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    exdreamer's Dream Journal

    1. Dog Murder / Eye Tracking

      by , 06-12-2010 at 04:06 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      One dream recalled made up of two distinct scenes last night.

      PART 1 - Dog Murder

      My family and I were moving in to a new house. The house was my deceased grandmother's. There was already another family living there, and we were going to all be living in the same house for some reason.

      The other family were a couple. They had a pet dog. It was massive and extrememly viscious. It's teeth were gigangic, and it was constantly looking angry, foaming at the mouth, and growling.

      The dog had a tennis ball it liked to chase around the lounge. It would constantly come up to us demanding it be thrown. If we refused it became viscious and would look as though it was ready to attack, so we would throw the ball and play along, fearful that it would kill us.

      I decided the dog had to die. It was evil and dangerous. My mum and I were walking it through some strange back allyways that twisted and turned. It was foggy. The dog came up to me with the same ball, expecting it to be thrown, but instead I took two paris of scissors out of my pockets and stabbed it through the back of the neck, killing it.

      The couple who's dog it was were upset. I told them that they didn't have to be afraid of their evil dog any more, but they didn't care.

      I don't have any particular fear of dogs in real life, although I am allergic so I don't like them. I find it interesting that I've had two dreams with dangerous dogs in them since I started my dream journal. Potential dream sign it seems.

      PART 2 - Eye Tracking

      I had a bloodshot eye. I discussed it with J and R, and they told me that bloodshot eyes occur because of tiny tracking devices that were embedded in people's eyes. The tracking devices were self-repairing and self-replicating, and bloodshot eyes were caused by them replicating themselves. If you looked really closely, they said, you would be able to see them in a mirror. I looked, and I did in fact see these strange looking metal devices in my eye.

      J and R also told me that I could remove the tracking devices by rubbing on my eyeball with my finger and applying some pressure. They were apparently just clinging to the surface. I tried it and it worked. They said I'd have to remove them all though, or else they would just replicate themselves again.

      I was talking to my mum. There was a man in a black suit with sunglasses on in the room with us. She told me that the eye tracking devices were implanted in fabric that our eyes were manufactured from. I visualised large rolls of green fabric with a machine placing this tiny machines in to it. She said I shouldn't remove them.

      The man in the suit and shades spoke now. He told me that the government used these tracking devices to keep tabs on people. He also said that they were linked with the functionality of our eyes, and that removing them all would cause permanently blindness.
      Tags: dogs
    2. Winter Wonderland, and The Pointless Journey (2-3 June 2010)

      by , 06-08-2010 at 10:18 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Colour Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes

      Dream 1 - Winter Wonderland

      I was driving somewhere, but I wasn't sure where.

      I can't drive in real life.

      I was trying to find my way somewhere. I must have got there because I was trying to find my way back as well. I discussed it with my brother -- no longer driving now, in a room somewhere -- and we looked at a map. He was trying to tell me I needed to go one way, but I was certain he was wrong.

      On the map there was a park or woodland. Suddenly the scene changes to me walking through the park. It was snowing an the ground was covered in snow. There were very tall trees everywhere. It was beautiful -- really a winter wonderland.

      I knew I wanted to reach the other side of the park, so I just started walking in a straight line. Everywhere there were kids throwing snowballs. Sometimes they would throw them at me, but I just kept walking.

      When I passed some kids, so they were behind me, I instinctivly protected the back of my head with my right hand and just kept walking. It was like I didn't want any distraction and wanted to maintain focus on getting there.

      This dream occurred after a WILD attempt, and I'm thinking that my attempts at focusing on a goal and trying to ignore outside distractions may have influenced this part of the dream. Eh, who knows.

      I saw some old people with some kids behind them. The kids were making snowballs and then they threw them at the old folk. However, they turned around with snowballs of their own and it turned in to a full on snowball fight -- young vs. old. I was still focused on my destination though. I walked right through the crossfire, placing a hand to each side of my head to shield it from the snowballs.

      As I continued I noticed that there was less and less snow on the ground. It was like it had only been snowing at the end of the park where I had come from. At this end it was turning to ice and melting away.

      There was a wooden building, like a giant log cabin with like log walls attached that made it look a bit like an old American fort. In the outside area surrounded by the walls there were parents sitting at tables drinking. Kids were running from them off in to the direction of the snow.

      I sensed one last kid behind me with a snowball. I blocked his throw to the back of my head as I had done before and kept walking.

      Running in the other direction, back to the parents, was a kid holding a dish out in front of him. In the dish he was carrying a snowball. It was like he was trying to be careful not to drop it, but also trying to get back to his parents before it melted. I assumed he wanted to show them.

      I felt very determined in this dream not to be distracted. I was almost robotic in my actions.

      Dream 2 - The Pointless Journey

      I was in a foreign country, not sure where. It was hot, I got the sense it was in the middle east. I was in some kind of plaza and began walking towards an archway that lead to some steps, which I then descended.

      I could hear a busy road not far away and knew it was my destination. I was at the end of a street which I knew I needed to walk down to be going in the right direction. As I began to walk down it I noticed everyone was staring at me and I felt very intimidated. I was clearly the only white person there.

      The street was also some kind of market because I noticed racks of clothes and people setting up stalls. However the surroundings struck me more as though it was somewhere in the UK, unlike when the dream started where it felt distinctly middle eastern.

      I reached the end of the street and realised there were 3 women that had followed me. They were all wearing brightly coloured head-scarves. One was orange, the other was purple, and the third one I can't recall. They had really pretty eyes. I had no idea why they followed me -- perhaps they were just curious because I was so out of place?

      There was a fence that was actually just a sheet of thin wood. It had a hole in it, which I slipped through. It's a bit confusing, but I quickly found a street leading from the one I now found myself on to the busy road I was trying to reach. I felt safe.

      However, I found myself now back in the plaza. This time my parents were with me. I wanted to take them to the busy road, so we went through the same arch and down the same steps as before.

      Again we were at the market street. People were staring again. I realised they were all Muslims and I also realised that my mum was dressed very western -- far too exposed for their liking -- so I held on tightly to her arm as we walked in case anything happened and we had to run.

      We reached the end of the street where the fence was. The same 3 women had followed us again. There was no time to find out what they wanted. We slipped through the fence and felt a little safer.

      This time I couldn't find my way to the busy road. We walked down the street we found ourselves on. It was very run down. There were patches of over grown grass and boarded up windows. The busy road sounded like it ran parallel to the street we were on, but there was no way to cut through, no connecting streets, nothing.

      We came to an apartment building that was really run down. It seemed like it would be deserted. I decided to try and find a way through by going inside.

      Inside we came across some guys sitting on red sofas smoking weed. They were wearing leather jackets. The guy who seemed to be like the leader figure of the group had dark blonde spiked hair -- really greasy.

      I wanted to go through the window on the right wall, thinking it would get us closer to our destination. The opening to the window was small and too high up to reach. There were cupboards next to it though and I asked the leather jacket guy to boost us up on to the cupboards.

      He boosted up my dad then my mum and the cupboard started to come away from the wall. He was laughing, slavering a bit, and sometimes panting and howling. Next he boosted me up and toyed around with dropping me, laughing his head off and being generally weird and gross.

      Once we were up on the cupboards, I moved across towards the window and went to open it. It was locked. It was locked with something that was like a mini bicycle lock stylized like a dog collar. I asked the guy if he would open it and he said he would if I didn't mind getting my hand bitten off the second I tried to get out. I could hear a dog barking outside of the window. When I looked I saw it swinging around, down to the ground then up in the air as though it was tethered to the wall. It looked like the dogs from the first Resident Evil game.

      The guy was laughing again. I asked how we were supposed to get across to the busy road. He said it was easy and we just had to go back and cut across.

      Now we were back in the plaza again. This time there were lots of people around. We started walking and there was a really large group of women all wearing head-scarves. My mum started talking to one of them. She said she was on holiday with some friends. There were lots of kids running around too. I didn't want to hang around while my mum was talking. Then I woke.[/QUOTE]