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    Recuring Haunting

    by , 04-21-2012 at 06:02 PM (369 Views)
    For years I have had a recurring dream about my grandmothers home. In my dream, it is haunted.

    My grandmother has been dead for over a decade. Her home was a favorite place of mine, as a child. I never felt uneasy about the home, in general, but I do remember a wierd sense of being uncomfortable in the attic. I recall thinking the attic, in its spider web and dusty state, might be nicer if it were clean with fresh carpet and drywall. There was always this question, in my young mind, as to whether the attic could shed its eery feeling.

    (As I grew older, I recognized that queesy feeling in my stomach as more of a signal that something wasnt right. And, I dont stay in areas where this feeling predominates. )

    The stairs to the 'eerie' attic were in the room where my uncle stayed until he married and moved out. Several years after I had these experiences and when our family no longer owned the home, my uncle confided in a series of his experiences.

    As a teenager, my uncle told me he experienced (what I would classify as) a mild form of possession/obsession with a spirit. It started with him making a connection during a ouije board session. He asked me not to 'play' with ouije boards. He stated that he attempted to throw the board away, in attempts to end the relationship. First he threw it in the trash in the kitchen. A few days later, it appearred in his closet. Then, he took it to the trash behind the garage. Again, it reappearred in his closet. Finally, he threw it in the furnace and the entire home shook and he heard demonic screams. That was four decades ago.

    I am sensitive to my surroundings and I often have psychic dreams. I have had dreams of demons trying to lure me, in one way or another. About 5 yrs ago I started dreaming about my grandmothers home. In my dream I am drawn into the 3rd floor attic or the closet of the 1st floor bedroom. Each lead to a demon.

    In my dreams I fight to rid the house of the demon and I am always unsuccessful. Last night I taunted the demon, daring it to appear. It did and I could feel its strength, which scared me.

    I dont understand why I keep having this dream. And, I dont know what it means. I want to go back to the house and face my dream head-on but, I dont know the current owners and live in another state. Any suggestions?
    Saizo likes this.

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    non-lucid , nightmare


    1. Saizo's Avatar
      Reading that gave me the chills. Brrrrrrr....

      You know, I too used to have recurring dreams. The last two recurring dreams I remember dealt with my mom's current house. I'd be walking through it at night, then I'd feel a dark presence and I'd always escape by running down the hallway, through the kitchen, and jumping out through the window. And the last one always led me to a closet in my mom's room. I'd walk down the hallway, enter her room, and stop in front of the closet. Then it would open and my dream always ended right there. I'd say your dreams are definitely trying to tell you something.
    2. XxLHYxX's Avatar
      Wow, creepy...