Hi guys.
Often when I have dreams in the morning and can sleep in with no alarm, i.e I will have these sort of half awake dreams, my mind is in the dream and i'm following the action like a story but I am also aware that i am in bed, I can feel both my real body in bed and still somehow be experiencing the dream. These are not daydreams, they are in some sense involuntary. I have little control over the events happening, and subconscious knowledge that I am dreaming. It's hard to describe.
Thing is, if someone comes in or the phone rings, etc, I can go right back into the dream if i stay in bed and can get back to it quickly. In that sense I control it, but i never have any desire to change things in it or try to become lucid in that sense.
Are these technically lucid dreams? or even dreams at all? And does the fact that i can 'turn the dream back on' mean I can control it if i remember to try?
Does anyone have this experience?