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    Lucid Dreaming.

    Inspired by movies. Inception and Waking Life. Inspired by experience. My own lucid dreams. Tempted by possibilities. First to build up my ability to recall. This shall become my daily habit.

    1. Thur July 22

      by , 07-22-2010 at 04:17 PM (Lucid Dreaming.)
      Hotel I was wit 4 guys hairy in hot top telling them about heart attack. I kept teleporting to different places and these people thought I was trying to be very insistent.

      I was cycling with my road bike in Singapore and Isha was there. I was trying to cycle past someone from Rice. There were 3 stops I made along the way. I had to check out these three places and see how fast it took me to get there.Some guy and girl were fishing. They were about to leave but their car banged into the drain fence railing. A cop talked to them and then took the guy aside.

      There was something about schools that I was going to. This big auditorium and I was late kind of. Before that I was trying to choose which college to go to. All these schools were for a specific job.
      Tags: cycling, isha, school