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    Mzzkc's Mind Games

    Hiya! Welcome to my inner sanctum. You'll find snacks and cookies on the left; the bathroom is on your right. Upstairs is where the scary things live. Don't go up there; I already called dibs.

    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-05-2010 at 08:34 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ˇSingle Sentence Sizzler!®

      Why is Gandalf in my Computer Chair? (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      During a Lucid FA, Gandalf gives me plane tickets to the middle eastern desert town where I have to meet up with Samael and her friend (ansiel6sixtysix or something) again before my fight with the being that defeated Jackie Chan during a public, stadium hosted, dojo challenge just a couple of dreams ago; I barely make it into my court before another FA kicks in.

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 07:45 AM by 25167

      lucid , false awakening
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-31-2010 at 03:29 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Enter Nomad (Non-lucid)

      Transformed, behind us, likely screwing around, is Nomad, disguised as a container of sorts. Similar to the ones my friends and I had been rummaging through earlier. I know it's him because my perspective had switched to third person omniscient moments ago. He is clearly goofing off, likely without any grand motivation.

      Well, I can mess around, too. I think, as I break off from the group and draw my blade. Propelling myself forward, I shoot through the air, mere inches off the ground, straight toward that metallic container. Swiping upward, the world flashes as I make my cut, rendering the object in two. Times slows enough for me to see Nomad's shocked face as he drifts backward in the air, now in his own body.

      Landing smoothly, he grins before breaking apart into a platoon of smaller versions of himself. They rush me. I dart into the air, but the little buggers are too fast; They're all over me, taunting and laughing like little madmen, as they tear at my body.


      The rush of energy throws them all off, scattering them on the concrete below. I don't hesitate. Raising my sword, I form a tornado that quickly ensnares all the miniatures in a whirling vortex. The sight reminds me of how Raven divides herself, which reminds me of the Disturbed song of the same name. Feeling creative, I play through a key part in the song, but change the lyrics ever so slightly to "Form together and combine!" Sure enough, all the copies trapped within my tornado lump together into a full sized Nomad. But I wasn't done just yet.


      A bolt of lighting tears through the air, piercing the tornado and the man within it. Nomad drops to the ground as the tornado dissipates, no longer amused. I wonder if he knows who I am. Maybe I should've introduced myself first. My thoughts are interrupted as a distortion in the air brings my attention back into focus. A woman I recognize as Raven appears from the anomaly and drops down next to Nomad. Nomad brings me to her attention, and she immediately takes a defensive stance.

      "Hey," I say, nonchalantly, while motioning with my dual blades, "Why don't the three of us have a spar? You two versus me."

      They stare at me, shocked, before turning to each other, as if to confer. Looking back at me, Nomad nods solemnly. I'll take that as a yes, then.


      I start things off by striking the two of them with another bolt of lightning, but I had the source come from directly behind them this time. It was just enough to throw them off guard as I lunged forward, ready to strike.

      I woke up.

      Updated 07-31-2010 at 03:38 AM by 25167

    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-12-2010 at 08:58 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Ideals: The Hunt (Non-lucid)


      Gorrammit. There's too many.

      Countless mechs surround me from all sides, as I flee ever deeper into the cave. Capable of taking me out at any time, they seem to be making a sport out of chasing me. If they knew who I was. . . If they knew I was the Head Imperial General in charge of the war effort. . . I'd be dead right now.

      I consider using Geass to take them all out at once, but I'm not confident I can imprint that many at a time, and if I fail, then my power and identity would no longer be a secret. Everything I had struggled and fought for all these years would be for naught. I have to keep moving.

      Off to my right, on a raised rock ledge, their Ace Pilot comes into view. He fires a burst from his gun that glances off my armor as I veer to the side to avoid the brunt of the attack.

      Hmm. . . I've got an idea.

      I focus on the Pilot and activate Geass, feeling his mind wipe clean as my will overtakes him. Just like that, he turns his fire onto his former allies, in an attempt to protect me. He does pretty well, allowing me to make quite a bit of headway into the cave. Almost home free, I exit the narrow passageway into a huge, open cavern.

      Frak me.

      Lining the tiered walls are hundreds of mechs, waiting to to open fire. Their ambush sprung, there's only one thing I can do to defend myself. . .

      My Geass explodes outward in a shock-wave originating from my glowing eyes. I see every mind it wipes, all the desires, all the fears, all the intricacies that made that mind unique. It's too much; there're too many; I'm losing my grip. . .

      I awaken.

      Updated 07-12-2010 at 09:03 AM by 25167

    4. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-05-2010 at 05:47 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Below, I've recorded the fight I had with a DV member late last month. Enjoy.


      Enter ?????? (DILD)

      "Come on!" She commands me, jumping down from the raised section of tiled flooring.

      Should I follow?

      I hesitate, my lucidity flickering between states.

      Running toward the large, open, squared archway she yells back, "Let's get out of here!"

      But that's not why I'm here. . .

      She's treating me like a DC, and I'm playing along like an idiot. . . Not cool.

      "That's not happening," I adamantly state, drawing my blade. Might as well have some fun with this, I think amusedly.

      She looks back, notices my Katana, and visibly tenses up. I step forward a bit, and am thrilled to see her extend shiny, steel, wolverine-esque claws from between her knuckles. This might get interesting.

      Cautiously approaching me, I can see her sizing me up, determining the best course of action. Maybe she'll multiply herself. That'd certainly make things more fun. Sure enough, what was no more than a passing thought, comes to be. She seems more surprised than myself, especially when the new copy proceeds to make yet another copy. This process repeats itself several times, and before I know it I'm facing down approximately 13 clawed adversaries. They attack as one.

      One goes for my head, another for my gut, yet another for my legs, and the rest for any piece of me they think they can hit. Instinct takes over and I launch into the air, spinning quickly with my sword extended in one hand. A blue streak of energy follows my blade as I spin, higher and higher, five, ten, fifteen feet off the ground. Naturally, they miss their strikes, but I'd be a fool to think they aren't prepared with a follow up.

      Dropping down, I bring my sword around swiftly on a copy to the right, while hook-kicking one to my left. I adjust my blade mid-strike to avoid the parry I read well in advance. Indeed, my Katana makes contact, but my kick is blocked rather aptly. Landing on one foot, I fluidly let myself drop even further, avoiding a flurry of jabs and swipes. After that, I bring my blade in wide rotational arc above my head, deflecting all the follow up slashes aiming to take me out. Then, still maintaining momentum from my spin, I turn about to my left, cutting down another copy, back-fisting one across the head, and kicking out the shins of one behind me. Unfortunately, this leaves me in a less than ideal defensive situation, and my adversaries pick up on that right away. Sharp steel comes at me from every angle, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

      So, I teleport away, taking a knee as I do. The excitement of the battle is taking its toll on my stability, so I decide to call it there and allow myself to awaken.

      I'll give this one to you, Samael.

      I smile as everything fades to white.

      Updated 07-05-2010 at 05:51 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-02-2010 at 09:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dragon Slayer (DILD)

      They're probably going to die.

      I watch the dragons slowly descend upon two neighbors from inside my doorway. Fearing for my own safety, I shut the red metal door and casually step away.

      "Hurry up and get over here." My brother states from his fancy wooden seat at the dining room table.

      "There's dragons out there, man."

      "Don't worry about that." He brushes me off, as I take a seat next to him. Plopping down in my chair, he starts talking about something in his usual way, but I can't help thinking about that horde of dragons, the ones from the LD I just had a few moments ago before my. . .

      DEILD attempt! Right! This is a dream! I realize excitedly. Taking a look at my brother, I wonder if it's Burmes. "Hey, Burke." He looks at me as if I've got three heads. "Sorry, Burnes--Burmes right?"

      "No, not exactly." He states coldly.

      "Well, whoever you are, you're pretty convincing. You had me fooled for sure." I stand up and head to the door. I figured I'd help out those people in the court. Those dragons did refer to me as prey, after all.

      "Where are you going? Hey! Get back here!" My brother shouts at me.

      "I'm alright, thanks." I respond kindly, opening the front door to reveal a dragon hanging off the awning over my porch. Leaping out the door, I grab onto its head just as it begins to launch itself toward the center of the court, where those two people still were. Utilizing Super Strength, I break its neck, sending it hurdling onto my car-less, sloped, concrete driveway where it slides down a bit before stopping, dead in its tracks. The rest of the dragons were quick to notice.

      One, two, three, four, five, six. . . and probably more just around the corner. Better get started, then. Taking to the air, I pull out a bow from behind my back, and grab an arrow from much the same place. With a burst of will, I light the tip of my arrow ablaze, draw my bow, and aim it at the heart of the nearest dragon, 50 meters away.


      My shot is right on target, hitting its mark in the exact center of the dragon's chest. Stunned, the dragon looks down at the arrow protruding form its deep red and orange scaled body. It stumbles forward, but doesn't go all the way down. That's cause enough for me to switch to my Barret .50 Cal. Sniper Rifle. I take a quick shot without scoping, but it goes rather wide. Resigning myself to obscuring my vision for a short while, I peer through the scope, line up the dragon's head in the cross-hairs, and let off a round, which creates a rather large hole in the thing's forehead. Before it can hit the ground, and after dealing with gun's recoil, I put another bullet through its skull for good measure. Yeah, there's no way it's getting up from that.

      Off a ways from all this, I see and hear a dragon howl ominously into the afternoon sky. The narrator in my head explains that this particular dragon was upset because his last living brother had just been killed. I was also informed that the dead dragon in question was the one whose neck I had snapped moments ago. They probably shouldn't have started screwing with my dream, if they didn't want me to fight back.

      Dropping the gun, I pull out a weapon from a more civilized age (No, not that, you silly Star Wars fan, you). My steel Katana glints luminously in the slowly failing sunlight. The mass of dragons--plus one enraged ex-brother--smoothly move in my direction. I too move forward, as one of them takes out a missile launcher. Oookay? I think as he fires it, sending a missile careening toward me. . . very very slowly, I might add. Watching the missile sputter out halfway and drop to the ground, isn't too surprising. However, I don't expect the resulting explosion to be as large as it is. If I had been any lower in altitude, this could have ended badly. I need to deal with this before things get even more out of hand, and if there's anything I've learned about efficiently dealing with large groups of enemies from my HvZ exploits, it's that you should always rush them before they rush you.

      Shouting ferociously, I fly at high speeds toward a dragon to my left. Raising my sword high above my head I scream, "Getsuga Tenshou!" tearing at the air before me in a dramatic swipe. A blue cyclical wall of energy erupts from my blade and flies forward, hitting the dragon and creating a huge gash along its entire body. Feeling confident that would be enough to put that one out of the fight, I turn my attentions to the others around me, just in time to block a claw from removing my head. I back off from my attacker, and start to fly around him, being sure to make a note of the positions of the other dragons. Right then, that asshole with the missile launcher tries his luck at blowing me out of the sky again, but my next maneuver will put me well out of range of the blast.

      Flash Stepping into striking range, I unleash a flurry of slashes on my attacker, before Flash Stepping to the other combatants and doing the same. I finish just in time to feel the shock-wave of the explosion behind me. Unfortunately, my strikes barely break through the dragons' skin, and I'm forced backward yet again in order to avoid being cleaved in half. I let off another Getsuga, but this one is deflect by. . . A dragon with two gigantic sabers? Fuck me.

      I strafe aerially in a wide arc, carefully watching not only this new threat, but all those still in the fight. It's then I notice the second blade in my off hand. How'd that get there? I wonder for a moment before realizing how unimportant that information is. All I know is that now I should be able to take on that monstrosity slightly below me.

      Changing my flight path, I dart diagonally toward the dragon with the giant twin blades. "Getsuga Tenshou!" I yell, but my blade fails to perform the technique. Ignoring my seeming lack of control, I engage her in direct combat. Yet, as it turns out, fighting with two swords is a lot harder than you'd think, even when acting on instinct. Despite my best efforts, each attack I make, no matter how complex, is subsequently parried and met by a counter. What's worse is some of my opponent's attacks actually manage to nick me a bit. What gets me is that here's this target five times my size, I can't even land a single blow, but she manages to make contact with my skin on several occasions!

      "Come on!" she taunts me, "Is this the best you've got?!"

      "No, actually." I state as coolly as I can in my agitation.

      "Well, then bring it!"

      Jumping backward, I warn her, "Remember, you asked for it." Then, throwing my arms out to the side, I proclaim, "Ban--kai!"


      The energy deep within me bursts forth in a remarkable fashion, violently throwing about the air around me. My dual blades are now wider, more ornate in design, and encased entirely in glowing, bright, yellow energy. But that isn't the only new thing I have to show off. Moving toward her, my speed is so great that the world blurs around me and she herself seems to be stuck in time. I circle her, once, twice, three times, four times in less than a second, with each pass I cut into her with a volley of slices faster than even I can make out.

      "I'm not quite done, yet." I comment with a grin as I slow down enough for her to register where I am. "Reverse Bankai. . . Resurrection!"

      At that, my body is covered in white light as I immediately transform. I switch to the third person to get a good look at my new form. I'm completely shirtless, with smooth pale skin, flared white sleeves sporting two lavender and orange squares overlaid on top, and white bone-like gloves. My shorts are also pure white, and my feet and lower legs are fitted in a bone-like material as well; they too bear the colored squares. My medium length green and blue hair spikes out to the side, flowing subtly in the warm twilight air. A metal loop is affixed to my stomach, from which a thick silver chain is passed through. On the end of that chain is my new weapon: a pair of red marble nun-chucks with gold plated tips.

      "But that's still not all I've got lined up." The dragon's eyes are visibly wider now as they continue struggling to follow my movements. Reaching my hand to my face, I rip down my Vizard mask. I feel a cold wave flow out from the center of my being; my desire to utterly destroy this creature rises as the numbing current overtakes me. Allowing myself to act on the impulse, I Flash Step in front of the target of these urges, bringing my weapon down hard across her head.


      The explosion from my strike sends overpowering vibrations throughout my neighborhood. Standing behind my opponent now, I slow down time for the both of us and explain to her why she's missing half her face and falling to the ground, while I'm completely unharmed.

      "It seems every time this weapon makes an impact with something, it lets out a fairly powerful blast. I'd say the actual force is around ten times as strong as what those missiles your friend was shooting could produce. Luckily for me, this new form has a built in perk that protects me from attacks below a certain level. Unfortunately for you, its limit is high enough to let me use something that devastating as my main attack. I don't think you're body will be able to handle it like mine can. Let's find out, shall we?"

      Resuming the flow of the battle, I move back in front of her and begin my assault--and what an assault it is. Every blow from my viciously spinning nun-chucks is coupled with an enormous explosion. Smoke, fire, and smoldering flesh flies around me as I continue my attack, each strike taking a good sized piece of her body with it. She drops her blades, but I'm not just going to let such massive weapons go to waste. Snatching them from the air, I use a bit of chain from my stomach to bind the sabers together, creating a pair of sword-chucks three times the size of my body. Expertly utilizing both weapons, it's only a short time before all that's left of the dragon is an unrecognizable husk of meat and bone.

      My brother comes up to me, his mannerisms completely different from before. "Well, if that doesn't scare them off, I don't know what will."

      Nodding to whom may have been Burmes, I turn to the rest of the dragons. Staring them down, shock splayed against their collective faces, I instruct them, "Run, while you still can."

      The dream fades as I watch these beasts who once thought of me as prey vacate the area with a hurried purpose.

      Updated 07-19-2010 at 04:13 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    6. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-29-2010 at 11:26 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Mission Improbable (Non-lucid)

      I'm attending some kind of school function in the auditorium. It hasn't started yet, but the guest of the evening is everyone's favorite Emperor, Darth Lord Sidious. It's up to me to bring him down.

      First thing's first, I need to eliminate the prisoner who know's I'm coming. Unfortunately, he'll be well guarded, so I need an alternative means of entry. Spotting a bathroom next to the room they're keeping him in, I nonchalantly enter it, lock the door behind me, and push my way through the ceiling tiles. There's still a brick wall in my path, but that gives way when I apply some pressure.

      Looking through a slit in the ceiling tiles, I sneak behind the metal cage the Rebel prisoner is in, pull out my silenced USP and solemnly unload a few rounds into the back of his head, dropping him to the floor. The guard hears what's up, and turns around. It's too bad I've already got him in a lock at this point. He tries to shout for help, but I cover his mouth with my hand right before snapping his neck.

      Next on the to-do list: take out the Emperor's decoy. Using the ceiling, I make my way to the back of the auditorium. I toggle on Invisibility and Fly and fly down to the stage, where the Emperor and his decoy are speaking. The decoy has to go get ready for the presentation, so the two of them part ways. While it's tempting to simply take out the Emperor here and now, I know that I need to kill the other guy first. Quickly and quietly, I follow the decoy to a rear exit which eventually leads to the secondary guest quarters. Before the door can close, locking me out, I Teleport into the hallway. Now it's just him, me, and my silenced pistol.

      As he enters his large and ornate quarters, I pull out my pistol, turn off invisibility, and fire. Somehow ready for me, he dodges to the side and runs off behind a large golden fountain. Flying over to his hiding place, he jumps out at me, yelling maniacally at the top of his lungs. Still, it doesn't take much for me to move aside and put him in a headlock. Shoving my USP under his chin, I embed three bullets in his brain. For some reason, he refuses to die, so I'm forced to snap his neck like I did with the guard. Dropping the body, I mentally prepare to face my real target.

      Bursting through the rear exit, I stare down the cause of so much pain and suffering throughout the galaxy.

      "Your reign ends tonight, my lord." I spit out the last part as sarcastically as possible.

      "I beg to differ!"

      At that, he takes off, into the air, gliding effortlessly to the very center of the auditorium. Keeping up, I unleash a volley of Force lightning in his direction. With a crazed sneer, he deflects it and sends his own right back at me. Erratic blue electricity begins pulsing through my body, but he can't hurt me with my own weapon. Reveling in the sensation, I absorb the energy from the bolts, storing it for use at a later time. From the crowd, two people lift off the ground and help me surround Sidious.

      "Looks like you've started sooner than planned!" exclaimed the girl as she took out her blue lightsaber. Her male comrade follows suit, breaking out two green sabers.

      "I don't remember calling in for backup." I state, as I watch Sidious, still sneering, remove a saber from his black cloak. "Just stay out of my way."

      Sidious attacks me, lighting his red blade. I go to block, whipping out my light blue ice-saber, but the searing hot plasma cuts right through its polar opposite. Crap, I think as I jump backwards to avoid the slash. It needs more juice. Before another thought can even cross my mind, Sidious assaults me again. This time, my ice-saber, now being fueled by pure willpower, stops his cut. More than that, it begins to freeze his weapon. The two newcomers begin blasting him with force lightning from behind, preventing him from retreating as my unique weapon completely freezes his saber and hand.

      Pissed right the hell off, a strange, barbed, long, sickly-tan, mutant-like tail extends from under his cloak. With it, he knocks the others to the side, breaks off his own hand, and impales me in the back. The shock is enough to make me drop my ice-saber. Sidious starts laughing, as if he's already won. Grimacing angrily, I rip my Katana from my side, empowering the blade with black and red energy. A single upward swipe is all I need to cleave his monstrous tail in two. I followed that by shoving my sword into his stomach and twisting it up though his chest.

      No longer laughing, Sidious' expression changes dramatically as I watch the life fade from his eyes. Good riddance.

      Updated 06-30-2010 at 12:07 AM by 25167

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-24-2010 at 06:05 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      As promised.


      Shadow Monster: Origins (WILD)

      There's that familiar transition.

      I open my eyes. Cold white light is streaming in from my bedroom window, as the thin brown curtains fail to do their job. Lifting myself out of bed, I notice something odd on the ceiling. The shadows on the dirty eggshell-colored drywall. . . They're moving! At that revelation, the shadows--an Aztec-esque shaman and a blocky curled snaked--broke themselves off from the wall, joined together into one formless mass, and shot out into the hallway.


      Making my way through the house, toward the front door, I wonder what that was all about. Closing my hand around the gold painted doorknob, I open the large metal door before me, revealing my sun-soaked court. But something is off with the lighting. Everything seems. . . lifeless. It's as if all warmth had left my neighborhood long ago. I didn't know what to make of it.

      Lifting myself off the ground, I fly to the center of my court, contemplating what I want to accomplish. With no goals lined up, I figure I'll just try to crash someone's dream world. That's when I hear it. A visceral scream tears through my court, originating from a neighbor's house across the ways. Turning my head, I look just in time to see the woman who had screamed smash against her front window. As she drops out of sight, I know behind that blood drenched glass lurks the Monster from before.

      Reaching out with my TK, I try to pull it from the house, but I can't get a lock. Yet, despite my failure, the Shadow Monster doesn't take long to exit the house of its own accord. Smoothly flowing through the air above me, it pay me no mind as it makes its way back toward my residence. Like hell I'm letting that slide. Let's see how this thing likes a little bit of pure energy blasted through its core.

      Taking a stance, I position my hands by my side, preparing to let loose a Kamehameha Wave. Not wanting to tip it off, I say the chant internally, feeling the charge building between my hands. Unfortunately, when I go to release it all in a throat wrenching shout, nothing happens. The Shadow Monster stops dead in its tracks, and speedily reverses direction, darting straight at me. Fully enveloping me in darkness, I realize there's nothing I can do to this. . . thing. Panic washes over me, but before everything fades to black I let loose a piercing cry for assistance that echoes not just through my city, but around the world and, I can't help but think, beyond.

      No one came to my aid.

      Updated 06-25-2010 at 05:46 AM by 25167

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    8. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-22-2010 at 08:53 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dark Overtones (WILD)

      The ringing and spinning cease.

      I RC just to confirm it. Yeah, I'm dreaming. My room is about as messy as it is IWL. Why is everything so freaking dark? I slide out of bed, not really caring if I step on anything. As I do, I spot a dark shadow shoot across the corner of my eye. Goddammit, I think as I hurry downstairs, this isn't what I wanted to deal with. Luckily, whatever that was doesn't follow me. Unluckily, there are more in the house.

      That fucking Shadow Monster has probably been having his way with this place since the last time I was here. . . Sure enough, as I exit my house and fly into my court, I am met with a disturbing sight. A heavy darkness fills the air, as I look upon that nightmarish sky. I cannot properly describe the hellish glow emanating from parts of the smooth, gigantic, wispy black cloud that covers the entire sky. It is almost as if the atmosphere is in a slow burn.

      Flying to the center of my court, I start to freak out. She's got to check this out. There's no way this is normal. I call for Raven,but realize she's still awake at this hour. It is then I become aware of a presence behind me. I draw my blade, and flip around, but whatever it was follows my movements perfectly and remains behind me. I turn around, faster this time. Still no luck.

      While I can't see whatever it is directly, I do manage to switch perspectives, and am now viewing the shadows on the ground. The thing behind me was clearly a human female, but gender doesn't mean anything to me. I calm myself, center my focus, and relax the tension in my muscles. Then, I close my dream eyes, still remaining watchful of the shadows on the asphalt below.

      She hesitates for a moment, obviously surprised by the sudden change in my emotional state, but that only lasts a moment before she lunges for me in an animalistic fashion. Without turning, I bring my sword up over my body, twist over backwards, and with one hand thrust it into her, all faster than the human eye can see. Her primal cry echoes across the neighborhood.

      From there, the dream progresses in an odd fashion. I find that the woman I had just injured has only come to see what kind of warrior I am. To some capacity, she claims to be real, and says she was sent by friends. I spent a good deal of time after that trying to heal her up. I'm not skilled enough to close the wounds well enough with energy alone, so I just sew them up with TK and some special stitching material I materialize on the spot. I wake up soon afterwards.

      Updated 06-22-2010 at 08:56 AM by 25167

      lucid , nightmare
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-20-2010 at 04:32 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Plastic? Really? (Non-lucid)

      My weapon was complete. An M9 Combination Pistol-Laser Gun bound to a Derringer with much the same function. It was time to leave our safe-hold and venture across the woodland to a new home. As soon as the large metal blast doors open, we run for it.

      I'm barely keeping up with my ragtag group of survivors, as we do our best to stay out of sight of the larger predators, like that T-Rex over there. Unfortunately, the raptors spot us. Running for our lives, we open fire on the raptor pack as we dart around trees and jump over deep trenches. I unload an entire clip into the heads of two of them, bringing them down. Then we hear it. . .

      "Shit!" our leader shouts over the blood curdling screech, "Mecha Raptor on our six!"

      But it's already on top of us. To specific, it's on top of me. I shove my gun into its metal mouth as it tries to chomp on my head. I let off some rounds, but it's not having any effect. It opens it jaws and tries again, but I jam my gun in again, this time using the high powered laser beam. The laser quickly melts through the plastic insides of the green Mecha Raptor's throat. It dies on top of me, spilling the hot molten plastic onto my stomach, painfully scalding me. My group works together to push it off me, and soon enough we're on the move again. . .

      Updated 06-20-2010 at 04:35 AM by 25167

    10. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-11-2010 at 03:13 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Enter Walms (DILD)

      My brother explodes in a puff of flame and smoke, leaving behind two flaming eyes that fizzled out after a moment or two.

      "Burmes? Is that you?"

      "Yes," states a disembodied voice.

      "Oh, okay. Hey, can you help me find Walms?"

      There was a pause before he replied. "Yeah, sure."

      "Cool, thank you."

      I Teleport away, letting Burmes guide the new scene. I end up in an open outdoors setting with none other than Walms standing a good distance away. He turns as I make my appearance, eyeing me strangely, almost as if he were sizing me up. "It's me, Walms! Mzzkc!"

      "Oh, good job on finding me. . . We can start when you like."

      "Very well." I say cooly, taking a stance and drawing my Katana.

      Immediately, I turn on the pressure. Teleporting close to him, but well out of arms reach, I make a quick swipe, which he readily evades. Before he can do anything else, though, I Teleport again, and make another lightning quick attack, but am foiled a second time. TP, this time he's got claws out to block my thrust and follow up with his own attack, which I deflect before TPing yet again. This goes on for a good six or seven seconds, with me TPing, attacking, and defending about three or four times each second. The attacks themselves are varied and range from basic slash and thrust combinations to much more complex sword-work. Still, neither of us can can land a hit.

      Without warning, Walms launches into the air. I'm quick to follow, purposefully dropping my blade as I do. Before he can reach altitude, I start charging a Kamehameha, chanting the telltale phrase that goes along with it. Walms immediately stops, turns, and Teleports directly below me, but that's just what I wanted. Using a Time Skip, so he doesn't have a chance to react, I change it up and deliver a huge downward arcing punch that instantly makes contact (thanks to the Time Skip). He looks visibly surprised as he plummets down to earth.

      "I don't have to follow what I say I'm gonna do." I taunt, playfully, before TPing below Walms and Time Skipping a huge uppercut into his gut. This time he's ready, though, and makes a grab for my arm, so I TP away from him and follow him as he shoots back up into the air from the force of my blow. He rights himself quickly enough and speedily starts closing the relatively small gap between us. I start charging a real energy blast this time, but I screw it up as Walms tries for another grab. He rebukes me, commenting on my attempts at an actual energy attack, as I avoid his assault and Flash Step away, closer to the ground.

      Still moving, I start charging another energy attack, but he's on top of me without warning, and now I don't have a prayer of getting away. So, I do the next best thing and direct a blast of energy at the ground, causing a massive explosion that envelops me and blasts him away.

      Unfortunately, as the light of the explosion overtakes me, I lose my hold on the dream, and enter into a FA. I quickly get up, go to my laptop, and record the events. After publishing it, Walms responds almost instantly, saying he remembers the fight, and very much enjoyed it, pointing out how good the pacing and flow was.

      Updated 06-19-2010 at 08:44 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    11. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:13 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Haven't had one of these kinda updates in awhile.

      Love and War (DEILD)


      Dream: Never Gonna Give You Up
      My Girlfriend breaks up with me after seeing a girl I was teaching something to grab my hands. I try to explain the situation, but she storms off. I spend the rest of the dream trying to 'get her back', all the while slowly uncovering bits and pieces of a conspiracy that was designed to split us up.

      Fragment: Is Everything Okay?
      Raven Knight makes an appearance and seems concerned over my well being. I assure her everything is great and invite her to join whatever it was that was going on at the time.

      Fragment: Check This Out!
      I'm showing random people the room I was staying in wherein Raven was sleeping on the bed.

      DILD: Flood Waters
      I'm trying to navigate through my flooded dormitory via Hover.

      Realizing it's a dream, I exit the building through my neighbor's window and fly around a bit before waking into an FA.



      DEILD: DG Entrance Exam

      Searching for a DG, I am hailed over by a DC who refused to be ignored. Going by the name of Burnes or Burmes (he pretended to play dumb when I re-asked him) he claimed to be a DG. Trusting him for the moment, I asked him if he could train me. "What do you mean?" he asked.

      "Can you fight?" He responded with a wide, toothy, inhuman grin, boasting about his skill, using terminology I didn't quite catch. From there we begin to spar. Neither of us can get a decent hit in with our swords, and he absorbed or ignored my fairly wimpy energy blasts. Things started to get serious when I went Bankai and subsequently pulled down my Vizard mask.

      As my desire to kill and destroy grew stronger, he and the environment transformed. Him into a large muscular man with a smooth, black, oval, almost demonic, silver accented head. The environment into an apocalyptic and hellish version of my neighborhood. Immediately, he unleashed a ridiculous volley of elemental attacks into me, which just as quickly took their toll.

      Falling back to earth, I feel myself dying. But I wasn't giving in that easily. As he passed by to my right, I quickly righted myself and unleashed a powerful bolt of lightening through his heart. Shocked, he returned to normal, and before he could anything else I trapped his head in an orange tornado immobilizing him. Then I woke up.
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:07 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Helping Out: It's What I Do (DILD)

      Flying toward my house, I spot Champion Cynthia, hovering over my court on a magic carpet. In the court itself are a myriad of Pokemon. High in the air I spotted a Lugia, Ho-oh, Flygon, and some others. The ones on the ground were less distinct, as were the ones at a slightly lower altitude. For some reason, I got the impression that I needed to help exterminate all of them.

      With a joyful glint in my eye, I shoot across the sky, spawning a variety of sharp metallic weaponry in my curled hands. As I pass Ho-oh, I release a volley of kunai and throwing stars into it. Its body evaporates into nothingness. Still darting overhead, I quickly spawn a new set of weapons in my hands. Just as soon as they form, I launch them into Lugia and the Flygon, ending their existence in much the same fashion.

      Still thinking I'm helping, I fly down to the other Pokemon floating in the air. Putting my hands behind me, I pull from DBZ archetypes and create two small energy balls in my hands. I toss the one in my left hand at a nearby Pokemon, causing it to explode in a bright flash of yellow light. I throw the other at two a ways below me. The blast spirals slowly on its way to its target, but that's not good enough for me. I swing my arms in front of me and shout, releasing a wave of invisible energy that propels the ball forward at ten times the speed. Even so, the Pokemon dodge my attack. Unfortunately for them, they were unable to avoid the gigantic explosion as the blast hit the ground below, taking out half the court.

      Despite the devastation, a few Pokemon remain alive. I speedily charge up a powerful Kamehameha and fire it off, vaporizing those Pokemon directly in its path. The resultant blast of energy as the Wave hit the ground wiped out any that survived the initial burst. My job was done.
    13. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:06 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Friendly Fire is On (Non-lucid)

      They surrounded us. Upwards of 40 low-life frat boys, all wearing the exact same grey shirt, sneered at me and my new-found HvZ friends. Well, this outing just got interesting. As they moved ever closer, our small group was soon split up. One of the punks pushed me backwards into his bro. The bro grabbed my arms, but I wasn't going down without a fight. Breaking free, I elbowed him in the gut, which made him stagger back and fall to the ground. It's a start.

      Reaching down to my side, I drew my Katana in a quick motion and put it to use immediately. Two down, three down, four down. . . They dropped like flies as my skillful slashes tore through their numbers. My blade thrusted forward into the gut of one of them; I tore it out his side, before realizing my mistake. This was one of my new friends. Tossing my blade to the side, I catch him before he falls. "Fuck. . . Didn't mean to do that."

      "Watch where you're swinging that thing," he sputters weakly. I put my hand to his wound.

      "It's going to be okay," I assure him as a green light emits from my palm. Infusing the area with energy, I quickly heal the wound to the best of my abilities. "That should hold up for now, but take it easy for awhile." He nodded and walked off.

      Turning my attention back to the frat-boys, verily pissed, they don't seem too phased by the incident. We'll just have to change that. Picking my sword up, I swiped at the nearest one, rending open his chest. The fact that all of them were unarmed didn't matter to me one bit. I'd kill them all the same. Turning, I bring my blade down across the left side of my victim's neck. As he died, he looked into my eyes, as if to ask 'Why?' It was another friendly.

      "Goddammit! I haven't know any of you long enough to distinguish you in battle!" I stormed off, frustrated. Passing everyone on my way to the nearby woods, ignoring them into oblivion, the small golden colored dog from before--the one we had followed into this mess--yipped at me annoyingly. With a single flick of my Katana, I silenced it, cleanly severing its head from its body. The body stood there for a moment, as the bloodied head rolled out of sight, before slumping to the ground. I just kept walking.

      Updated 06-19-2010 at 08:46 AM by 25167

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:03 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Battle on The Moon (Non-lucid)

      A man I recognize as Q shows up to take me to the battle on the moon Raven said I could come help with. I am told we're going to need numbers, so I whip up a huge army to aid in the fight. Q transports all of us there and the fight begins immediately. I take the lead of my group (there were already many others fighting) by flying in with my Katana and skillfully slicing up a large demon.

      Then my roommate's alarm goes off.

      Oddly, I was still able to see and act within the dream even though I was awake. I'm pretty sure we ended up winning.
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:01 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Serious Business (DILD)


      I burst through the glass, quickly drawing my blade. Still arcing in the air to the grass below, I shout "Bankai!" releasing the true power of my sword. As I looked down on the lightsaber battle ensuing in my backyard, I see several friends caught up in the fray. Still falling, I bring my hand up to my face and tear down my Vizard mask, enjoying the rush of power. Landing skillfully on the grass, everyone notices my entrance. The clash of sabers ceases as I look up through my red and white mask. I pick a target.

      Walking casually into the battle, I relieve someone of his fight, pushing him to the side. Taking a relaxed stance, my blade in one hand, the young 'Jedi' acting as my opponent stares back at me, terrified. He makes a cautious pass at my left side with his green lightsaber. Sneering behind my mask, I parry, flick his weapon away, and stab him in the shoulder, all in one motion. As he staggers backwards, it's easy to see how pissed he is. He charges at me, letting loose a guttural cry.

      Still relaxed, I deflect each of his thrusts and slashes, but my complacency gets the better of me. The saber cuts through my side as I jump away, avoiding the brunt of what would have been a fatal blow.


      A sharp pain shoots up my right arm as I finally take notice of the other 'Jedi' who have come to aid their comrade. Surrounded, a feeling of panic blossoms at my core. Sensing my moment of weakness, the group attacks as one. I do my best to defend myself, but a few blows end up getting through. I shout violently, emitting a wave of energy that pushes them all backwards. My fiery rage burns away any previous inhibition. "That's it. No more of this fucking kiddie shit."

      In a flash, I cut down a 'Jedi' to my left, severing his body into 5 pieces instantaneously. Fear strikes the others as I stand there, bloodied blade in hand, 20 feet from where I was less than a second ago. Before the pieces of the man I just killed could hit the ground, they begin to run, but not fast enough. I speed from one victim to the next, dismembering and mutilating their bodies as I go. My speed and precision is unparalleled. And yet, despite my rampage, save the first, I leave them all alive. . . mostly.

      Updated 06-19-2010 at 08:47 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
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