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    My first recalled dream after my goal of having a LD.(Failed)

    by , 02-08-2012 at 02:22 AM (687 Views)
    Attempt & Extra Background Info
    In order to get myself into the habit, im posting all dreams of mine, regardless of how pointless. I attempted another WILD for about the fourth time last night. I've been trying many multifarious techniques; this time I tried Reversed Blinking to get myself very relaxed, followed by deep breathing whilst counting down from 100 in between breaths. I made it to about 60 before I fell asleep into a non-memorable mini-dream(I get these very often when attempting to LD). Then I conted up from 1, made it to I think 17, and fell asleep. I awakened at 4A.M. for my WBTB technique, did a RC to make sure I wasn't in a false awakening and stayed up for about 20min browsing DV. After 20min I decided I was pretty awake, and didnt want to risk not falling back asleep, and attempted a WBTB-WILD. This time I tried to simply breath deeply, imagining a dream setting thoroughly involving all the senses, and tried to remain aware. Eventually I fell asleep and overslept according to my normal school waking time. De to me oversleeping, I didn't sit and try to recall my dream, because I was rushing. The collection of my dream randomly hit me before class started, and I was walking into the cafeteria.

    The non-LD

    This was a dull dream fragment, however I remember some details. There was alot of conversation that took place during the whole dream, and I can tell it was pretty normal. However, I didnt recall any deep details such as conversations. The earliest I can recall, is being a party with some of my ex-druggie friends.(I used to be pretty heavy in drugs, but I eventually dropped it like cold turkey due to my urge to be so sucessful academicly and overall.) Some im no longer friends with, and some I just dont talk to much anymore(my old "scene" druggie group). We were in a large house hosted by my ex-friend Josh(who had called me the previous day asking for one of his items) planned for a party. They all started popping pills and I left the situation, and found someone who disapproved of it like myself. I encountered a girl I never talk to, an underclassmen named Andrea. We pretty much ranted how we thought popping pills was so ignorant. Eventually I ended up running into another girl(upperclassmen that has posted on my FB wall I never speak to.) named Melissa. She was sitting on the floor at the edge of a bed, looking out a window. Outside there was like a parade, and I recall watching someone in a giant dinosaur costume. A human was controlling it, but the costume was probably about 5 feet taller than a bus. The dinosaur grabbed a bus acting ornery and people in the bus screamed. I spoke to Melissa a bit, and that's all I can remember.

    I should be getting a galantamine supplement to make my dreams more vivid tomorrow. As for the LD, i'll still be attempting every night!

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    1. Zoth's Avatar
      Good luck on your lucid dream, I'm sure that it's right around the corner And that attempt with WILD was some success if you ask me, people usually have troubles falling asleep while trying it. So you got the upper hand there !
    2. Coderz's Avatar
      Thanks for the support!