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    1. #1
      Member Raijin777's Avatar
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      Aug 2008

      Dreams in trilogies - please help me interpret

      Nightmares for me are starting to be a common thing , bit lately i am starting to get seemingly related dreams in trilogies where I have a dream and few days pass , then another , few days and another. Then a long period of time passes by and get another different trilogy . For now I' m at the second trilogy and it is still not completed.

      First trilogy:

      I am dreaming that I died and went to the other world but i go down to earth again as a spirit ( me not knowing I m dead) and see my relatives and bf but no one sees me and i keep shouting that I m there but no one is seeing me. Then the dream is interrupted by ( I think ) an overlapping one where i see this hooded man running through the woods at night , large full moon . I cant see anything of this man apart his cloak but i Know its satan I feel it . Then I walk down this stair case which leads to a small gate with illegible inscriptions but i could feel it was the gate of hell although it was rather small to what others depict it to be .

      the second dream is of me running next to my school being chased by this big black dog with made eyes and saliva dripping from his mouth with the intent to rip me apart and forces me of all places to hide for safety in a garbage skip!

      The third dream was me and some friends playing a jump to dive game in the water after an other and such but when i dive ( this place is very strange dark and seemingly inside somewhere but its not clear . Like if it was a pool but its not ) I see a lot of satanic symbols and pentagrams and everything . Then me and my boyfriend go to different small bays and diving in each trying t find some treasure but we cant find any. Then we go to this building and go down stairs and meet some of my relatives but i cant identify which i knew they were my relatives . after words we go to this cave with water in the middle where i get the feeling like my grandmother is drowning but its only for a split second.Then me and my bf dive in this water in the cave going down and he is telling me that there is the treasure but I fear we are going to drown in pitch black waters were we see absolutely nothing and then I wake up

    2. #2
      Member Anansi's Avatar
      Join Date
      Oct 2007
      Hi Raijin,

      I wonder if you could be working out some issues with feelings of low self worth in your dream?

      The spiritual aspect of the dream - yourself as a spirit and the biblical/satanic imagery - seems to hint that you are working with your spiritual side. Yourself as the spirit and being unnoticed seems to perhaps reflect a sense in your waking life that the people around you aren't noticing or appreciating you in a positive way or that you feel "invisible" when you are around people. The dog chasing you and forcing you to hide in garbage seems to further illustrate these feelings; you "feel like garbage," as the saying goes. The satanic or hellish imagery seems to suggest that you feel you are bad or unworthy. The moon can often symbolize things hidden or not being what they seem - are you in a relationship or situation that is not good for you and you are trying to hide that from yourself?

      The first two dreams seemed to me to be somewhat of a jumble of emotion working itself out. The third dream is most detailed and seems to contain the clearest "story", so to speak, in it's images. Water is almost always a reflection of your emotional state in dreams and diving or swimming in water generally means that you're trying to plumb those depths. So, what the water is like tells us a lot. These black, frightening waters seem to represent dark and unknown emotions, perhaps ones that have been scaring you. Are they dark because you have been refusing to look at them or shine light into them? Your subsconscious seems to know that you must, hence in the dream you keep leaping into this water, forcing yourself to face the feelings in your heart. The treasure you can't see but know is there and are told is there seems to be happiness or some emotional reward that you need to reach for sorting through all the dark feelings to find this treasure. It's a beautiful symbol.

      I hope that helped and wish you all the best.

    3. #3
      Member Raijin777's Avatar
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      Aug 2008
      thanks it helped somewhat .. nut i still cannot explain why these dream satan is present in everyone , they are in trilogies ..in this arch of time im in the second trilogy and the dreams are always getting worse.

      But anyway thanks so much for the help it is very valid
      The Human habit of trying to understand the world with a limited knowledge of it ...Is Beyong Foolish.
      In this world, there are many things that are beyond comprehension and immagination.
      There are still many unexplained mysteries (Count D in Pet Shop Of Horrors by Matsuri Akino)

    4. #4
      Member Anansi's Avatar
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      Oct 2007
      At a guess from the dream you gave, it seems that your brain takes the same theme and runs through it three times, sort of like repeating an idea to yourself but with more detail on each run-through, as in each segment of the trilogy the same themes appear but with more and stronger symbols.

      Seems to be just the way your subconcious thinks. Like, Hey, I have an idea! Then taking that idea and chewing it over and working it out a few more times. It's a valid way of tackling problems.

      As for satan and satanic imagery, your subconscious pulls up symbols from waking life to get ideas across in dreams. Perhaps it's using imagery that you find frightening to try to scare you into getting a point across. You'd need to examine how you feel about the imagery to get meaning from it.

      As for why the nightmares are getting worse...nightmares usually come from things that are bothering us while we're awake. So if this is a situation that hasn't been resolved, then it seems that your subconscious is going into overtime trying to make you aware of it so that you can address it. What issues are distressing you?


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