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    Thread: Amazing Dream Control Technique

    1. #1
      Member GoliathTheWulf's Avatar
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      Lightbulb Amazing Dream Control Technique

      Hello there, everyone! I feel like I haven't been very active on here lately and I decided I want to be more involved. I'm going to start sharing my experiences and discoveries with the community here so you all can (hopefully) benefit from and/or improve them.

      Recently within the past few weeks/months, I've been experimenting here and there with different methods of dream control and maintaining stability. Well, such experimenting has proven to be highly productive and fruitful. My adventures have been endless and quite enjoyable. I've learned a TON from many of you on here and for that, I thank you dearly. Anyway, onto my most recent and important discovery.

      For a long while now I've been having great difficulty dealing with DCs and maintaining general stability and flow of my dreams. Now, I'm not saying I've perfected anything, but I have found that treating certain dreams (dreams which I call "story dreams" or "movie dreams") as movies which you are directing and participating in (as the main character) happens to be by far my most effective method of dream control- and the most exciting!

      Basically, you go through the dream usually semi-lucid or even non-lucid or only slightly lucid. When you come into a flaw in the "storyline" which bothers you, simply act out (realistically- which may or may not take practice) having "messed up" in the "scene." Here's an example from my dream last night:

      The setting takes place (in this scene) in a church within a building. The background of the story is that myself and a group of friends have discovered startling anomalies within our physically-existing reality. What this means is that certain objects and/or environments trigger unnatural responses from other objects and/or environment. For example, when I were to touch my bathroom door (in the dream, of course), as if playing a piano, the piano on the other side of the room would sound according to the way I "played" upon the door. Another one was when I entered said bathroom, I, and this specific group of friends, would hear and feel a strange "whoosh." In the scene preceding the church scene, one of these affected friends asked if we could see her naked, because that's what she could see (it is unknown, though, what exactly "triggered" that anomaly). Other anomalies occurred throughout the dream, but the main plot of the entire "story" was how my character was being affected by the anomalies- psychologically. My character began to lose their sanity because determining the true reality as the anomalies grew more significant became increasingly difficult and nearly impossible. The mere fact alone that reality could never be accurately defined started to drive my character crazy. Anyway, back to the church scene. A ceremony was taking place and my character was given a silver bowl within unknown (not-remembered) contents to carry down the church's red hall carpet. However, when the elaborately-dressed woman handed my character the bowl, she said something inaudible; some anomaly was triggered the second after my character received the somewhat heavy silver bowl. Here's where the "flaw" presented. My character began to sway forwards as everything became blurry and the noise drowned out. The bowl slipped from the hands of my character and they went forwards as though to collapse. Unfortunately, the physics of the dream became unstable at this point and I sort of floated much further than I had planned to fall. Here's what happened when this occurred:

      I laughed as I "broke character" and the other "actors" joined in. "Okay- *laugh* - I think this is a bit too far for the fall. I mean, I'm like, 'Weee!' Hahaha." The "actors" laughed. "Okay, let's run this again. This time, less flying."

      Had I not become distracted with actually being a "director" in a "scene" and taken a "break" off the "set" (wow, lots of quotes here, huh?), the dream would have smoothly re-winded and continued as I preferred.

      This technique- which I shall dub "The Director"- may not appeal to everyone. Basically, I love story-line dreams. I am almost always a character in my dreams and I love to follow the randomly generated plots. When I'm shot or angry, I'm not genuinely hurt or upset- I only choose to follow the logic of the occurrences that take place within the movie-like dream scenes. If I don't like how the story is going, I can tweak it, or even change it entirely.

      Hopefully this has come to some sort of aid for you dreamers out there.

      Stay awesome and thanks for reading! Feedback is much appreciated.

      Sibyline and TheSpiderSilva like this.
      "Truly wonderful the mind of a child is."

    2. #2
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      Daniel Love in this recent book "Are you dreaming?" refers to this type of dream control as reframing. Your example seems quite interesting and one which I never tried. But it promises loads of fun, especially with the results it seems to have in terms of story-line dream content. I normally prefer more specific control, but I shall have a try at this ^^
      GoliathTheWulf likes this.
      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
      MMR (Mental Map Recall)- A whole new way of Recalling and Journaling your dreams
      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

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