Dream Competition, Invulnerability, Elevator
, 07-31-2014 at 05:33 PM (767 Views)
Started the dream with going into a empty huge warehouse late at night with my wife. There one DC was there who did not like us and chased us out. Our car was parked at the end but was packed between other car and could not be removed, but finally got it out. The next night I went again along with the family to the same empty warehouse but the DC was not there. I keep thinking that hostile DC will return so we need be outside. So we come come and sit on an empty table. It is getting to be 9:30 and the hostile DC is approaching and then I realize I left my youngest son inside alone and I need to go and get him. I enter the empty building then I start think, this is not possible for me to leave my small kid alone in a big empty hostile place and then realize this is a dream.
I go inside and start flying inside the big empty warehouse and then take my kid outside . He wants to come and I tell him this a dream and I am going to fly and complete some task, he also wants to join me. So I take his hand and we start flying over towns and fields with breeze in our face. We end up somewhere in another continent. We walk in the streets of this small town, then I remember I have tasks to perform.
TOTM: The first task I remember is the TOTM and I decide I need an elevator and I see that there are no tall buildings in this town, so decide to go to big city. I tell my son we will walk through the door of the small shop and we open the door we will be in a big city downtown. That does not work, so we walk down the stairs and meet many DCs on the stairs and come out on the street and decide to fly instead. This is going to take long I feel. I see many DCs flying now, looks like that is mode of transportation. I meet SammytheSnake also flying and give him a high five as we cross each other. There is a lot of air traffic as everyone is flying. As I fly I see a swimming pool below and my son wants to play in it. I think this is a big swimming pool in front of a big hotel and a big hotel is there, so we drop down and my son is swimming. I tell him I will come back soon as I need to get an elevator to finish my task and go inside the hotel to find an elevator. I find a twin elevator and it is already going up, but I hit the up button multiple and it comes down. The DCs in the elevator are angry at me. I go to the one on the right and see it has only two floors. I feel this is not enough to accomplish my task and I think this is big hotel and should have another elevator for top floors, so I walk out and find another elevator that says 11-17 executive floors. I see myself only wearing a brief and say what the heck it is a dream and remove it. I enter this elevator full nude, it is huge elevator and people are dining inside it. The elevator seems like a restaurant. There is a chef at the entrance and looks at me being nude and is surprised. I say this is a dream and don't care. The elevator starts up but then start traveling side ways. I think , this always happens in my dream, elevator ends up traveling sideways. It then converts into a metro bus and travels down the street of the town I was there before. I meet few stars and think would be good to meet my favorite stars. The dream seems long now, then I hear my mom calling in the distance it is time to wake. I then decide to do a reality check of DCs watches. It is all digital and makes no sense, each watch showing a different number. Then I get down and walk and decide on my next task.
3-Step Task: I feel I will wake up anytime, but decide to continue with my 3-step task. I remember the first step is to push your hand through a solid object. I put my hands on a concrete column and see I have dream hands. I push through, first it fails but then I push through the concrete. I feel lot of concrete rumbles crush in my palm and then I feel the iron beam in the center and push through it. Then I remove my hand and see a coconut tree. Push my hand through it and feel wood chips in my palm. Then I think it is time for my second task in my three step. I need to attain invulnerability as I look around I see many cars and think if I jump in front of them and be unscathed that should be good. So I jump down from a high bridge like structure onto the front of a black car that is speeding down the road. The car hits me and crumbles and molds around me similar to superman. Then I start walking down again on the high bridge over a huge city below thinking about my third step but cannot remember. But I remember a task about reading a DC's mind. I see a dark female walking towards me. I stop her and try to read her mind. She thinks I am checking her breasts and booty and to squeeze her. I go ahead and do it. I get into caveman mode, but remember I have more tasks to do and this will surely wake me up. So I walk away still trying to remember my third task.
Personal Task: But instead I remember my personal task to drive a sports car. As I am walking I remember I left my son at the pool, but felt this will take time to fly and get him. Then I remember this is a dream and I snap my fingers and my son is in the shop and walks out with his toys. He wants me to show me the toys but I tell him I need to go complete my task. I am unable to teleport myself to a nascar race track, so I start flying, this is taking time. I meet Ninjago cyclone cloud like figures in the air, I ignore them and reach Nascar circuit. I see old nascar car and I tell I need to be part of Nascar. I select track and try to get a car. I get a very small car and big shoes. I squeeze in and have tough time fitting in. I make the car bigger into a full size nascar. There are lot of cars on the race. Then I wake up.