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    My dream journal....

    This is pretty much just what I wrote down in my actual dream journal. i don't care if you read these or not. I'm pretty much just using it for the tag cloud, to figure out my dream signs...

    P.S. a lot of these are in past tense. I'm too lazy to want to transfer them into present tense...

    1. Field Trip Groups

      by , 07-30-2011 at 03:07 AM (My dream journal....)
      Monday, April 4th, 2011

      I'm sitting at the science room table at school. I think the whole 8th grade is there. vividness wasnt that good. I was sitting across from a friend (who i'll call Sarah). We are deciding groups for some field trip. I want to be in another friend's (who I'll call Lisa) group, but I remember her saying earlier in the dream that since i have someone (who I don't remember) in my group, that we dont need to be in the same group. So she gets herself and her other friends signed up to be in one group. I'm really mad and frustrated at Lisa, but Sarah thinks I'm frustrated because she's getting a heart surgery tomorrow.


      Throughout the whole dream, the sun was shining though the window, in my eyes.

      I never looked behind me, but I could hear people talking and knew they were there.