• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #26
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm at the grocery store (Albertson's) for some reason (IDR) with mom
      I'm at the exit
      I'm taking a Russian test
      I'm with a group of people, including Aquanina
      Then we're outside
      I'm with The Blue Meanie
      Something about ninjas

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    2. #27
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      Something involving swords, probably pirate-ish
      ---due to watching One Piece

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    3. #28
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      Something involving going/running down this street shooting bad guys
      I run out of ammo but I'm still firing
      I'm trying to protect people
      ---It's kind of like a video game
      Then - explicit content, luckily mostly unsuccessful
      Something shifted in the dream
      I wake up

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    4. #29
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm walking around Missoula
      -Recordings (1 - controlled, 2 - not)
      Something about Jack Black and someone/somthing else

      I don't remember what I was writing there.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    5. #30
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm in the woods with this group of people
      We come across this house - we're suddenly inside
      Then we split up
      ---each of us is in a military-ish uniform with equipment
      I wander up these streets
      I come across a person
      ---they're acting strange
      I know that he's some kind of convert
      ---I know it's done by some kind of chemical, so I try to avoid it
      I find another guy from my team
      We try to restore the converts
      ---we wait for them to come to us
      Dream shifts and we're outside
      I'm hiking with a group of people
      Then we're in a canoe
      ---something had happened to our previous leaer
      ---another guy is chosen by the teacher to be leader
      The guy is fairly incompetent and can't/won't row
      ---he had me facing backwards (or he was, IDR)
      I grab the (kayak) oar and start paddling
      The others see that I know what I'm doing
      ---they choose me to be the leader
      Then we're on land again

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    6. #31
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      Professor A has this portable office/lounge and brings it outside between Knowells and the LC
      A guest band is coming in
      They're in something like my tama table
      ---I have to set it up
      ---pitch adjusted by moving pieces
      Prof A rolls lounge closer
      ---I tell people what it is
      Then I'm in the LC
      I'm with a group of exchange students in the CCS
      Then I'm in the lobby of the LC (by Admissions)
      ---something about nesgirl
      I'm walking by the Food Zoo
      ---There's a long line of people
      Looking inside, a huge guest group is in there
      I go to the CCS and there's also a ton of people in there
      ---it's a lot larger than IRL
      Prof A had also been setting up new shelves
      ---I help

      <!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->There was also explicit content<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    7. #32
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      5-12-06 (written 5-14-06)

      All I recall is I was with M.Mck...
      Something wierd was going on
      I asked her if we were in agreement that this was a dream
      Unfortunately I think I wake up, may have been an FA

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    8. #33
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm moving out of my dorm room (which is in a wierd place)
      Betsy is helping me
      We're waiting for something
      Something about a co-ed bathroom; I'm not comfortable with it
      Mom and I wander around
      I'm having trouble transporting my plants (2 cacti and 1 bamboo)
      ---I finally carry them out, but find out later that I only have one and that the other I'm carrying is fake
      Then we board this plane which is actually inflatable
      There are aliens taking people
      ---I find they're mainly taking &quot;dark men&quot;
      -----for some reason I think of Oneironaut
      Dream shifts and we're inside of the plane, hoping the aliens don't attack

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    9. #34
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      There's this class or concert (IDR)
      I'm in a room
      ---something to do with a big guy
      I'm leaving the middle school
      The secretary comes up to me; I stand in a corner
      Then I'm in another room
      Something about it being on fire
      I use a fire extinguisher (1 of 2)
      The fire goes off
      There had been no alarm
      Soemthing about a door
      Dream shifts to the main character being a young girl
      There is this contest against this evil woman
      ---Both are trying to get across this pool to the other end of the room
      Then there's a boy and girl
      One of them is getting caught and the other goes back to save them even though they could have won
      Someone (reminiscent of a former DC) begins to erect a barrier of plants in front of the pool
      The evil woman screams and can't get across it
      I say it will bar her from ever taking over
      The dream shifts
      The woman is now making it across
      There's a more powerful person somewhere else that's helping her
      I wake up

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    10. #35
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      5-18-06 (note: WBTB until 4am)

      There is some contest having to do with ninjas
      My team wins but we have to go back and fix a few things anyway (IDR)
      One lady in particular is very happy

      I'm somewhere at UM
      It's the last day of school and I'm buying supplies
      The store closes but I'm still inside
      I'll leave soon
      I see another guy who is part of a group/club that I'm in

      I'm in this hotel room/apartment
      There's going to be a family reunion
      My mom is going around suggesting what I should wear
      I walk between the rooms
      The relatives arrive
      There's a room where there's food but I have to wait in like
      ---I get in

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    11. #36
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm in Missoula by the Ad. Ctr.
      Something about Judo, a belt, thedojo
      There's a girl
      Her (fast) father tries not to act bitter

      Something about finals
      I'm in this large room with a lot of seats
      I'm asked to grade some of the Spanish finals by Prof. M(?)
      I've got one test
      &quot;seat&quot; (not sure what I meant when I wrote that)
      I start to sing a song
      Everyone's listening
      I sing it beautifully and finish it
      Something about another seat in front
      There's a german guy who probably wants me to move
      I answer in Russian
      I go to the other side of the room/hall
      Spanish professor asks if I saw Prof. M
      --I didn't
      I grab tests and walk downstairsto another room
      There are people/friends there
      They're playing this game
      A new lady enters
      We're mistrustful of her
      The game continues
      Something about headphones and then rubber bnds
      She walks out
      I follow her back into the large testing room
      She's helping J
      There's a girl
      She stops when I enter
      Something about Doritos
      Something about tests
      I wake up

      I'm in an auditorium
      I'm fighting this guy
      He ends up being immortal
      We're fighting with swords
      I cut off his head/neck
      The sword is dull
      Something about the guy's body
      There's a box of tapes
      I dispatch the guy
      The tapes are evil
      I cut the tapes using a knife
      The immortal BG is still laughing at me
      The tapes become harder to cut, like they've turned to wire
      *Dream shifts
      I'm driving in Montana's L road,
      There's a theme park
      It's closed
      Something about the police
      My dad is okay
      My brother is not seen
      I wake up.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    12. #37
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      5-20-06 <span style="color:violet">Lucid dream</span>

      Things being shifted
      Going to military place

      Restaurant, stuff, moving
      Something about an airplane
      Something about the bathroom
      There is a pregnant lady
      Something about a book

      Dream shifts
      I'm walking along a highway
      <span style="color:violet">I become lucid - I don't know what triggered the idea, but I jumped into the air, trying to fly, and floated for a short time
      Alone, I call out for J
      ---He doesn't come, but I didn't really think he would, so I don't blame him
      I lose lucidity

      <span style="color:blue">Note: upon becoming lucid, everything had gone dark, as always happens when I become lucid. I stabalized the dream by focusing on my (standing) dream body. However, after returning to the dream, everything went funky. The environment started shifting as if I was drunk or something. I compare it to Max Payne when he's been drugged.</span>

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    13. #38
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      A leech attatched itself to me
      They're hard to get rid of
      ---I grab it and pull it off
      It sticks to my hand
      I finally get it off (IDR exactly what I did)

      I'm starting out at school (Bozeman?)
      I'm in my new dorm room
      We have to drive a ways away in order to get to the class rooms
      I'm late and lost (I don't have a schedule)
      I know I have to get to choir
      I go downstairs
      There's this orientation, but I know I'm not a part of it

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    14. #39
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm at school
      My dormitory is on this cliff
      I move out of the dorm room and take all my stuff in one load (yah, right)
      The cliff falls and I watch
      *The dream repeats itself
      I have a lot of stuff I'm throwing together
      The cliff doesn't fall before I wake up

      I'm in another dorm room
      There are two beds
      Me and my sister are there
      We're moving out
      My mom arrives
      My brother Bl comes to help out (but isn't very helpful)
      --he's playing a game
      I have to clean up the room
      It's now more of an apartment than a dorm room
      I'm checking all the shelves for anything I might have left in them
      There are men in there repairing/cleaning(?)
      I'm wearing a skirt
      I look in a cupboard in the kitchen and see wine glasses
      --some still have wine in them; some are cracked
      Then I'm in the living room
      There's a TV and keyboard in a cabinet and drawer
      I find a pair of goggles
      I wonder why we never used the TV (I think there's also a game console there, hence the keyboard)
      ---When sister is there, I remind her to use up the rest of her meal plan
      ---I'm also listening to music (IDR what)

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    15. #40
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      1. I'm chasing a &quot;convict&quot; on the Columbia
      He's innocent
      I enter this restaurant
      I attract attention
      I'm walking around this hill

      2. I'm in a dorm room getting ready for something
      There are ECHO people
      I leave (I think)
      It's raining
      ---I'm wearing a white shirt (nothing happens)
      I'm late for Russian class
      I've forgotten all of my Russian stuff (notes, etc.)

      3. I'm at the ocean
      I'm in this building, in the dressing room
      Something about rafts
      Something about kites (&quot;into air... into ocean&quot
      They return
      We need larger kites (for some reason)
      I partner with a lady
      She owns the equipment

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    16. #41
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm playing a game
      --there's an enemy on the other side of a bridge
      I'm then in the game
      --I take out the enemy
      I go up to the entrance/door
      Then I'm in a large room
      --It's like a dept. store(?)
      --It resembles a jungle scene + play place
      A bad guy is upset (IDR why)
      He can't stop me (IDR what happened)
      Then I'm with other people (mom?)
      We're re-entering this city of Talented people
      We check in at the gate
      A lady at the gate reminds us we can only leave/enter twice per day
      --we're surprised

      There was also some stuff at UM

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    17. #42
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm in this room
      People leave
      Something about a trampoline
      --I'm flipping around on it
      Something about an elevator

      I'm in a hotel
      There's a speaker
      I'm walking to the back of the room
      I've misplaced my DVD case (the silver one)
      ---Most of the people there have the same case
      -----(I should have figured out I was dreaming, but oh well)
      Soething about a guy, Adam (IDR which one)
      I use the bathroom
      (something about my mom)
      &quot;Logs &amp; kid&quot;
      They're talking about the dark side of the Force
      There's a girl and me
      I become a Jedi trainee
      --(I now have Talents)
      These two guys teach me
      I have to go back to my hotel room
      I'm looking for some clothes
      I'm late in meeting my teachers (by an hour and a half)
      I run back down to the room
      --I don't know it at first but they've set up a test for me (inside the hotel)
      I do okay
      I try to go up these stairs
      T.M. is up at the top
      I stop
      The Jedis rejoin me
      I go off to dinner
      There's a second test (IDR)
      I'm ready for it
      ...but I wake up.

      <span style="color:green">I really liked that dream!</span>

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    18. #43
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      The first dream had been influenced by watching Tomb Raider
      I'm rushing around for some reason

      Then, I'm painting
      There are two others with me (a guy and girl), the guy is also painting
      I have a small pallet of paints
      I start on a small white canvas
      Eventually, it ends up being a lot darker than I had intended
      --at one point I see this demonic image in one of them
      Then the 2nd canvas (which was previously the pallet) is very dark
      --then it's black
      --I think about using white paint to make it look like waves
      Then these people come in
      One guy is a high-ranking military official
      I dn't want to fight
      He goes away

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    19. #44
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I'm back at school (.....AGAIN! WHY?!?)
      ---I remember thinking the summer went by really fast
      I'm going into a &quot;pod&quot; with a friend and another girl (paralleling real life)
      I arrive
      I go into this comp lab and log onto DV (IDR what I was doing on it)
      Then I'm late
      I'm in room #20 in that dormitory, on the first floor
      --It takes me a little bit to find it
      There are Christmas decorations all over the door
      --I'm kind of nervous about the 3rd roommate
      I walk inside
      Instead of the 3 bedrooms (like IRL), there's one room with three beds/cots and two closet-ish areas
      --those are already full
      The empty bed I know is mine... obviously.
      --I end up sleeping in a different bed than the one that was unoccupied
      I go to sleep
      (I can't figure out what I wrote ther... Grr.).. OH! I think that I need to print out my class schedule.
      I realize that I had already done so
      --My first class was scheduled for 6:45am
      It's now morning
      I go to the front desk
      Something about the RA
      There's also a woman there's who's kind of in charge of the whole dorm
      Something about a &quot;sherrif&quot; and sin
      Then I'm outside
      I walk over to this diner-ish place where we have our meals on campus (not like IRL)
      I'm waiting in this line for food that I've ordered
      The line ends up winding into a cave
      There are terrorists and they run into something
      The tunnel entrance collapses
      Me and some others are by a capsule with weapons in it
      The bad guys are coming for it
      The &quot;sherrif&quot; has us hand over anything darwin-ish (don't know what brought that on)
      There are explosives
      There's a purple and black CD case with a CD player inside
      The case is considered &quot;darwin-ish&quot; so I give up the case after taking out the CD player.

      I wake up.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    20. #45
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      I've had other dreams lately (obviously) but just haven't gotten around to typing them up.

      <span style="color:violet">6-11-06</span>

      I managed to have another LD last night, but on a scale of 1-10 it rated about a 2. I knew that I was dreaming, but I was expecting the blackness that usually comes, but it didn't. And I didnt even think of doing anything else except maybe changing what the current scene was. I was being chased from outside to inside this building. I was hiding in this room with another person, hoping that we wouldn't be found. I don't know what triggered my desire to do an RC, though.

      All in all, disappointing.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    21. #46
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      I don't recall all of the dream I had last night, but my favorite part involved me having claws just like Wolverine's. I exerted control over the dream (though I wasn't lucid) in order to see if I could push the claws out just a little bit. I eventually managed to do it, and then I pushed the claws out to their full extent. I recall wanting to do it without throwing my hands out like in the movie. Anyway, I'm also with this guy who has the same claws and we fight for a short time. For some reason there are also Storm Troopers who are after me and I have to fend them off too. The dream shifts, but that's all I can remember.

      It was amusing <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/grin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/>

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    22. #47
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
      Join Date
      Apr 2006
      In front of my PC
      hey Ame! nice journal... I have insomnia so I thought I could get a quick look here... btw, keep up the good dreams <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/>
      Back in black!

    23. #48
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      Last night&#39;s dream started off okay, shifted into something wierd, and ended up very sad <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/icon_sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/>

      First, I go to meet Tornado Joe and ITM (and why they appeared I do not know)
      --they come by with their car and I wonder why I&#39;m going with them
      Then I&#39;m at the edge of this golf course, trying to get somewhere (to find TJ?)
      --the corner of the course is flooded
      TJ comes by with his car
      The dream shifts and I&#39;m with this man and his followers
      --IDR what I was doing there
      Suddenly we&#39;re attacked
      A guy comes after me
      I get him on the ground and sit on his back
      He still has a knife and tries to harm me
      --I know that he&#39;s not going to stop
      I stab him
      --he won&#39;t die; doesn&#39;t even cry out
      --I stab him in what I think is his heart
      I think he dies
      I rejoin the others
      I briefly see my sister
      Then I&#39;m watching this heart monitor (which consists of numbers rather than a pulse thingy)
      --the numbers drop to 0, then go up to around 1106 (I think), and descend until it reaches 0 again
      I know she&#39;s dead
      My mom is there and looks sympathetic
      I start to cry and I want to start calling my friends
      I wake up
      *It takes me a minute to realize that it was just a dream

      In another dream, I&#39;m trying to use Talents with some people, but I can&#39;t get them to work. Thinking about it, it reminded me of a couple of dreams I&#39;ve had in the past, but those will remain in my head. (They were G-rated, but I&#39;d still like to keep them to myself)

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    24. #49
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/grin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/> Ha! Another humorous dream to share with you all. I hope you enjoy it! It was a welcome change after two nights of dreaming about imaging computers... that was not worth dreaming. It reminded me of that line from Waking Life: &quot;It's not enough they get your waking life; they get your dreams as well.&quot;

      Well, I don't remember all the details, but I'll see what i can do.

      I'm walking into the pool area and it's a big, big pool and there are tons and tons of people there. As it turns out, there's going to be a new season of &quot;American Idol&quot; and everyone there is trying out. However, that was just the name of the show, but the show was actually more like a popularity contest, kind of like a &quot;Real World&quot; where people are voted off. Secondly, the hosts are the two people from &quot;What Not to Wear.&quot;

      So, I didn't really have any intention of joining the show, but I dive into the pool and for some reason decide to try out. I'm down at the bottom for a while and there are just a bunch of rocks. Then I see some pieces that look like they were broken from clay pigeons. There was something else down there that I picked up, but I don't recall what it was - it was meant to impress the judges. So I surface again (in a stylish fashion <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/> ) and swim up to the judges. I don't remember the conversation, but I was rather likable. I was fairly sure at that point that they were going to pick me.

      Time goes on and eventually another guy is sent over to me, a bigger guy who's also with the show (but I don't recognize him). He asks me a couple of questions and then tells me that I'm in the show. Certain that I'm on camera I get all excited at being picked. (Side note: my sister was also in the dream (the one who died in the last one she was in) and she was trying out but didn't get picked. She didn't say anything, but she looked like she was kind of upset.... I really do love my sister. Why I have these dreams, I don't know.) Anyway, I go over with the other people who were already picked and there are probably 20 of us (all girls, I think). They're all in line so I join them, then trying to be friendly, I ask the girl I'm standing to her name. She answers in what I think is Russian, but it's all garbled and I can't understand a thing. I say &quot;Shto?&quot; (Russian for &quot;what?&quot and she continues to speak, but I'm still getting nothing.

      <span style="color:violet">Then I get this idea and go up to another girl. I tell her, &quot;You know what? I'm probably dreaming right now, but I don't really care!&quot; I have this big grin on my face. I didn't even need to do an RC to tell that I was dreaming. It was just so amusing that I didn't feel like doing anything other than what I was doing! I lost lucidity shortly after that, though. Still haven't figured out how to maintain it <img src="http://www.dreamviews.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle"/> </span>

      Anyway, then the dream proceeded to repeat itself, but it eventually began to change. It still took place at the gigantic pool and the whole crowd of people was there, but I don't remember what the story line turned into. Eventually someone I knew (that I don't recall) turned into this reptile and &quot;I&quot; turned into another reptile (since the view went to 3rd person), and then the dream shifted again. It ended up with me watching some others on these rooftops. One boy is using his slingshot to shoot stuff at a cat that was on another roof. I'm upset and tell him to stop. I woke up, but I don't think he would have listened to me. Poor kitty.

      All in all, very amusing! This is quite long!

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    25. #50
      Join Date
      Jul 2004

      First dream: something about judo and setting up an impromptu tournament

      I&#39;m at a place near the Gorge but not at it
      I&#39;m with a bunch of people
      --I think it&#39;s Creation Fest
      A bunch of people are wearing Christian t-shirts
      Then, Jesus comes back&#33;
      We&#39;re all happy and I notice that the shirts have changed
      --they now praise Him in the present
      I&#39;m delighted
      I want to tell people what&#39;s going on
      I stand next to the highway and raise my arms in praise
      --there are lots of cars driving by
      I briefly see one black car without its headlights on
      --it&#39;s night time nw
      I know they&#39;ve seen me
      I leave and get into one of the church vans I was driving
      I have to pull the key from my purse to roll up my window
      --I feel someone is coming towards me to harm me
      --I manage to pull the key out just in time and I roll up my window
      Then I&#39;m being chased on the highway
      My main brakes don&#39;t work so I use the emergency brakes and pull off to the side
      I drive back to where our camp is and stop the van
      I get out and am shaking and start to cry
      Jesus runs over to me and hugs me as I explain what happened

      I was very touched by this dream and it was one I&#39;d been hoping to have for a while.

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

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