this post is my first on any forum ever...just a warning. my need to post this is 20% a question i have at the end and 80% me wanting to tell someone about my first WILD because none of my friends care.

so i had my first attempted WILD a few nights ago and after wbtbing i gave up and just tried to fall asleep. then i felt like i was falling and it stopped so i looked at my clock and it read 5:21 i was like poopers then it said 55:21 i was like WEEE I DID IT. so i went off and tried to go into a mirror and failed, so i flew up but there was a ceiling so i walked outside and i couldnt fly. so i say in my head "silly me i forgot my jet pack" and what do i get? a snowboarding boot! WHAT? so ok i can use this to dice.

then i DEILDed back but lost lucidity and did a weird RC. i was pretty sure i was dreaming so i was like i will how far i can throw my little brother? if i have super strength, i am dreaming. so i was lucid again and couldnt summon someone

the next morning i definatly danced in the shower that i WILDed on my first try.

night 2

i try again and give up and try to fall asleep. then i hear a high pitched squeak. so im like ok, this is either beginning of a dream or exploding head. then it got louder and im like ok its exploding head syndrome, dont be afraid it cant do anying. THAT IS THE SCARIEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE. even when i knew what it was, i was terrified. i tried to cover my ears in horror but i was in SP. then i feel vibrations, look up, check clock, and become lucid. but i feel dead tired and i can only open one eye. and the weird thing is i can only open my right eye but i have the vision of only my left. so i get up and try to leave but there is a massive white thing with the texture of my blanket in my way. it took up like 3/4 of the one eyed vision i had. it felt like i was in a picasso rendition on my room where everthing was jacked. so i wake up or so i think. dum dum daaaa

it is a false awakening and i am dead tired. i am so tired i am actually angry i am dreaming and i cant just sleep. so i get up and i cant talk when i try verbal cammands.

so here is the question: i have had many DILDs with good control but with my 2 WILDs i have had huge restrictions, do any of you have advise/have the same problem/just want to give me a virtual high five for my first WILDs?

sorry for the long post i had to tell the story.