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    My dream journal....

    This is pretty much just what I wrote down in my actual dream journal. i don't care if you read these or not. I'm pretty much just using it for the tag cloud, to figure out my dream signs...

    P.S. a lot of these are in past tense. I'm too lazy to want to transfer them into present tense...

    1. Griffin/Randy and the Bush

      by , 07-30-2011 at 04:10 PM (My dream journal....)

      I think it started out with me and my friend Bailee going to high school orientation early. (Actually it might've been the start of the freshmen year) but I don't really know.

      (Actually, before this, me and Bailee were at school and a janitor told us where our homerooms were.)

      In my homeroom, there was a giant table that everyone sat around. I remember a kid named Griffin being there (but in the dream his name was Randy) and everyone joking about him and stuff (because everyone (even the teacher) knew him, except me)

      The whole time I was sitting in my homeroom, I was sitting at the east side of the table. The teacher was somewhere left of me. My homeroom was in the kitchen (of the school) instead of my normal homeroom, but it looked a lot like a normal classroom. I had some stuff sitting on the giant table that I still had to get into my locker. The table was kind of like the tables in wood-shop, but lower. Not everyone was sitting at it. Some people were sitting close to the door on stools and stuff. I felt very nervous. I was the only one who still had stuff on the table (except one person still had some notebooks or paper, and I felt slightly more comfortable.).

      This scene changed into me standing in front of Griffin's (Randy's) house. It was very fall-ish outside. So fall-ish that the sky was almost orange.

      This scene (which only lasted a couple of seconds) transitioned into night time. I lived in the same neighborhood as Randy (Griffin) and I think we actually lived very close.

      Anyway, it was night, and I don't remember sneaking out of the house, but I knew I was outside and I knew I did this often (and usually just walked around the town.).

      This time, though, all I did was hide under a bush. I kept crawling really fast under it, in a very small circle. The bushes pushed hard against me as I crawled closer to the center. It had the same feeling as a night terror or whatever, though I wasn't really thinking about it at the time.

      Occasionally, a car would pass and I would worry that they would see me, but eventually I panicked because I thought my parents might've realized I was gone. the last thing I remember is running through the street. Then the dream ended.