SO last night I had a LD. It was pretty short, but I was taking a tour of some big open building and the tour guide was really hot. We were in a group of like asian tourists but she was explaining to me something. As she was talking I realized that what she was saying made no sense at all. Then I realized it was a dream. I got really excited, but not necessarily panicked. I didn't know what to do next so the first thing that came to mind is to try to kiss the guide. I started to kiss her and we fell. She tried to push me off. Then I started to feel like some force was pulling at me like I didn't belong where I was. It felt like arms around me. I spun around cuz I heard that helps. It did because everything cleared up, but then I felt the pulling sensation and I got tired of fighting it so I let it take me and it felt like I was literally pulled into consciousness. Anyways I was wondering what would be the best way to control this?