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    Jenos's Garden of Dreams

    Current goals:
    Improve my dream recall (1≤ per night)
    Lucid Dream through DILD!
    Lucid Dream through MILD!
    Lucid dream through WILD!
    Improve my LD control

    1. January 18, 2012 WILD attempt; pleasent dream

      by , 01-18-2012 at 12:26 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      WILD attempt #5
      Awake: I look over to my alarm clock. 3:30 A.M?! I was supposed to be awake at 1:00 A.M. I roll on my back, I'm not wide awake, but I'm not groggy either, maybe I should try a WILD anyway. I do. I turn on my NatureSpace app, I put it on infinite ocean, and lie on my side.
      HH and HJ: The first sign that I'm getting somewhere are the hypnic jerks. I get these around my legs, and a couple times on my back. I lie for awhile longer. My thoughts dwell a little but never enough to get me out of it. After awhile something happens that has never happened before. I see these white rings suddenly fly towards me, they're very blurred, like the green lights in my previous HH, but they also give me a light headed feeling. It's as if I'm flying through them. These go away and I don't feel anything except the occasional jerk. I'm still without the numbness and heaviness i get in my legs and arms. I think I need to relax more and meditate less.
      Awake: After 33 minutes I call it a quits and go to non-lucid sleep.

      Some kind of Paradise
      Non-Lucid: I'm walking on a stone road. With me are Natasha (friend) and Charlie (Not so much my friend), there may have been someone else but I paid them no attention. It's an absolutely beautiful summer day out, but where we are I don't know. It's some Skyrim-esque terrain, lot's of mountains, but no snow. Just perfect, my dreamland. We come across a small house, and would you believe, it's that god damn Russian/gypsy lady again! Only a glimpse, and I'm not 100% sure it is here, but I think it is. (I sure hope she isn't my dream sign). Next to a house is a huge change in the path. 90 degrees to be exact, no problem though. We climb up it without a sinch, except for me at the top. Charlie offers me his hand to help me up (in real life I would get over the ridge easily but in the dream I was struggling) I reach for it but he doesn't give it to me. Natasha doesn't notice, and after a minute he helps me up. It's a beautiful sight up here, To our left is a small bay, to our right, mountains and plains and ahead, ocean. There's one lone sailboat in the bay, and the water is calm. My subconscious decides it wants charlie gone, he's out of the dream. Me Natasha, and this other guy (I believe to be Natasha/Charlies friend Connor, nice guy) lie down. I crack a joke, they laugh, and she come up with some witty response. For some reason (Maybe we were called by someone) we get up and hop off the little cliff we're on and walk back the way we came. I wish this dream could have lasted longer, but that's where it ends.

      Look out below!
      Non-Lucid: I'm in the passenger seat. It's night time and the driver is speeding down a street in the city. "He is driving like a nut" I think to myself. Ahead is a highway entrance, the driver hits the side of it (those large cinder barriers are on the side) and we fly off into the sky. It's like some kind of physics bug from GTA. I ask him what happening to his car. No response. I repeat myself. Still no response. We land in the river. The guy finally says he will call emergency services. I panic and ask what river this is. Is there a waterfall in it? He says yes, oh man, we're screwed, game over man. Then this natural river suddenly transforms into some kind of theme park river. I jump onto the side where there are wooden boards holind up some images for people on the other side to see. I climb down to the end of the ride, my friend and the police are waiting for me. The dream ends.

      Persuasive Monsters
      Non-lucid: I'm in a library. I'm taking some kind of lesson, it must be with computers because we all have laptops. The guy sitting in front of me is Connor (Different Connor, I've gotten into physical fights with this one in the past). He turns around and says something, I get angry and retort. One thing leads to another and we are both steaming, both ready to throw the first punch. The teacher, a balding guy with a soul patch, asks me to move. I go to a booth in the corner, there are some other girls there. Little did I know that these girls are vampires! They throw me some pitch about how great it is to be a vampire, and all of the cool things you can do. Time zooms forward, I'm in a hallway. Two of the vampire girls are there along with a normal human. It's some induction ceremony, all you have to do it chew a jawbreaker sized piece of gum and a smoked chocolate doughnut (My Subconscious is a weirdo). The human girls put the gum in her mouth to reveal grotesque, black teeth with huge fangs. Halfway through the doughnut I remember that I don't want to be a vampire. The two vampire girls go off about a guy who once didn't finish the ceremony like me, and that now he cries blood everyday. At this point my alarm goes off (thank god)

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 05:18 AM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable