hello..I'm here to tell you what happened last night!
I am a little bit dizzy...but this is what happened:

I have to say that yesterday I had fever (37) so I had flu...but a little.
I wake up in the middle of the night...at 5.30......I go to the bathroom and I go back to bed...
I wait a little until I'm enough tired...to begin FILD.
I do FILD for like 45 secs...and then I stop....
In this moment I'm in the bed facing to side, but suddenly I´m lying on my back...Totally conscious....
I do a reality check (plugging nose) and it works! I breath throught it.
but anyways, because i'm a little sick...I don't get too excited or happy...but I know it's a dream.
I'm too tired to do something.To move.
But here comes the nightmarish part.
I feel like it is something bad in the room.
That thing is next to me.
I feel like his hand, black hand, is next to me.
I'm afraid, so I close my eyes.
I don't know what happens next.
It's the only dream that I recalled.
I think that it was my first lucid dream, with a low lucidity level.
I'm happy and sad at the same time.
happy because it was a strange experience.Sad because I can't remember exactly what happened...but anyways...=)
I have to say that when I entered the dream, I felt different, with another level of conscious, like in another place...

Oh well...
Thank you for reading and helping...
I will keep trying...



PD: It took me 1 month to achieve this...
