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    1. Probably the wierdest dream I've ever had...or that I can recall.

      by , 12-03-2013 at 06:10 AM
      I worked in a small store in a huge mall.. I kept knocking things off the shelves that my coworkers were organizing and stocking. They continued to get mad and instead of taking it out on me, they took it out on eachother. There were huge windows and it was around 7pm, but already dark outside. One of my coworkers looked outside the windows and started freaking out and called all of us over to look. There was a HUGE UFO outside just flying across the sky. I started freaking out and then more appeared. They hovered over every building outside including the mall we were in. A few seconds later, blue lights started coming out of each UFO and blaring through each building they were next to. I ran and hid because one of the UFO's were coming towards me and I didn’t want it to see me. Then, it moved away and blared its light into another building. All of a sudden I heard a big bang, which was the UFO's killing every human that their lights were shining at. Then dead people started floating up the lights and into the ships, then the UFO's left. I survived.

      A talking alien cat was standing on its hind legs with glasses on talking to me and my coworkers.

      When I got off work I stayed in the mall and walked around. Then out of nowhere, when I came out of a store, all of the doors to every store in the mall closed and locked so the people that were in the stores, couldn’t get out. I managed to pull a door open to let some chick out, but before she could squeeze through it closed again. Everyone started freaking out, screaming, and crying..then robot things appeared everywhere. There were different ones that killed you in their own special way. As people were dying, I ran everywhere and ducked and swerved past them. Then the robots disappeared and I was one of the few survivors. The people the robots killed..or didn't kill..I guess instead of killing them the robots injected them or did whatever they had to do and made everyone stupid or have something weird happen to them. Some people's voices changed and became high pitch while other people's voices got lower and more robotic sounding.

      I went into some kind of restaurant and sat down. There was a mixed guy who saw me sitting. He pulled a ton of srynges out of his pocket and handed them out to random people. He kept one for himself and said “Everyone with a syringe, take them, find someone and give them the medicine that’s inside of it. I’ll get Mikayla (Me).” So everyone with a syringe grabbed someone and gave them the pinkish red stuff that was in the syringe. The people who were forcefully given the meds fell down and died. The mixed guy chased after me and once he got ahold of me, he put the tip of the syringe in my mouth and squeezed one drop of the medicine in my mouth..It tasted sour and bitter. I flailed around and tried to get away but he ended up putting a second drop in my mouth. At that point I started becoming weak and I fell into his arms and looked at him while he held my head. He then looked at me and said “I’m so sorry.” And put the last drop in my mouth. My body started becoming weaker and my eyes started to shut. I felt my lungs struggling for air and I couldn’t breathe. Within a few seconds, my eyes closed completely and I went limp and died.

      I ended up waking up on the floor, so I guess I came back to life somehow, but I’m not sure how. Damian (my best friend) made plans with me to hang out that night at 11pm. I was on my way to his house (walking), and a sewage pipe exploded or something so there was about 5 feet of sewage water. I remember I was wearing flip flops. Eventually the water got deeper and deeper, and I was swimming in it at this point trying not to get any in my mouth. I swam in circles and decided to swim back without getting attacked by sharks in the water. When I swam back and managed to get out of the water, I saw two people in the middle of the water. They were in kayaks. They each had their own and they were coming up to me. I was mad because NOW they decided to help me get across…

      The scene changed and I was at Damian's house, but it didn’t look like his. Then somehow I appeared back at my house and my phone went off. I picked it up and looked at it, and saw a text from damian saying “I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out tonight. I love you so much and we’ll definitely hang out soon. (: ” It said some other things too that I cant remember..

      Then some chick came out of nowhere asked me if I needed any more underwear. I said “yes” so she gave me a few to keep. I put on a pair and was happy because I had gotten some more underwear for free. I had to go to the restroom, and while I was pulling my underwear down I saw a huge stain in it..then thought.. “THIS is why she gave me them.” All I remember was being pissed and then I woke up..