• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #51
      Member TheTimeKeep's Avatar
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      I attempted a WILD for this challenge, I tried the way requiring sleep deprivation lol. Anyways, Ill skip the strange feelings since every has already read about them, but one thing interesting was I had the smilie moving across my screen of vision all over the place, it almost woke me up! Anyways, going into the dream from the start with the intent in mind, I find myself in a field with grass and a few scattered trees. It's over-casty (my favorite kind of weather) and I see a stump in the middle of the field. Before I try to conjure up a deck of cards I figure I'd try some flying. I jump into the air Neo style and come to find this is and island in the shape of a sloppy circle. The most striking thing (and it really shouldnt have been) was that it was a plain as an island. So after that breif moment of flight I hover back down over the stump and feel myself losing lucidity/dreamstate. I try a dreamspin but it doesnt work. Quickly I do an RC by rubbing my hands and-Success! Im back in the dream world. Knowing I'm on some borrowed time I conjure up a deck of cards by waving around a wand I apparently had in my pocket. The deck resembles one my late grandfather had and when I pull a card out the entire deck/card is semi-transparent, it had an outline. I see 3 diamonds going from upper left to lower right but am unable to decipher whether they are red or blue (transparency and all). After fooling around for a little bit (Continent hopping and all that) I finally am awaken by the sunlight in my bedroom.

      Oh, one quick edit. So you get the feel of the area, it was windy and about 60 degrees. The texture of the landscape was pastely, I cant really describe the feeling, yet the colors themselves were very(Yay ) realistic

      Funnest. Dream. Ever
      Last edited by TheTimeKeep; 09-09-2007 at 04:41 AM.
      ~"The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind"

    2. #52
      Member mylucidworld's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by TheTimeKeep View Post
      I attempted a WILD for this challenge, I tried the way requiring sleep deprivation lol. Anyways, Ill skip the strange feelings since every has already read about them, but one thing interesting was I had the smilie moving across my screen of vision all over the place, it almost woke me up! Anyways, going into the dream from the start with the intent in mind, I find myself in a field with grass and a few scattered trees. It's over-casty (my favorite kind of weather) and I see a stump in the middle of the field. Before I try to conjure up a deck of cards I figure I'd try some flying. I jump into the air Neo style and come to find this is and island in the shape of a sloppy circle. The most striking thing (and it really shouldnt have been) was that it was a plain as an island. So after that breif moment of flight I hover back down over the stump and feel myself losing lucidity/dreamstate. I try a dreamspin but it doesnt work. Quickly I do an RC by rubbing my hands and-Success! Im back in the dream world. Knowing I'm on some borrowed time I conjure up a deck of cards by waving around a wand I apparently had in my pocket. The deck resembles one my late grandfather had and when I pull a card out the entire deck/card is semi-transparent, it had an outline. I see 3 diamonds going from upper left to lower right but am unable to decipher whether they are red or blue (transparency and all). After fooling around for a little bit (Continent hopping and all that) I finally am awaken by the sunlight in my bedroom.

      Oh, one quick edit. So you get the feel of the area, it was windy and about 60 degrees. The texture of the landscape was pastely, I cant really describe the feeling, yet the colors themselves were very(Yay ) realistic

      Funnest. Dream. Ever
      Congrats, sounds like you had fun. I have never tried a task of ther month, i might give the basic task a try.

      I'm just going to have to find a pack of cards from somewhere.

    3. #53
      with a "gh" Oneironaught's Avatar
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      In marital bliss. Yup, I got married on Sept 26th, 2009!
      I did the card one last night... kind of: in a non-lucid dream. I know it doesn't count but here's a briefing:

      I was doing a magic show on stage. I had an audience member pick a card - any card - from the deck. My assistant (one of my brothers) collected the deck from the audience as I stepped back stage to plant the card under a mat on the stage.

      When I came back out, I asked a different audience member what the selected card was so I could produce it in an "unexpected manner". He said a card name but it wasn't the card I hid under the mat. Since I was concerned about messing the trick up, I then asked the one who selected the card what the suit and value it was. He, thankfully, answered correctly and the audience confirmed what he said.

      The chosen card was the 3 of clubs.
      Last edited by Oneironaught; 09-10-2007 at 03:39 AM.

    4. #54
      Member Wildman's Avatar
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      Well, I had an LD last night, two actually, and tried the basic task (I forgot what the advanced was....). I basically succeeded, but I didn't do precisely what the task asked for, so hopefully this is still valid! This is kinda long, I don't actually start the task till like the 4th paragraph for those who want to skip. Anyways, here's the copy paste from my journal:

      I start out with a team of 3 other people, at this strange sort of rowing competition, knowing that I have no experience whatsoever in this and that I shouldn't be here. The fact that I'm dreaming doesn't click right away, and I have to go through with the competition. Basically we have to place our inflatable raft on this long pool, get in it, row to the finishing area where we have to jump onto these beams above us and do some weird synchronized moves. The judges then give us a grade. There are 3 runs, one where the raft goes very fast, one where it goes slow, and one where it goes even slower. Apparently, we're not the ones controlling the speed of the raft.

      The first run is a disaster, since I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing and just try to imitate the others. The second run is basically the same thing. I remember the third run a bit more distinctly. We start out trying to get the large raft out of the water, and the captain is yelling at me to help pick it up. At first I think that we're just trying to empty the water out of it, but I realize they want to flip out around completely. We do so, and I realize there's a dry side under it with seats. We get in, and start the run, and still do pretty bad.

      After that, I end up at this sort of locker room, and our team coach is there, extremely pissed off at our performance. There's this fat guy too who's basically criticizing us endlessly. After a bit of reflection, I realize that I would never really be in any rowing competitions like this since I have no experience in it, and realize I'm dreaming. The fat kid is still yelling at us, so I basically tell him to F off and say this is a dream. To make sure I'm fully aware of everything, I try to remember a couple calculus formulas in my head. I then walk out of the room, and onto a large outside terrace, and realize the building I was in was a large log cabin in the mountains. I see a large mountain to my left, past a protective railing. There is also a big tree right next to me, and a pool nearby. The air is fresh, and I see 2 nice looking girls nearby, and we make out for a while.

      I eventually decide to do something a little more productive, and the girls disappear. I think of flying to the mountain, but feel a bit unsure of myself: everything's so realistic that flying seems sort of intimidating, especially that I'm a bit afraid of heights. I try to nonetheless, and jump up into the air. I think I hit one of the tree's branches though, and go back down. I suddenly remember about the lucid task. However, I sort of misread it, and I thought it was just reading a card, not picking it out of a deck. Oh well, hopefully this still counts. There's a bench near the railing, and I turn my back to it. I think to myself that when I turn around there will be a deck of cards there, then think to myself something like: "Why waste time making a full deck if the task is just to look at one card?" (). Anyways, I turn around and look at the card. Everything about it is perfectly clear, but when I look at it there's suddenly two cards side by side. Every time I slightly shift my vision or focus on one to memorize it, another card appears. I concentrate and try again to memorize the cards I see. I remember, from left to right: The two of diamonds, the three of clubs, the three of spades, and the 8 of clubs. Eventually there's like 8 cards, and satisfied at what I've memorized, I look away.

      I try to remember what the advanced task is, but it doesn't come to mind (even after I woke up it took me a while to remember). My brother appears, and I point to a room and tell him: "There's a computer in that room, go check dreamviews and tell me what the advanced task is", to see what would happen. The dream faded out before he came back, though.

    5. #55
      Member DreamHerb's Avatar
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      last night i had one of the most lucid dreams of my life, and i could think about these tasks VERY clearly in the dream.... i rummaged through my drawwrs in my room for a playing card, and i found one, with my idetification on it (picture, name,school ect.)
      Very lucid i could tthink this entire time.

    6. #56
      Dreaming up music skysaw's Avatar
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      Thumbs up

      I completed the water-animal task. Haven't written up my official entry in my journal yet (I'm always behind!) but here's the part that has to do with the task:

      I was very clear on my intention to do the water task. I decided to summon a beach scene in order to have a good supply of water. I started to repeat the words "I need beach... sky... sand... sun!" And the scene slowly started forming. At first it was very cartoonish, but during the first minute or so of the following action, it started to become more and more real.

      The beach was much like an ocean beach, but was obviously of much smaller size, as I could clearly see the shore on the other side, and there were hardly any waves. I waded ankle deep and cupped my hands together to hold a small amount of water. I gently lofted it into the air, and it came back down as a family of small ducks made entirely of water, which quickly swam away.

      I was extremely lucid at this point, and all aspects of cartoonishness had vanished. I began scooping more water, and tossing it gently to the sand, where most of the scoops formed into small animal statues. First a couple more ducks and a tiny swan, then a few dogs. I had attracted a bit of a crowd, and some of them started requesting certain breeds of dogs, most of which I had never heard of. I was satisfied having completed the task, and moved on to other fun things.

      All in all, pretty darned good I think!
      We now return you to our regularly scheduled signature, already in progress.

      My Music
      The Ear Is Always Correct - thoughts on music composition
      What Sky Saw - a lucid dreaming journal

    7. #57
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      Sorry for the delay, all badges given out I think
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    8. #58
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
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      Aquanina's closet
      WOW I am Orange

    9. #59
      lucidity junky derb's Avatar
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      dublin? im gonna say dublin... yeah, definitely dublin.
      ok so heres another of my oh so few success stories...

      its been a few days since i actually had this dream, so sorry if its lacking details.

      i bacame semi lucid in a room, and started looking at my hands making them deformed with my will, like i sometimes do when i am just becoming lucid.
      i cant really remember what the room looked like that much, but it was like a chilled out, americanish bedroom/sitting room. i was sitting there, then became fully concious of the fact that i was dreaming, and got up and looked around. i think there was a man sitting somewhere behind me, but i knew he was just chilling there, so i didnt really care. i remembered the task, and so i went over to a desk, and looked around on it hoping there was a deck of cards, and found one sitting in the drawer. i took one out, and looked at it, and it was a normal 9, with a 9 in the top left, and bottom right corners, but under the nines were all four signs.
      i then drifted away into waking life, having completed what i had come to do.

      after this dream i fell back to sleep, which is part of the reason i cant remember it vary well.

    10. #60
      Member DreamHerb's Avatar
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      today i had an afternoon nap, and i became EXTREMELY lucid again. THis time i found more playing cards, although they were just normal ones..... i found some with 2 numbers on them, and i found blank cards as well.

      I will try the animal one tonight

    11. #61
      Member Serith's Avatar
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      I tried the advanced task this morning, I may have completed it, but it was a long lucid dream, and parts are hazy. The dream was split into several segments, so I'll just type up the relevant one.

      I had been lucid for a while, but the dream was fading, so I tried to move as much as I could, telling myself I would have a false awakening, and when I sat up in my bed, I could tell I was still dreaming. Everything seemed somewhat hazy, so I turned on the light, and when I glanced down at a pile of stuff at the floor, everything became very vivid. I went upstairs into the kitchen, and turned on the water faucet. I mentally diverted the flow of water, so that it would collect in a small sphere in the air, about the size of a baseball. The sphere then hardened into some sort of metal, non shiny, about as flexible as a ball of tin foil. At this point the scene subtly changed without my notice, so that not only was it my kitchen, it was also a forest. In the middle of several trees, I attempt to sculpt the sphere into a bird, but it turns out really badly, about like you'd expect it to look like if you were to take a ball of foil and try to sculpt it into a bird.

      At this point my memory is a little uncertain, but I vaguely remember the scene becoming more like my kitchen, and opening some sort of package. Next thing I remember, I have a lifelike, but non-living fish, which looked like a small pike. Since I still thought I was completing the task, I suspect I made it from the material that the sphere of water became, but it's equally likely that I absentmindedly picked it up from somewhere else. I filled my sink with water, and placed the fish in it. As I tried to bring the fish to life simply by willing it to happen, my vision began to fade out, but as it did, I felt the fish begin to move.

    12. #62
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      I completed the basic task.

      After being lucid for a while and searching for Freddy Cougar just because I wanted to kick his ass...

      "Hmm, what should I do?" Little charector me thought to himself absentmindedly. "Oh, that card thing." I walked over to my new dream desk. I thought of an outline for my deck of cards (I see the outline in my mind, and thus is created in my dream), while moving my hand across my field of vision so that my deck of cards will be solid ater I don't see where it was originally. I pick up the card....and its just a picture. It was just a very large picture, until it split in two. It then turned into like a fact sheet or something. It was talking about Sir ector (good). It was in spanish first, then in english. It said things like "died october 15thb"
      btw, yes that is a b...the spelling was horrible on the card, every other word was mispelled.

    13. #63
      *~*~*~*~*~*~* Sleep Surfer's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by lagunagirl View Post
      sweet, i wanna make a liger!

      I'm new here, but will give this task a shot tonight hopefully.

    14. #64
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      Last night I had an LD where I was in this very strange place. I was on a large platform of rock which seemed to be floating above a lake full of lava. I remembered the task of the month, so I walked over to a dark corner expecting to find a deck of cards. I found a red box with two decks in it. Uno cards? I never found out as I woke up before opening it.

      I managed to chain a few LD's together, and later I was in a kitchen. I looked on a shelf and found a deck of cards. The first one I looked at was nothing special: an ace of diamonds. The diamond was hollow; that idea surely came from this thread. So I grabbed another card hoping for something more interesting. This card had small images of four playing cards on it, the queen of each suit (imagine the four of clubs, but no numbers and where the clubs should be there is a picture of a card). Weird

    15. #65
      Member DreamHerb's Avatar
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      I barely completed the advanced task last night.

      I was in my driveway in dreamworld, and it began to rain around me. after awhile of being in the rain, I became lucid, and aware i was dreaming. The second i became lucid, the water animal task shot into my mind, and excited me so much i almost became non-lucid.

      As i looked around me, i harness the raindrop flow with my mind, and it was very very hard to do. At first only a few water drop were under my control, they i had a sky full of water droplets, moving wherever i wanted.

      It was very hard to shape the water, i wont lie. But eventually i made a small fish.

    16. #66
      Drivel's Advocate Xaqaria's Avatar
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      If you want to skip through, orange=semi-lucid, red=lucid

      The first thing I can remember is driving around in some car that was somehow automated, or possibly sentient. It drove itself and seemed to respond sometimes to voice commands. I was in the car with another person.For some reason we had stopped; I think because The car had been driving without lights on and it was extremely pitch dark outside. Then, I was going to drive the car myself, but I decided to prop the door open and sit and eat something first (there was food in the center console for some reason.)

      Once we wanted to drive, I closed the door but realized that the lights would only go on with the door open, like the dome light in the car but this was effecting the headlights too. The other person in the car suggested the car didn't want the lights on because we were trying to avoid being seen by someone (mafia?) who was coming to find us. At some point I god out of the car and was standing by the trunk and the third (new) person in the car said that they were coming after us because of the bag of expensive clothing he had. He said that he had over $100,000 worth of expensive clothing with him, and I realized that this was true because the pants that were in my hand, that I had been wearing to work (in RL) had a tag that said $100 dollars on them (actually not that expensive, but for me they are. The RL version of these pants were bought at the salvation army)

      The dream at this point made a scene skip and I was now being dropped off by the other people and the sentient car on some suburb street at night and do some sort of business at a house involving the expensive clothing. I went to the house and the people who lived there were people I had known as a child (in the dream) but now they were somehow involved on the otherside of the mafia pants issue. The mother and a son who I had gone to school with but now was a tough mafia thug were arguing when I realized this so I tried to duck out before they noticed that I was on to the set up, but they noticed when I left. I had this big bag of clothes on my back so I was having a hard time running away and the guy came out behind me. I turned and fell backwards and started trying to push myself away from him with my feet. It was really dark out and I couldn't really tell what he was doing but it looked like he was holding a gun.

      At this point I began to be somewhat lucid because I realized that I didn't have a gun, but if I thought I should have one in my pocket then it would be there so I reached in a pulled it out. I shot at him several times and eventually he fell on top of me. He said something like, "You're dead ______. (don't remember my name in the dream. I think it might have been Dinky to tell you the truth; something he probably called me in elementary school)" Then he held his gun to my head and pulled the trigger but it just clicked empty over and over. This made me realize that he was never really going to kill me and was just trying to scare me and I had just gunned him down.

      I think my brain decided that this was too sad of an ending because I became fully lucid for a little bit at this point, but the dream went black. When the dream came back in, I was no longer lucid and he was still chasing me but now we were closer to school age children.

      I ran in to someone's back yard, and around some fence to where their porch was. There were three rottweilers tied up on the porch barking at me but they weren't much older than a year so they were small and impressionable and I got them to quiet down. I could see the path that the guy chasing me (his name was Dewey I think) would have to take to get to this back yard and there was no back way for him to sneak around. When I saw him coming up, I went up on the porch through a gate. The Dogs didn't bark and looked happy to see me, but I went past them in to the house. I was sure to be quiet since I was trespassing and went straight for the front door. Outside, there was now snow on the ground (it had been summer) and it looked like the front of the house was in a bavarian mountain town. This made me completely lucid again and I flew down towards the snowy street.

      There was a pile of snow in the road and I remembered the advanced task for this month so I made the snow melt out flat, and then made it draw back up in to an animal shape. I didn't really have a particular animal in mind and what came out looked like a cartoon dragon without wings. I decided it needed wings so I tried to "pull" some out of its back but they only grew to little flipper size and wouldn't "pull" out any farther. (I say "pull" because I had the sensation of actually grabbing the ice on either side and pulling out the wings like shaping clay and it even lifted the dragon of the ground when I did it but I never really touched it, it was about 15 feet away from me and about 15 feet tall.) The dragon was now flying around on its tiny little wings and breathing icy wind and I said, "okay now make your own creatures." It flew towards a snow drift blowing like the north wind and out popped what looked like a dolphin with a snail's head that hopped around on its back flipper.

      Now that I was lucid and confident, I called to Dewey to come get me, and he yelled back, but then I woke up.

      Heres a five minute MSPaint sketch of the "Ice Dragon"

      And heres a five minute sketch of the "Snow Snail/dolphin"

      And now back to bed.
      Last edited by Xaqaria; 09-13-2007 at 07:20 AM.

    17. #67
      Dreamwalker's Apprentice therpgmaker's Avatar
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      Finally, I had a second LD, and completed the basic task.

      It started with me walking around in a stadium. I was on the main floor, and I walked outside, on a belcony, with stairs leading down to the parking lots. I did a RC, and realized I was dreaming. I tried flying briefly, and then decided to jump off the bacony, and pull up at the last second. It didn't work. Instead, I hit the ground. It didn't hurt, but instead, I felt all tingly where my body collided with the pavement. I got up and remembered the basic task. I asked a bunch of people near me for a deck of cards. I believe it was my brother who handed me a deck. I pulled out a card, hoping that it would be something interesting... And it was the five of kitchens. It didn't really have anything to do with kitchens, other than it said "Kitchens" in the middle. It only had the number 5 on it in the top right corner. In the bottem left corner, there was an egg, and on, I believe it was the top left corner, there was a cartoon eye looking out from the depths of a hole (like when in cartoons, everything is pitch black, except you can see the eyes). I walked down the street with my brother, trying to memorize what was on the card. I then relized that the dream wasn't very clear, so I tried to increase the vividness. Instead, the dream began to fade. I told myself "I might wake up in a FA" so when I woke up, I did an RC, and I was still sleeping. I left my room, and didn't get very far when I woke up for real.
      Lucid Tasks:
      Beat my subconcious senseless with a pointed stick
      Meet Yoda, and get him to teach me the ways of the Force
      Find out what a Strappleberry and a Masafuchi Nut look like


    18. #68
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      I played go fish and drew a 2 of smiley faces.
      PS3 online tag- Racer64X

    19. #69
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      I just had a DILD about 5-10 mins ago and completed the basic task.
      No idea where I was, it was a weird building and I knew the LD was about to end so I found some cards and pulled one out. It wasn't like a normal card, it had "III 24" written across the top and some unreadable stuff along the middle. Like I say it wasn't anything like a normal card.

    20. #70
      Member peppy's Avatar
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      I tried the basic one last night. Although I don't think it counts, I'll post it here anyway.

      I was in some town and the people wanted to put me in jail. They had no reason to do that so they made a wanted poster as an excuse (don't ask). There were guards wearing medieval armor and one showed me the poster. My dad started chasing me and so i started to run away from him. I went through some gate then kept running and doing weird jumps along the way. Suddenly I thought "Hey, I'm dreaming" and I rubbed my hands. I remembered the lucid task of the month so I reached into my pocket for a card. I pulled it out with the back of the card facing me. It was one of those normal red and white patterned cards. As I started to turn it round my dream started falling apart. Everything started to go black and I only saw a white corner and edge of the other side of the card.
      There is no real-life, there is only AFK.

    21. #71
      Member Twoshadows's Avatar
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      I finally did it. It took camping to get me to have a lucid dream this month.

      It's not as long as sometimes, but I'm just glad I got it done.

      I remember that I was walking down the street with two friends, when we suddenly saw a group of children dressed in Halloween costumes going Trick-or-treating. The following thougths went through my mind:

      "Oh my gosh--it's Halloween. How did I not know? Now it's way too late for me to decorate the house or carve pumpkins. This is such a nightmare--it's just like all those dreams I have about it being Halloween and I'm not prepared. If only this were a dream. But this is too real to be a dream. I mean, if this were a dream, I owuld have already started floating by thinking about the possiblity of it being a dream. But I'm not floating...and I can't imagine floating becasue this is too real....But just for fun, maybe I should try floating....."

      And I took off with a big jump and tilted backward until I stopped in a horizontal float on my back.

      That was such a thrill to be able to do that when I was so sure that it was real life.

      The first thing that came to my mind at that point was to do the
      Advanced Task of creating an animal out of water.

      I looked in front of me and saw a drop of water form, floating at about eye level. The drop started to grow until it was a little bigger than a basket ball. At that point I started to see it form into the shape of a cat. It was kind of a blobby cat. The legs and tail were all connected to the body and not separate. It was a bit triangular in shape--kind of like a pyramid. (I need to draw a picture and post it).

      As soon as it was finished, it landed on the ground....and I woke up.

    22. #72
      Master of Logic Achievements:
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      Kromoh's Avatar
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      Some rocky planet with water
      Finally I got lucid again. I had been so stressed lately that I didn't even sleep enough at all.

      A deep-but-failed WILD attempt made me have a DILD. Pretty long dream it was, got lucid at the end... I'm gonna post it all, so if you want to read the part of the task, go straight to the blue part.

      I was at this strange party, and some of my friends were in it. Then an acquaintance told me: "Oh my, Bruno, you are blond!!" (I'm not blond in real life). So I said "Am I?" and continued to walk through that maze of a party. I found a group of girls tha tstarted to flirt with me, and when I asked them if any of them had a cute brother (I'm gay lol), they all laughed.
      I was now getting out of the party, and going home. This part is the best one. I went on jumping between buildings, running a la Le Parkour. It was just great. I finally got at my house, only to have my mother ask me if I had brought the car (what? I have a car???). So I just lied to her, and then went back to get the damned car.
      As soon as I got to the car park, which was side by side with the partying place, I payed the guy responsible for the car park. When I analysed the change, I could see it was fake money. So I went to the bank just by the car park to get someone to arrest the guy. For soem reason my cousins were now with me. I got completely lost in the building: the more I went down, the higher I was. I finally got to the basement, where I asked for help. One of my cousins yelled "No, don't go there!!". Next thing I saw was me getting killed. There was this huge blade which cut me into pieces. Then I raised from the dead and went back to the guy at the car park, being followed by a police agent.
      As soon as I got back at the car park, the guy revealed hsi true form (lol now this is a videogame) He was kind of a demon. Then he hid away. The police officer told me I had to join the 5 people I loved most in order to beat him.
      Joinign the people was a great inner challenge. I didn't know whom to pick. I finally chose my mother, my dad, my sister, my cousin and the person I love. Then I went back to the car park and I got togetherr with the five chosen ones, and suddenly the demon guy was screaming and turning back into a human. Once it was done, the police arrested him. I asked the police if I could have a reward, or at least my change back. He said I couldn't, but then I went into the car park and stole a huge piece of gold.

      Next thing I remember was me at the bank, and I just knew it was a dream. There was this clerk somewhere, and stairs on both sides. And there it was, a fountain. I decided to make the advanced task and make up a wolf out of water. I chose a wolf because it's the animal I like most; it's kind of a totem to me. Anyway, I used my psychic powers to move the water and made a wolf out of it. It just looked dark and mysteriously at me (pretty much like the pokemon Suicune). He seemed to carry a lot of power inside him. Then I told myself "COOL!" and decided to make one out of fire. The fiery one looked more or less the same, but made of living flames. Not late after that the dream ended.

      Coolest lucid task ever. The elemental wolves were just beautiful and meaningful. So dark but friendly a tthe same time. Just like any other wolf

      PS: please forgive any typos
      Last edited by Kromoh; 09-16-2007 at 05:18 PM.

      Saying quantum physics explains cognitive processes is just like saying geology explains jurisprudence.

    23. #73
      * DV Veteran * Achievements:
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      Wow.. I am so envious of those who did the advanced task with the water animals.. they all sound so amazing and beautiful!

      Well I managed to do the basic (find a card) task but it was a major disappointment.

      I have been fighting sinus problems all week but was determined to try to WILD this weekend. I woke up at around 3am and realized that I still had a bit of a sinus headache. I decided taking sinus medication wouldn't hurt anything since it stated that it might cause drowsiness (which wouldn't be a problem as I wanted to go back to sleep anyway).

      I took a couple of pills and went to my living room couch to begin my WILD attempt.

      I was doing some suggestions and after about 30 minutes, I started to relax and then felt the room sort of "warp" and then sway. I suddenly saw my husband standing next to the couch and it "startled" me lucid!

      I found myself in an absolutely filthy house. There was trash on the floor and dirty dishes, etc. on the table and counters.

      I walked towards the kitchen and saw two caged beautiful birds on a counter in the corner.

      It broke my heart to see such beauty living in such squalor and for a second I thought of releasing them but then two scruffy dirty men entered the room deep in conversation and distracted me.

      I suddenly remembered the card task and asked the less intimidating one for a deck of cards. He reached in his shirt pocket and produced a deck.

      The first card I pulled out was completely blank except for the word "ACE" on one side.

      I knew I could do better so I pulled another card. This card was also blank except for the number "2". I said aloud (more to myself than anyone else).. "2 of what?" and the man smiled strangely and said simply "2 of the deck."

      I looked at him thinking that was really helpful and then felt the dream fading.

      It was the most "trippy" feeling lucid I have ever had and I definately won't be taking sinus medication and trying to WILD ever again.

    24. #74
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
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      Aquanina's closet
      WOW that does sound weird Clairity - I am thinking about trying my technique tonight, although have to be up early tomorrow so don't know if I should disturb my sleep - Either way if I do I will be trying the advanced task

    25. #75
      Member Serith's Avatar
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      Since my last attempt at the advanced task didn't work that well, I tried it again this morning, and definately succeeded.

      Before I was lucid, I was wandering around through a city, totally lost, without good clothes, money, or any idea why I was there. I found a store similar to a Goodwill store, that was selling better clothes for very cheap, only a couple cents each, but I wasn't sure I could pay even that. However, in a small cloth bag in the store, I found my wallet, with plenty of money and my ID, and realized that I was dreaming.

      I said to the woman behind the counter at the store, "this is a dream", or something like that. She didn't seem too convinced, so when I left the store, I went through the door without opening it. Outside it was a nice, quiet neighborhood, not at all like the run down city I remember it being before I entered the store. At this point, I remembered the advanced task. There was no water to be seen, so I decided to create some.

      Focusing on the road, I willed a section of it to become a small, circular pool, about five feet in diameter. This was quite disruptive to the dream, causing my vision to fade, and dissapear entirely in my right eye, but after a second it returned, and the pool was there.

      I had decided to create a wolf, and began by trying to mentally lift a large sphere of water from the pool. I succeeded, but it quickly broke up, so I decided to just form the wolf directly from the pool, lifting the water out into the right shape. As I made the water take the right shape, it also gained solidity, texture, and color, starting at the paws, and ending at the tail.

      Once finished, it was as real looking as any normal animal, but it wasn't a wolf, instead it was a yellow, somewhat wolflike dog. The moment it had become completely solid, it began to move, jumped out of the pool, barking, and then ran off to the right. I followed it down the street, but then I woke up.

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