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    1. Real California oranges, diving out windows, and trespassing (Lucid)

      by , 10-25-2011 at 01:05 PM
      Well now, another lucid.

      Oct. 25, 2011
      I was following the dream plot for a while. I was on a school trip with some random people, and some others were trying to kill us. I don't remember much of that bit, except the place we were staying was all brown, and I wanted to wake up at one point. But then, I decided to take control of my dream, since I was, after all, lucid. I dove out a window headfirst and floated/glided to the ground, where I tumbled around and emerged muddy. I laughed, got up, and rubbed my hands together. They felt amazingly realistic- dusty and smooth. I marveled at how real everything looked. I was in someone’s garden. Then I leapt up and floated for another moment, and came upon a street sign leading into a brambly path saying “East End Avenue.” So I went in and ran, trying to bend air as I went and failing-ish. I followed the path all the way behind someone’s house, and they saw me. I tried to casually walk back, and they walked past me, and I said “Sorry about that, I was just-“ to a teenage boy, but he ignored me. Someone (there was a basketball court near their house) then commented, “I wish it wasn’t raining,” because it was drizzling, so I yelled, “Make it stop raining!” Unfortunately, it began pouring. I giggled and saw a bush with oranges that were slightly green, and I yelled, “Look! Real California oranges!” even though I wasn’t in California. Then I woke up.
      Tags: oranges, vivid