's the same as the monster village,
      But no monsters. Phew.
      I find the source of the voice.

      Its an old lady. Sigh. (I was expecting someone.. Hotter..)
      She has that short puffy grandma hair,
      she's pretty short too, a little below my chest,
      and she was just a litttttle on the chubby side, she had a deep tan to her.
      Well.. I guess she did sortve have a shaman kinda look to her,
      So you know thats cool too,
      "YOUR my dream guide??"
      "Yes" she says casually.

      She starts saying something about the monsters attacking(Im not good with remembering dialogue by the way)
      And sure enough a monster pops out behind one of the hills and runs toward us.
      Theres another man with us, standing right next her,
      I didnt really get a good look at him though,
      but he's short too, the same height as she was.
      He's the first one to charge at the attacker, he wields a sword.
      My DG(I should have asked for her name) tells me to attack, but im not sure how(until here I've never fought in a dream)
      The guy with the sword keeps the monster busy.
      I want to try an energy attack,
      I hold both my arms up, palms pointed at the monster.
      SHOOT I tell myself.
      A ball of energy launches from my hands,
      Its green, and about the size of a bowling ball.
      Direct hit! It lands right on the monsters chest, it flies backwards.

      I dont really remember what happened after,
      but I think me and my DG talked a little bit more, nothing important, I hope.
      The dream fades around here,
      and in the exact same way as last time, I again re-enter the dream(DEILD#2)

      Im in a huge house, I live here.
      I see my parents and sister, I talk with them a little, cant remember exact conversations.
      The house looks really nice, there are huge glass windows everywhere,
      The rooms are really big too,
      I see a balcony.
      I walk towards it,
      Its pretty sunny now.

      "Now what am I gonna do?"
      Then, im not sure how, but it comes to mind,
      "How crazy would it be if I pulled of the Task of the Month in only my SECOND Lucid??"
      I decide to try it,
      I hop off the balcony, and right in front of me is a harbor/port, and its suddenly cloudy

      There are two big cargo ships in the port, I think about a shipwreck,
      one of the ships just sinks. Perfect!
      I jump right into the water, the harbor turns into a huge swimming pool.. Weird.
      There are a bunch of people swimming everywhere,
      but there are still cargo ships and boats in the water,
      must be a big pool.

      I swim to the side of the ship,
      Annd I DIVE.. Wait what?
      I cant dive.. Wtf.
      I try again.
      Its like the water wont let me go under..

      I start asking people.

      I ask another swimmer
      "How do I dive????"
      He looks at me and says
      "..Just dive"
      I CANT. I ask about 2 other people, and they tell me the same thing.
      Im getting annoyed.

      I see two guys in a small boat, I ask them the same thing.
      I think they gave me endless "Wait"s, but they never answer,
      And then they just drive their boat away,
      Whatever. Stupid DC-__-

      I still cant dive, so I give up and decide to just explore the pool.

      Its pretty big, there are even a bunch pulleys and platforms everywhere.
      In the dream I knew how they worked, but now I dont remember,
      I did a bunch of stuff and talked to a bunch of people, cant remember details though.

      The pool had a downstairs, don't ask how.
      But there I was, it looks pretty cool,
      It kinda looked like a wooden cabin,
      cause you know, it was made outa wood.
      The inside was pretty big, the light were dimmed.
      I think there was a party going on, there were a bunch of people, just talking/chillin.

      I remembered about stabilizing the dream and trying to make it more vivid,
      I looked down at my hand, I had about eight fingers,
      I tried to focus and move only my real five fingers, and my hand went back to five fingers,
      But it turned to eight again when I looked away.

      I tried making my dream more vivid,
      I looked at my hand again, this time trying to focus on the little details,
      It worked!!
      I've never had a dream this vivid(It was actually still a little bit blurry, but I've never had it this vivid)
      I could see all the details of my hand, there was even a little of a glow on it from the lights.
      Even my usual tunnel vision had opened up pretty far(i think it was like that the whole dream, but i only noticed it here)
      I rubbed my hands together trying to stabilize.

      Then I tried smell,
      I took a deep breath through my nose,
      I didnt smell anything, but this is the first time I've consciously breathed in a dream,
      or used my nose.

      I run my hand along the wall,

      Unfortunately, I wake up. I try another DEILD, but this time I dont feel any more dreams coming,
      I get up and immediately write down the dream!
      (This is the same way I woke up in my first LD, always when I try to stabilize>_>)

      The dream was again, AMAZING. That had to be my Longest lucid yet! It felt like it was around 15 minutes, maybe longer :)
      I think its pretty good for only my second LD too :)
      Hopefully I can work on my recall so I can remember more of it next time!

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 03:08 AM by 42831

      lucid , memorable , task of the month