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    Liber Morpheus - Carzle's book of Dreams

    It should make total sense that nothing in this journal makes any sense at all

    The purpose of this journal is to stop me from waking in my sleep and dreaming that I am awake.

    "Be careful what you wear to bed at night. You never know who you'll meet in your dreams"

    Dedicated to the patron of dreaming, Morpheus

    1. Possessed by friendly spirit

      by , 06-26-2011 at 04:14 PM (Liber Morpheus - Carzle's book of Dreams)
      2:30 AM
      10:30 AM

      High as balls on cannabis, had a few beers as well

      My trip in wildwood is about to end. Everyone is packing up their leftovers in the basement of their house. The group comprised of Angela and her friends are packing up a bag full of yummy drinks. They have organic rooibos iced tea in the shape of Arizona iced tea cans, almost a full pack of this obscure brand name distilled purified water (which had a nozzle that you could suck the water out of and was a pint sized bottle) and these bangin white iced tea flavored drinks. I take a purified water drink and it tastes so cold and so refreshing. Angela and her friend see me doing this and ask me, "What are you doing?" I think that they were leaving the bag of drinks here since the bus is already loading and almost ready to go. (I realize later that I was driving home in my waking state) Angela and her friends leave to go to the bus and I take a white iced tea and have a sip. The basement is empty. The only people left are me and a strange woman who I think is the Landlord but she seemed supernatural. I feel possessed by something. Not a demon, but something friendly. All of a sudden my eyes turn red, and my field of vision goes out and turns red as well, and I feel like something is inside of me. (I don't remember what it said but it was telling me be who I always wanted to be or something along the lines of that. I was having a small conversation with it on that subject.) It was definitely female. Every time it wanted to communicate with me my eyes and my field of vision turned red.

      The scene transitioned from what happened above to me either talking to a dragonfly about an experience that she had or me being the female dragonfly (I'm a guy in real life) telling someone else a story about an experience I had.

      This is a first person perspective as told from the dragonfly since thats how it occurred in my dream
      So I was flying, and this thing comes and attacks me and I die. (Then I saw a scene of it flying and it losing all of its hearts like in zelda. Then it turns into a skeleton.) I come back to life, and I'm flying again. Another thing comes and attacks me. I die again. I come back to life and continue flying.

      Cant remember anymore
      Tags: possessed
      non-lucid , memorable