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    1. #376
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      The old case of Dream Depression eh? That must be pretty horrible.

      "He who is the cause of someone else becoming powerful is the agent of his own destruction" - Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 - 1524)

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    2. #377
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      Long Silky Brows (non-lucids - 05/04/08)

      I felt something on my cheek, reached up, pulled and a single hair was between my finger and thumb.

      Again, I felt the sensation but this time on the other side of my face.. and again I pulled off a single hair.

      I go to the mirror and see that my eyebrows are normal except that the hairs at the end are silky and about 4 inches long!! Similar to this picture here: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/24/90...a1f04a.jpg?v=0

      I grab some scissors but I couldn't bring myself to cut. I think I was afraid that the hair would grow back thicker and longer!

      Then I had some other fragmented dreams involving a surgical mask and then a cafeteria line.

    3. #378
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      Slept in the Garage (non lucid - 05/05/08)

      Normally I don't bother writing down dream fragments but I'm trying to improve my recall so I am going to try to journal a dream every day even if it is just a weird little fragment.

      I have set two alarms.. one on my watch to go off at 5:35 am and another on a table (which I have to physically get up to turn off) which sounds at 5:50 am. I do this so that I will have time to write down my dreams (if I've had any) before the second alarm sounds and I must get up - OR - if I've had no dreams perhaps I can have a dream fragment before the second alarm.

      This morning my watch alarm goes off and I remember nothing so I settle back in and I have the following dream fragment.


      I find myself laying between blankets on the floor of my parent's garage in the house that I grew up in but that my parents no longer own. (missed clue #1 to become lucid).

      I am not alone in the garage as there is someone else sleeping there as well but for the life of me I can't recall who was there or why we were sleeping in the garage.

      Luckily the day is warm and it is not uncomfortable laying there but it starts to rain. I get up to go into the house but stop to pick up small bottles of shampoo and conditioner and a thick white candle.

      The garage leads into the kitchen and once in the kitchen I see my dad at the counter. As I put the candle and bottles in a bottom cupboard, I also notice some bananas on the counter. I think to myself, "I should have eaten a banana last night since that was one of the dream recall improvement options.. oh well maybe tonight". (missed clue #2 to become lucid).

      The following conversations then take place:

      Dad: "Do you want toast?"

      Me: "No, I'm fine.. but it's starting to rain."

      Mom walks in: "How was it sleeping in the garage?"

      Me: "It's starting to rain."

      Mom angrily: "I asked you how it was sleeping in the garage!"

      Me: "I said that it was starting to rain and why are you getting an attitude? It was fine!"

      The second alarm goes off waking me.

      Last edited by Clairity; 08-28-2008 at 08:13 PM.

    4. #379
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      Gnome Candle (non-lucid - 05/06/08)

      Below is a weird half remembered dream fragment that I had this morning.

      A poor family is now rich but under a spell. There is gnome candle that they keep locked in a cage sitting on a table. The gnome is a living breathing thinking candle (?) but cannot move it's body. I tried to find an image and the closest I could come to is this:


      There is a long curved wick coming out of his end of his hat and I somehow know that if this wick is ever lit, the gnome will explode destroying all around it.

      This is a doubly strange dream in that I feel that I am an observer yet at the same time I am somehow also the gnome.

      The children are being tested by the parents and are sent to bring back a couple of breakable items. One child breaks a rare round cookie jar in the image of a bear and the mother hisses, "Bastard!" under her breath and the father reassuringly tells the mother, "That's ok.. you'll get it back."

      They show a family film of when they were poor and the children can be heard saying, "I remember that."

      The gnome grows afraid and wants to get out of the house and begins yelling that they are going to feed him to something (I can't recall what) and then my alarm goes off.
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-09-2008 at 01:40 PM.

    5. #380
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      Attack Cat (Lucid Dream - 05/09/08)

      I've been out of town since Friday and was able to have a couple of very brief lucid dreams!

      Attack Cat

      I am asleep on my back and I recall my last thought being "show me my dream sign."

      Without warning I feel something "land" forcefully on my chest! My eyes pop open and I find myself staring into the eyes of a scruffy orange cat standing on my chest!


      Startled I look around my bedroom and see that it is full of cats of various breeds, sizes and shapes!

      As I own dogs.. not cats.. I instantly say to myself "Oh man.. I'm dreaming!!"

      I jump out of bed and run out of the room but the lucidity fades and I find myself in various dreams. I remember fragments including one about a beautiful Faberge egg whose shell sides peeled down like a banana and it played a lovely melody.


      Note: I have also decided that using a tape recorder is not a good idea for me. It seems that speaking and hearing my voice seems to waken me too much and causes me to lose my recall of the dreams.. so it is back to pad and pen!
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-09-2008 at 01:40 PM.

    6. #381
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      Edible Golf Ball (Lucid Dream - 05/11/08)

      Edible Golf Ball (Lucid Dream - 05/11/08)

      Well, I had a very brief lucid dream this morning.

      I remembered that I needed to eat something inedible for the May basic Lucid Task of the Month. I noticed a golf ball sitting on the table and I picked it up and took a bite. It tasted bitter and chalky and I choked as I swallowed and then spit the rest out.

      Later as I thought about why the golf ball tasted that way.. I remembered that I had seen an ad for an "exploding" golf ball ( http://trickgolfballs.net/store/catalog/ )and I realized that bitter and chalky is exactly what biting into an "exploding" golf ball would taste like.

      I then lost lucidity and had various dreams which include one where I'm at a record store looking at Elvis "albums".

      A man comes over and insults me (tho I can't remember why). I say to him that my son is Mohammed Ali and he had better leave me alone. I then call Mohammed Ali and put him on speaker phone.

      (I don't know where that dream came from but LOL!!)
      Last edited by Clairity; 05-12-2008 at 02:51 PM.

    7. #382
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      Don't Drink and Party (Non-lucid - 05/12/08)

      I had a couple of dreams but the more I concentrated on remembering this one.. the less I remembered of the other (until it was totally gone).

      Note: This dream isn't graphic but it is disturbing.

      In this dream I am an observer.

      There is a party going on at a hotel with teenagers on one floor and parents on another.

      Three male teenagers around 18/19 decide to drug and rape some party members and they decide that the target of these attacks are to be other teenage MALES!! They figure it will be the perfect crime.. the attacked will either be too drugged to remember the rapes or too embarrassed to say anything if they do.

      The first couple of rapes go as planned. One boy goes to find the "victim", invites him to the room for a drink (since the party is to be non-alcoholic.. he has no problem getting guys to join him). Once in the room, the victim is given the "spiked" drink, passes out and the other two come out of an adjoining room and they proceed to take turns. Once they've "finished", they put the still unconscious boy in the other room.

      As the boy gets ready to go get a third "victim", the two guys decide to rape their friend. They grab him and, over his protestations, simply say to him, "What are you going to do about it? Tell on us?"

    8. #383
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      Morning Robbery (non-lucid - 05/15/08)

      Well after a couple of dreamless mornings, I had the following mini dream thanks in part to my 16 year old half blind dog.

      My dog was barking and I checked my watch and it was 5 *bleeping* o'clock in the morning!! I rolled over and thought "she can just bark.. I'm not getting up until I have to at 5:50 am!"

      I must have fallen asleep and dreamt/had a false awakening of the following events:

      I hear my dog barking but now she's upstairs so somehow she got past the doggie gate. (missed clue to become lucid #1)

      I get up, put on my robe and go out into the living room.

      I see a few sheets of toilet paper and a pair of socks in the fireplace. (missed clue to become lucid #2)

      I walk into the kitchen and see newspaper on the floor and I can tell that she peed on it. I think "good dog" as I'm impressed.. especially since she isn't paper trained. (missed clue to become lucid #3)

      I walk back into the living room and see a tall thin Black man coming up the stairs followed by a shorter Black man. The taller man is dressed in black including a black knit cap and looks amazingly like Will Smith and for a second I think it's him but why would Will Smith break into my house? (missed clue to become lucid #4)

      As he reaches the top of the stairs, I ask him what he is doing here. He replies that I should just be cool. He then looks around the room and asks, "How much do you pay for something like this?"

      I reply, "I don't know.. I live with my parents." (missed clue to become lucid #5.. I haven't lived with my parents for years!!)

      He replies angrily but evenly, "Don't do that.. don't act like you don't know how much it costs to live here."

      I state that I have some credit cards if you want those.

      He begins to reply and then my alarm actually does go off truly waking me up.

      DANG!!! How many clues is going to take for me to questions my reality?!?!

      Last edited by Clairity; 09-04-2008 at 04:08 AM. Reason: typo

    9. #384
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      Hey clarity!
      I haven’t red all ur new dreams yet, but so far its good. I also see that you’re number of non lucids have been increasing. but i till got faith in u!!

      This dream was surprisingly very interesting. The Kitchen Cabinets. And the quote,

      I can hear the old man softly protesting through his wife's hand and I scream silently "SHUT THE F*CK UP!!"
      While I continued reading the dream it actually felt like I was in it. But when you decided to run to the elevator I would have left that old man in the cabinet.

      Morning Robbery (non-lucid - 05/15/08)
      Will Smith? –nice
      That’s ultra cool that he actually appeared inside you’re dream. But what happened to the short black man? You never gave much detail about him………..
      Last edited by Necco; 05-15-2008 at 10:36 PM.
      Enter The Other World
      Necco's dream journal

      No more confusionClarity's WILD Technique

    10. #385
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      Quote Originally Posted by Necco View Post
      While I continued reading the dream it actually felt like I was in it. But when you decided to run to the elevator I would have left that old man in the cabinet.
      That's a great compliment to say that you felt like you were in my dream.. thank you! I wonder tho if you would have really left the old man.

      Quote Originally Posted by Necco View Post
      Morning Robbery (non-lucid - 05/15/08)
      Will Smith? –nice
      That’s ultra cool that he actually appeared inside you’re dream. But what happened to the short black man? You never gave much detail about him………..
      The second man just hung back at the stairs and wasn't much of a participant.. he just watched what was happening.

    11. #386
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      The Parrot (non-lucid - 05/17/08)

      I have a very beautiful and very tame parrot and I take it to work with me.


      I set it on my desk and give it a couple of saltine crackers and put some water in the bottom of a shallow ceramic coffee mug.

      As good and quiet as the bird was, I knew that if anyone else saw it I'd be in trouble. Luckily I sat in the last cubicle at the end of a very long row of cubicles and the person in the desk across from me was out today.

      My manager called a mandatory meeting and I was afraid to leave the bird out in the open while I attended. I thought about putting it in the overhead bin but when I opened it I saw that it was too small. I thought about my desk drawer but I was afraid he'd choke on the wires I saw in there.

      I finally decided to leave him sitting on my desk.. somehow knowing that he would not fly away nor walk off the desk (like I said this was a very tame, very good bird).

      I went to the meeting and on my way back to my cubicle, I see a few people at my desk admiring my bird.

      Just as I reach the desk, I am summoned to another room for a physical exam!

      I walk into the room and there is a treadmill built for two and my fiance "Nicholas Cassadine" from the soap opera "General Hospital" is there waiting for me.


      We both have to pass this treadmill test in order to be declared fit for marriage.

      To my horror, I realize that the man administering the test had earlier sexually assaulted me and he was making the test too difficult to pass.

      My boss appears suddenly at the door and sends both men away and once they're gone tells me that she understands, that she knows what has happened between the tester and I and then she hugs me.

      I am on my way back to my desk once again when one of my co-workers who I get the sense is one of my best friends (tho I don't know him in real life) joins me. He is flamboyantly gay and he always has a way of making me laugh. We lock arms and dance down the hallway and through the double glass doors.

      The dream ends..
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-22-2008 at 06:12 PM. Reason: added photo

    12. #387
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      Perfect Robots (non-lucid - 05/18/08)

      My husband and I are walking in a large flea market. My attention is directed to a table where I see life-like robots of dogs.


      The details and movements of these robots is astonishingly realistic and I stand and just look at the dogs for awhile.

      My husband has wandered off when I notice that the vendor also sells robot babies!


      The seller states that he can even name one of the baby boys after my husband if I decide that I want to buy it.. and that the baby will answer to that name!

      I'm really tempted to buy one til the seller tells me the prices.. $2500.00 for a robot baby and $250.00 for a robot dog.

      I decide to call my sister as she collects dolls, is married to a doctor and I know that once she sees these robot babies she'll want one and she'll buy one for me as well.

      I had just picked up the robot baby that I wanted and was going to show to my husband when a woman grabbed it and tried to take it from me.. and a "tug of war" was on!

      The last thing I remember before waking up is the seller looking panicked and stating that he was afraid this would happen!
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-09-2008 at 01:42 PM.

    13. #388
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      June Task of the Month (lucid - 06/01/08)

      I had a lucid dream this morning and was able to complete the basic task.

      Unfortunately, I didn't wake up right away when the lucid ended and then I had a false awakening where I thought I was writing down the details of my dream. I then woke up with a start when I realized I hadn't and lost most of the minor details but below is what I do recall. For those not interested in the "how" I became lucid but in the dream itself.. simply skip to the section in dark red.

      I got up at 3:30 am and went to my livingroom couch. I said my protection mantra while putting in my earplugs and decided to try something different while waiting for the "shift".

      I decided to mentally sing the chorus from the song 'inchworm" from Hans Christian Anderson but with my own slant on the lyrics (for those who've never heard it: http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/wind...294657,00.html )

      The real chorus is:

      Inchworm, inchworm
      Measuring the marigolds
      Seems to me you'd stop and see
      How beautiful they are.

      My chorus was:

      Dream Guide, Dream Guide
      Teaching me to lucid dream
      Seems to me that you would see
      How desirable they are.

      I kept repeating this chorus over and over in my head and when I felt sufficiently tired, I rolled on my side, felt the "shift" and then took one long slow inhale through my mouth and found myself lucid.

      I was in a furnished room that I didn't recognize but I see that a big screen tv against one wall is on. The tv must be high definition as the picture is brilliantly clear and vibrant in its colors. The picture on the screen is of sailing boats skimming gracefully across the water.

      I watched for a minute or more and then walked into another room only to find another tv. Only this tv was showing video from a family vacation which I "sensed" to be me and my family only it wasn't me nor my family (if that makes any sense).

      Unforutunately, the rest of the dream was lost to my memory.
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-09-2008 at 01:42 PM.

    14. #389
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      My Ankle Healing (Lucid - 06/08/08)

      On Sun 05/18/08, I stepped wrong on some uneven concrete, fell and twisted my right ankle. I am able to walk on it without any real pain but it swells up at night (looking like I have a baseball on the outside of my ankle) and is uncomfortable by the end of the day. I cannot wear socks as any type of elastic pressure makes the swelling worse to the point where I went to the doctor who xray'd my ankle and stated that I have no breaks (thankfully) but that I have a bad bruise and sprained tendon or something to that effect.

      I had decided that the next time I had a LD that I would try to heal my ankle.

      This morning, I went to the living room couch around 4am. I put my earplugs in and started relaxing, counting my breaths, etc. I found my ankle a little distracting as it throbbed slightly being on the couch which is harder than my bed. Just as I was debating on giving up and talking myself into continue trying.. I felt the familiar "shift", took a long deep inhale of breath through my mouth and I was lucid.

      I then stood up and walked out of the front door. I am instantly in a farm field and I hear voices and see people in the distance. I had decided earlier that I would look for a "healer" rather than trying to heal myself.

      For some reason, my legs didn't work and I ended up crawling/dragging myself towards them. I see a woman planting and she dressed as tho she is Amish. ( http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1173/...efb386f573.jpg )

      As I drag myself to her, I cry out to her to "heal me!". Once I reach her, she grabs my ankle and starts kneading it. I cry out in pain and she tells me that it is "going to be difficult' and starts chanting the word "heal".

      I notice that we are being observed by a heavyset teenage boy. She continues to manipulate/rub my ankle and over my cries tells me that "it's going to hurt".

      I ask her name and she says "Emme" (Em-May). She then stands up leaving me and goes to the other side of the barn.

      That ends the "healing" part of the lucid dream.

      When I woke up, I noticed that my ankle no longer throbbed as it had. I got up and went to finish sleeping in my bedroom.

      I got up this morning and my ankle, tho a little stiff to walk on.. no longer has the swollen egg look to it that it had every morning since my fall. I purposely didn't take the anti-inflammatory pill that the doctor had prescribed me and it is now 12 hours later and my ankle has not gotten any more swollen (tho by now it usually has swollen to look like a baseball on the outside of my ankle).

      I am truly thankful for this healing/blessing.
      Last edited by Clairity; 06-09-2008 at 06:07 PM.

    15. #390
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      UPDATE: It is now 6/09/08 and my ankle looks almost normal! It's just slightly swollen and I can actually see the definition of my outside ankle bone for the first time since I fell three weeks ago (plus it's not uncomfortable to walk on).

    16. #391
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      The Spider/Scorpion (non-lucid - 06/08/08)

      A friend and I are in a bathroom and something catches my eye and my ears. I hear a soft scratching in the tub and I notice a spider trying to crawl its way out.


      I try to kill it with some toilet paper but as I'm squishing it.. it starts to grow larger!

      I begin hitting it with a towel and then grab a nearby fly swatter and hit at it trying to force it down the open drain. I hold it down with the swatter and tell my friend that she has to step on it.. she has to step on it NOW.. but she's afraid and leaves saying that she's going to go get her sister to help.

      I turn on the faucet pouring water down on it and the water causes it to morph into a scorpion whose tail is coming around the swatter trying to sting me and it's still growing!

      My friend and her sister both come back into the bathroom but it is too large now and I can't hold it down with the swatter any longer.

      We all run and hide in the hall closet.. the dream ends.
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-08-2008 at 09:11 PM.

    17. #392
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      My husband and I are walking in a large flea market. My attention is directed to a table where I see life-like robots of dogs.
      This totally cracked me up. Tug of war! I was afraid this would happen!

      On another note, that dog looks very realistic.

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

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    18. #393
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      Quote Originally Posted by Keitorin View Post
      This totally cracked me up. Tug of war! I was afraid this would happen!

      On another note, that dog looks very realistic.
      Thanks! I try to find pics on the internet that as closely resemble what I saw in my dream and that dog is actually a toy with realistic "breathing" movements.

      Keitorin, I really appreciate your stopping by and reading my journal.

    19. #394
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      The "witness" (non-lucid - 6/12/08)

      I am an observer in this dream and I see a young girl of about 10 walking down a path next to a field.
      She looks similar to this in the face ( http://i349.photobucket.com/albums/q...13-4418_TN.jpg ) but her hair is down hanging in blonde waves below her shoulders.

      She walks with a slight limp and I notice that she is wearing a leg brace beneath her dress. This girl fascinates me for some reason and I can still picture her so clearly as I type this. She seems sad.. maybe not so much sad as "resigned" to the fact that she is alone.. lonely.

      She crosses a small stone bridge over a creek (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2124/...4d0be64d6f.jpg) and just as she get to the other side, she spies two men.

      She tries not to catch their eyes.. to act as tho she hasn't seen them but one of them speaks loudly enough for her to hear stating, "You know she saw something.. you know she knows who did it!"

      She doesn't react but hurries on her way.

      There was a crime committed (tho for the life of me I can't recall what) which she in fact did see a teenage boy commit. The entire town knows that she did.. but they can't prove it nor can they convince/bully her to admit to what she saw.

      I get the feeling that she empathizes with the boy.. either he is an outcast like she is or perhaps he was kind or defended her at some point.

      As she rushes by.. my vision shifts to a large white house with a well manicured lawn (http://static.flickr.com/187/416245356_c523dd48e3.jpg). A dark haired teenage boy emerges from the house and begins to walk across the lawn.

      Two other teen boys stand just outside the property and one says to the other, "Watch this!" and scoops up some mud with a trowel and launches it. The mud hits the dark haired teen on his pant leg and he yells out in anger and starts running towards the other boys. At this instant I realize that he is the one that the town believes committed the crime.

      My alarm then goes off..

      Note: As I wrote down this dream it came to me that perhaps the town feels that the dark haired teen will get away with the crime due to his family's wealth.
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-22-2008 at 06:13 PM.

    20. #395
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      Thanks! I try to find pics on the internet that as closely resemble what I saw in my dream and that dog is actually a toy with realistic "breathing" movements.

      Keitorin, I really appreciate your stopping by and reading my journal.
      Awesome! I'll never stop giggling whenever I reread that dream.

      No problem! I enjoy reading people's dreams. Hopefully that doesn't seem stalkerish.

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

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    21. #396
      Prospit Dreamer Keitorin's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      I am an observer in this dream and I see a young girl of about 10 walking down a path next to a field.
      That was fascinating! It was like reading a piece of a book. If only it was like a book in that you could back to it and finish it, huh?

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

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    22. #397
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      Quote Originally Posted by Keitorin View Post
      Awesome! I'll never stop giggling whenever I reread that dream.

      No problem! I enjoy reading people's dreams. Hopefully that doesn't seem stalkerish.
      I love that you're still giggling!

      Stalkerish.. absolutely not! Having others read and enjoy my DJ is a compliment and it encourages me to keep posting my dreams.

      Quote Originally Posted by Keitorin View Post
      That was fascinating! It was like reading a piece of a book. If only it was like a book in that you could back to it and finish it, huh?
      I have ALOT of non-lucid dreams that I wish I could go back and see how they would have turned out had they continued.

      I am working on improving my recall.. it would be so helpful if I could get my oldest dog not bark in the morning when she thinks I should get up or if I could wake up before my alarm STARTLES the dreams out of my head!

    23. #398
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      Quote Originally Posted by Clairity View Post
      it would be so helpful if I could get my oldest dog not bark in the morning when she thinks I should get up or if I could wake up before my alarm STARTLES the dreams out of my head!
      Lol! I'm lucky in that the cats always go to bug my mom and not me (my room is probably too far from the food bowl for them) when they want someone up.

      "Often I will spin a tale, never will I charge a fee. I'll amuse you an entire eve, but, alas, you won't remember me. What am I?" - Sloth Demon, Dragon Age: Origins mage origin

      [Dream Log @ Tumblr]

    24. #399
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      The Road Trip (non-lucid - 06/14/08)

      In this dream I am a male college student.

      There is an intriguing/charismatic older student who is in a wheelchair who bares a strong resemblance in looks and manner to Jack Nicholson.
      I can't recall his name so I'll just call him "Jack".

      I am a bit of a loner and don't have any real friends so when I overhear him say that he needs a ride out of town, I go over to him and offer him a ride in my old car.


      He readily accepts and we start on our way!

      While we drive he shares stories of his youth and his triumphs with girls and I am in awe of him and start to wish that I had known him then.. before "the chair". He doesn't speak of how he came to be in it and I get the feeling it best not to ask.

      We are about 5 hours away when he states that he needs to make a stop at a clinic to get checked out and refill his prescriptions.

      We pull in front of a two story clinic and I walk up the stairs and wait for him just inside the door while he comes up in the elevator.

      The staff greets Jack warmly but they believe that I am someone else and tell me that I have to sign in while they take Jack back to a room. I try to tell them that I'm not who they think I am but they insist I sign in on the computer. I go to the computer and try to enter my name but the keyboard isn't typing what I key. I try again and then once more.. but it just isn't working and I sense the people waiting behind me getting impatient. I finally give up and leave the gibberish as my name and walk away.

      I see that the clinic sells comfortable/orthopedic shoes and I walk along the walls taking a look.

      I walk past some waiting Asian children sitting on the floor and they look at me, roll their eyes and giggle beneath their hands.

      It is at that moment that I realize how I appear. I am dressed pretty much like a complete "dork". I have on an oversized shirt, some flooding scrub bottoms, white socks and shoes.

      Jack finally appears and he's accompanied by a young nurse.

      He rolls past me saying as he goes by, "Sorry kid.. I gotta leave you."

      I panic stating, "What?!?! You can't!! I don't know where we are or how to get back to school!!"

      He merely replies, "I gotta go but you'll be fine."

      I plead with him not to do this but he's already forgotten that I exist as he gets on the elevator.

      A female administrator at the clinic witnesses what's going on and comes over to comfort me. I repeat what has happened and she asks me where my car is parked. I go outside and my car is gone!! I search the small lot but it's gone.. Jack has taken it!

      I go back inside and I'm freaking it out as I had planned on using the Tom Tom in my car to navigate my way back to school and now I didn't know what to do.

      She sees that I still have my car keys in my hand and tells me to press the remote button. I sarcastically reply, "What do you think is going to happen.. that the car is going to show up back here if I press the remote?!?"

      She tells me to try stating, "What can it hurt?"

      I press the button and simultaneously the clinic door bell rings!

      I look at her and, as she smiles, she waves her hand towards the door.

      I open the door and all that I can see is a shiny red sports car taking up the entire door way!

      I turn to look at the Admin and when I look back the car is sitting in the parking lot. I go outside and it is the most beautiful car that I've ever seen.


      I also notice that I am no longer dressed as a "dork" but am stylishly dressed in a crisp white linen short sleeved shirt, dark slacks and shoes.

      There are also sexy girls standing around the car waiting for me to pick one to ride away with. I look over in confusion at the Admin who merely smiles again at me and nods her head while giving me a wink.

      I get in the car and a girl gets in the passenger seat. I put the key in the ignition and everyone laughs as the car's powerful engine revs.

      The dream ends as my husband gets up (thus waking me up) to go to the gym.

      NOTE: The first thought that comes to mind as I finish writing this dream is that saying, "No good dead goes unpunished".. but then again, sometimes.. just sometimes.. the good guy really does win in the end.
      Last edited by Clairity; 09-22-2008 at 06:13 PM.

    25. #400
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      An "Insomniac's" Dream (non-lucid - 06/16/08)

      For the life of me I can't fall sleep.

      I find myself too hot (even with the air conditioning on), too crampy (girls you know what I mean) and too awake. As time crawls by I think about taking an Ambien to help me sleep but by the time I had finally decided that I couldn't get to sleep on my own.. it was past the time where I could wake up after taking one and still function.

      My husband gets in bed, notices that I'm still awake and thinks spooning/holding me will help but I tell him it's too hot! He then tries to rub my temples but even that loving gesture just makes me want to scream! I thank him sweetly and, feeling that his job as my husband and comforter has been fulfilled, he rolls over and within FREAKIN SECONDS he's blissfully asleep as proven by his steady soft snoring!

      I lay there listening to him enviously and feel a combination of affection.. and the urge to smother him with my pillow.

      I refuse to look at my watch as I don't know which is worse.. seeing that time is moving slower than I thought or that it's moving faster.

      My watch alarm is set to go off 15 minutes before my "have to get up" alarm clock. I do this so I can have time to journal any dreams that I may have had and occasionally I'll slip into a dream between alarms as was the case this morning.

      Now on to the dream:

      I find myself in a food court in a two story mall. I am STARVING but none of the food in the vending machines nor in the lunch line appeals to me. I pick up plates of food only to set them back down.. and I'm really starting to piss off the people in line behind me.

      I am so hungry, I feel sick! As I sense the others irritation with me rise.. I decide to "act" sicker than I feel to gain their sympathy. I stagger and stumble around the food court and roll and bounce off walls but then something strange begins and I notice that the sicker I PRETEND to be.. the sicker I ACTUALLY become!

      I see a co-worker and her husband and they stroll past me. They are laughing with each other and I notice that he has brought her dinner and this drives me over the edge!

      I collapse on the floor moaning. My husband and son show up and are totally embarrassed by my behaviour. My loving and devoted husband decides that I need to be "committed" even tho they KNOW that I'm really ok.

      As they begin to drag me away.. I mouth "help me" to woman who's passing by and she blocks their path. I break free and run up a mowed hillside (there was no wall to stop me) and hide beneath an overhang.

      I look to my left and notice that I am not the only one huddled there in the dark. There is a thin soldier already there and he grabs me. He is a junkie and he stabs a needle of herion into my arm. I am now totally out of it and he panics when he realized just how f*cked up I am! He decides to "off" me by giving me an overdose but his brother (also a soldier) suddenly appears telling him that no matter what he's done.. he's going to fix it.

      However, the brother hadn't seen me when he made that statement and when he finally does see me.. he gets really angry and tells the junkie that he can't cover for him this time and turns his back and walks off.

      I try to crawl away but the junkie comes after me determined to kill me. I stand and start to stagger/run down the hill. He pulls his gun and starts shooting at me and to my horror.. shoots anyone else he sees.. soldiers, civilians, everyone!

      He then morphs into a creature that reminds me of the one in the movie "Alien" and slashes at everything in his path.. be it property or people.[/SIZE]

      I see a large mirror propped up in the corner of the food court (http://sp1.yt-thm-a01.yimg.com/image/25/m8/3999765046) and I hide myself behind it somehow knowing that the creature can't break his own reflection.

      I huddle there terrified as the creature butts his head and throws his body against the glass over and over and over again.

      Then my alarm goes off.

      NOTE: One of the many things I found amusing when I was writing down this dream was that this co-worker does in fact love to eat and her husband actually brings her lunch occasionally.
      Last edited by Clairity; 08-28-2008 at 08:16 PM.

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