• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2007

      Arrow Angelo's Random Reality

      Well I've recently started to get into Lucid dreaming again and have had some crazy dreams the last couple of nights. I just changed my sleeping schedule Sunday night to core 3:30 am to 7:30 then 30 minute naps through out the day. I've found time and time again that for some reason i can lucid dream alot easier and remember my dreams when i take naps. Well its 2:55 am and i have 30 min to kill so i guess i'll share my recent dreams.

      These dreams may not have the best detail b/c i didnt write them down the next morning.

      Friday - I live on campus at SUNY Buffalo which is 2 hours from my hometown but for reason i had a dream that me and my roommate were having a party and when it was over we went outside for a lil bit. It was dark out and when we were going up the stairs to the deck/porch that is on the side of my house someone flashed a light on me. I was lil freaked out but we went inside. There is a Screen sliding door then a glass sliding door we had left the glass door open and there was just the screen. Then a undetailed man appeared there holding a knife and cut thru the screen door. He then came for me and stabbed me then went for my roommate. Everything after that gets blurry. But then for some reason we are having another party and this girl comes followed my lil step bro's friends which are in like 7th grade so we say were going to have to see some ID. And the girl thinks we are talking to her so she gives me her id and it says she was born in 1955 but she looks like she is at most 20. After that gets blurry again but apperently she had the power to transform her appearence. so then for some reason me and some random guy with super strengh are chasing her and her partner cuz there bad guys i guess. When we catch up my partner easily takes out his guy but then for some reason i forgot what my power was. So i keep asking him and he says i can take other peoples power. I was thinking like peter petreli from heroes but ended up grabbing her and draining like energy/power from her and became stronger and just threw her around. so both bad guys end up lying there on the grand almost dead. But the girl who looks really evil now is lying there twiching almost dead so i get a sludge hammer and slam it on her head and it explodes with blood spraying onto my arms and body. Then i go to see if i have to finish off the other guy but his skull is open with no brain in it. Next thing i know is were in some really big thearte and thats all i can remember.

      wow that story turned out to be pretty long

      Saturday - Well this one is blurry but i remember about to cross the road on mainstreet and theres a suv (caddy escalade looking) coming and i go anyways and i just get drilled by it and as i'm getting hit i'm thinking of all kinds of things. I first think god i would rather die but as i think that i think wait are my hands okay? this is pretty funny cuz i'm big into competitive video games (mlg if anyone knows that). I think to myself if my hands are okay i can just play video games and live off the money from the accident the rest of my life. after i get hit a voice from the sky drops a gun and for some reason 5 condoms. I open all 5 condoms i dont know why lol then grab the gun and shoot myself in the chest and thats all i can remember.

      Sunday - I did alot of reading on the site and looked at alot of tutorials and what not. this was the day that i started my sleep schedule. i didnt end up falling asleep till 430 cuz my roommate kept tossing and turning cuz he couldnt fall asleep. but i slept till 830 and didnt remember my dreams. So i guess technically this would be...

      ...Monday Nap I took my first nap at 12 and became lucid. I cant really remember the dream that much but i was with this girl and i suddenly realized it was a dream and and sex with her (everytime i become lucid i end up having sex... lol) but i would only get like a couple thrusts in then lose lucidity. Then i got it back and... i repeated lol couple of thrusts and lost lucidity. Its pretty hard to remember now but i deff knew i was lucid but i think the heat of the moment made me lose it. Later in a diff dream it was pretty wierd i was like powering down with my computer or something lying on the ground and it powered down i did to. Then i realized i was dreaming and i began to power it back up with me. Cant really remember what happened after that but i did have a false awakening sometime in the whole mix of things when i looked at the clock it said 11:45 but i took the nap at 12 so i realized it was wrong. but after that i did open my eyes to see what time it was. It was really hard to open them cuz i was still in the dream but it ended up being like almost 12:30 and my alarm was about to go off so i turned it off and layed back down and ended up falling back asleep so this actually might have been when i had that lil computer dream instead of earlier. I think thats why everything was so blurry b/c after my lucid instead of getting up and writing it down i went back to sleep.

      Well hope somebody reads this took a while to write lol. But its time to go to sleep. I'll be back on in about 4ish hours to tell you my dreams of my core sleep.

      Sweet Dreams

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      well i cant really remember my dream. I know It had something to do with hypnosis. Hopefully my naps will go better.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      couldnt remember my naps either...


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