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    The Dreams of a Trapped Mind

    Forewarning: I've done some dream work in my past and have noticed one consistency, my mind works extremely symbolically. Thus everything is never as it is simply put, there is something more behind the Vail.

    1. Multiple Dreams

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:52 PM (The Dreams of a Trapped Mind)
      1) Ok, this one was rather strange.. There was some huge fair/parade going through town so basically everyone was centralized in the streets. I picked up a Gatling gun and started killing everyone I saw. I just mowed them all down. The strange part was that all the people I knew, loved, or cared for, the bullets did nothing to. It was as if something stopped the bullets from hurting those who never hurt me. I had a few conversations and killed practically everyone in town. Kill'n the mayor was the funnest, just say'n.
      2) Ok, this one topped that one on strangeness. I was like a fish or some'm with a bunch of friends who were fishes too. We were trying to swim from like this river to the ocean to the bottom or some'm. Strange...
      3) There was a third dream.. I believe it was before the first one I wrote. But when you have this many random dreams you tend to forget the first few...