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    1. First Dream

      by , 08-05-2011 at 12:34 AM
      I thought it would be most appropriate to post my first dream as the first dream I remember from my life. The age at which I had it, I cannot recall. I was most likely around age six.

      So the first segment of my dream that I remember consisted of my father, older brother, and I. My older brother was about eight, and my father in his forties. We were slowly riding on the back of a Brontosaurus (hence my username.) The Brontosaurus was a greenish/yellow color. It's neck was abnormally long, even for that species of dinosaur. The view of the dream was a side view, you were only able see just a few paces in front of the large dinosaur at the very right, then the rest of your vision was taken over by this animal with a back unlike others. It's back was like a camel with three humps, just enough to seat me and my two companions. I was on the bottom/front hump closest to the neck, then my brother in the middle, lastly my dad at the top. We were all sitting upright. The sky was a dim light blue, but with a little grey. My emotion I felt was saddened by the weather, like when your mood changes because it's about to rain. The grass was flat and green, everything seemed as though a child had drawn the dream (I was young.) All of the sudden, the dino began to gallop. It ran very quickly, I felt as if I was losing my grasp, but in my head I knew I was safe since I was able to hold onto the neck. But I knew that my dad and brother would not be able to hold on for long, and the Brontosaurus only got faster. I screamed, and I cried. I tried to make the animal stop, but it was no use. Until finally it viewed a large lake in it's way and haulted to a sudden stop. Right when the momentum stopped, gravity pushed my brother and father off the back of the animal and into the air. It was like slow motion watching them fly, they spun in the air like in cartoons. I saw that they were headed for the lake which for some reason turned into a small puddle. I never saw it transform, it just made sense in the dream that it had changed. I automatically jumped down from the bottom hump and I paid no more attention to the Brontosaurus. I ran to the puddle, which I looked into. Somehow, my dad and brother had fallen straight in, and it was a sucking tunnel filled with water, but they could breathe and speak clearly in the water. I stooped over it, and knew in my mind that my dad was gone forever, having already been sucked all the way in. All I was left with was my brother struggling in the water filled hole, he was reaching his arms towards me screaming. I tried, but could not penetrate the surface, we both knew that we had to say goodbye at that moment. He stopped struggling, and I said 'goodbye I love you' in my head, and he knew I said it maybe by telepathy, finally he waved and drifted down. I watched as long as I could. The water was a dark blue, and the sides of the tunnel were purple. I felt like I was sobbing and could not stop, but only one tear drifted from my eye. It was slow motion again at this moment, the tear fell off my face and onto the water (it was like when they have slow motion videos of a rain drop) and I was able to watch it lay on the surface of the puddle, because now it was just a puddle again. Then my mind said that it was over and I had to move on, so I stood up... that's when I awoke.