I have seen it asked on here a few times andi h ave had the question myself.. Can you continue lucid dreams? So, heres the study. For anyone who can do Lucid dreams regularly (meaning atleast 2 a week) try to continue your lucid dream from the first night on the second night. If possible, try to have the same exact storyline you had the first time with the same people. If not, then there is soemthing simpiler. The first LD do something to someone or with someone. Take someone to a park, get them a present or something like that. The second LD, find that person and ask them if they rememeber you doing whatever you did (also, find out ,in their eyes, how long ago it was that you did that. it would be instesteing if they actually got the time right). it would also be interesting to see if say, you got them a tattoo in the first LD if it is still there in the second.

so, anyways, if your interested there's no signing up or nothing. Just tell us your results and, if you want, how long you been LDing. Thanks