• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Nove13's Avatar
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      nice input. Im very exciting with LD now. I hope i can have it at least once in this month. I think i shd have one LD first then try ur method, but thx for the input
    2. JSAvalo's Avatar
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      I very sporadically lucid dream. It's only been within the last few years have I tried consistently to LD, and really only within the last few months have I been serious about LDing. I attribute my powers to have lucid sex to a high sex drive. I'm just thinking about it a lot. But also, the dream signs I usually use are to change something with my mind. If I'm able to transform a man into a woman, I know beyond any doubt I'm dreaming. Or I use mind control. So maybe use those things as your dream sign. Or once you know you're dreaming, morph or use mind control. Start out small. Even though you're lucid, you may have a lot of doubts that you really have total control of your dream world. I still do.
    3. Nove13's Avatar
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      How long have u spent for learning LD till u can do sex in your LD ? thats seems u master it well. Im learning for LD now.