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    Adventures in Dreamland

    1. Lots of dreams tonight!

      by , 05-03-2012 at 12:50 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      Alright. Last night had a lot of dreams, and I don't know where one ends and another begins, and this is DEFINITELY not the order I had them.

      I'm talking to my friends on Ventrilo, and one of my friends hears my dogs barking through my microphone, even though I'm not holding down my push-to-talk button. I get really confused as to how this is possible.

      I'm a girl that is alone, left with just her stuffed animals. I play with them and talk to them. I go into this guy's apartment because I don't have anywhere to go. He lets me stay with him.

      Switch POV, I'm the guy now. The girl has a special ability of being able to be 'glued' to a cross. Or maybe it's more like a magnetic thing. I dunno. She wants me to help her find a cross with Jesus on it so she can be with him. We go outside and there's this marketplace. One of the run-down shops is a Pawn Shop.

      I'm in class, sitting in the front row. I don't know who my teacher is. Maybe Mr. Akemon? He gives me the homework I missed cause I missed class on Monday (don't have his class irl this semester, and he teaches history, not math like I think this dream was)

      I'm climbing down a ladder, and I'm feeling sick. My teacher is worried about me and I'm just like "Nah, I'm fine." I get to the bottom of the ladder and stumble around.

      Gaming Club president is teaching us something about a game that's like a mixture between Minecraft, Wakfu, League of Legends, and The Sims. I work hard on making a map until it gets late. The president says he shouldn't even be here this late.

      I'm at a graduation ceremony at my old highschool's football field. I get up and walk away to do something. I don't remember much about this. Spongebob and Patrick were there, doing something that looked like it would be in a Spongebob episode. I walk back to the graduation ceremony with a blanket draped over me perfectly so it looks like a cloak. I think about how perfect it would be for my special occasion speech in my Communications class.

      I start to sit down beside my sister and they tell me not to cause something happened to the chair. I look at it and there's some weird stuff on it, so I sit on the corner.

      There's some sort of infomercial for a disease, showing it spreading and talking about how everyone wants to touch it to see how it feels. It looked like a burn scar, so this might just be a translation into me wanting to know what a burn scar feels like (because of Katawa Shoujo. <3 Hanako)

      False Awakening. I'm thinking about going back to bed so I can WBTB, but then I notice it's 3 PM. I get on Vent and ask my friend what I should do and he is confused as to why I would go back to sleep at 3 PM.

      Another False Awakening. I'm in my kitchen talking to my sister, then she sits on the ground.
    2. Narwhals narwhals living in the ocean...

      by , 04-08-2012 at 02:11 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      There's a trolley that leads through some sort of amusement park, maybe? I've had dreams about it before. I remember getting brief glimpses (or maybe flashbacks) of the station.

      I literally RAN to the trolley and jumped on so I could ride.


      Everything's power shuts down almost completely and I am stuck with my imminent death...unless I time travel out and prevent it from ever happening! My friend (who loves Xelors) helps me open a Zaap portal THROUGH TIME so I can save myself.

      MaximumRevolver drives me halfway to school in his car.

      My computer teacher's being a *!&@# about some sort of drill, even though I can do everything perfectly. (This is probably carried over from irl, where I finish my homework like 30 minutes before class ends so I do other stuff, then she asks to see it so I show her my list of perfect scores :I)

      There's some girl reading a book about what looks like traditional Asian mythology, but she put a lot of Easter Eggs in. The last one is a narwhal.

      The dream ends as I get back to my high school's parking lot and MaximumRevolver and I are about to drive away.