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    exdreamer's Dream Journal

    1. Racing

      by , 08-17-2010 at 03:28 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid

      I was playing a Mario Kart game on DS with my brother, except it wasn't Mario Kart DS -- it was a new game. The controls were messed up, L or R to power slide then the opposite shoulder button to initiate the speed boost. It was awkward and I was complaining about it sucking really bad.

      I also recall there being really hard to see short-cuts on the track we were playing. It was extremely frustrating.

      The dream started to change in to a physical race on foot. I was no longer holding the DS but an active participant in the race. There were a few people I was aware of also racing. I recognised most from different periods of my life.

      I was running through a castle themed area. I remember stopping and hiding to ambush the person behind me. I had some kind of tray or disc, strangely turquoise in colour, and I jumped out from behind a wall and hit them with it.

      I raced up some steps and overtook someone ahead of me. They tried to stop me, but I avoided them. I recall that I was now on wooden rope bridge over some water. It wasn't very far, and there were other rope bridged around. The water was very oldskool video game looking: opaque blue and pixelated.

      Finally I recall reaching what must have been the end goal. It was a room with containers built in to the walls on either side. It looked like the inside of some kind of temple. I wasn't the first here, but I learned that it didn't really matter. I had to open a box with a number on it. More of a game of chance it turned out. There were low and high numbers.

      I saw J, a hot girl that went to my secondary school. She was next to largest number. I walked over and said I was going to open it. She and the others in the room were shocked. I understood that the higher the number the higher the risk that whatever was inside was more dangerous, but also the higher the potential reward. I felt like injury or death might await. I was trying to be daring though.

      I opened it. My vague recollection is of reading some instructions inside on a small brightly coloured scroll. J was also helping me by explaining something.

      I either woke up or just can't remember the rest.
    2. The Castle, The Prince-ess, and The Treasure Chest

      by , 07-08-2010 at 11:54 AM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      The Castle

      I was in a large castle. I was a child, no more than about 13. It was night and there had been a murder.

      An old man was there with a short white beard and scruffy clothing. He was distraught. The murder victim was his wife. She was a tall plump woman with grey hair and a grey dress.

      I was aware that I lived in the castle with these two people. The woman was looking after me. There were other children of various ages around too.
      Perhaps it was an orphanage?

      The man said how his wife had always looked after him and he didn't know what he was going to do now she was dead. There was another woman in the castle who now appeared. She looked similar to the dead woman, but somehow more mean.

      Everyone went outside and was looking around in the dark for something
      -- probably the murderer.

      The Prince-ess

      I was in a small dressing room in a tower in some kind of palace or castle. I was a female. I looked kind of like Disney's Snow White, but was realistic in appearance and not like a cartoon. I was bummed out because I was just a servant but totally in to the prince.

      There was some kind of ball or party going on outside in the large central courtyard. There was a window in the room I was in and I could see all the people. The prince was going to choose one of the female guests to be his wife.

      Suddenly there was someone in my room. They were encouraging me to get dressed up and go and win the prince's affections. Alright! It was on!

      I somehow became aware that there were guards in the castle/palace trying to find me and kill me. I didn't know why. All I knew is that we would have to work fast!

      There was another person in the room now and both the strangers were helping me put on a rather complicated medieval gown. The gown looked kind of like Disney's Snow White again. At least, it was the same red, white, and yellow colour scheme.

      All that remained was to go down and woo the prince! But how to get there in time and by avoiding the guards? There was a massive rope that seemed to just hang from the sky -- even though I was indoors. Perhaps I could swing across the courtyard and make a dramatic entrance? Damn right I could!

      I exited a door to my left and descended the spiral staircase beyond. I found myself exiting another door on to a roof. Guards were closing in. I could see my target and was about to make my amazingly acrobatic swing...

      Wait! Someone stopped me and pointed out that I had a beard! Huh? I looked in to a mirror and she was right! I was no longer a Snow White-esque woman but myself! My usual male self.

      But what to do? I decided I better run back up to the room I had just left and shave first...

      Note to self: Did I just have a cross-dressing dream?

      The Treasure Chest

      I was back at Uni. Or rather I was in a room somewhere and the only other people there were people I met back at Uni. For some reason we were planning to build treasure chests! I have no idea why. I intended to construct a giant clam and was planning it out in my mind.

      My friend G was there with this guy I didn't know very well or like very much, J. J asked G if he would work with him to help build his treasure chest. He agreed, but said that he wanted me to help too. J reluctantly agreed.

      J came over to talk to me. He wanted to know if I even knew who he was. I told him that of course I knew who he was, how could I not? I was alluding to the fact that he's super annoying and hard to ignore. I couldn't help but think about how much I dislike him and just ignored whatever else he said.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 12:44 AM by 32666

      non-lucid , dream fragment